THEO 650 Exam 2 Liberty University
- Immanuel Kant’s categorical imperative was an attempt to use reason to discover
- For most people in the western world, human relationships are all that matter—the relationship with God is of secondary or no importance.
- God rested on the seventh day because
- Jesus made himself the central issue, the central matter of concern through his call to people to come to him, and through his “I am. . .” statements and his other claims to deity.
- We cannot understand the Old Testament’s prescribed punishments for idolatry, or for breaking the Sabbath, apart from understanding the centrality of loving God first.
- Kant believed that moral rules are to be tested by
- Gods goodness is opposed to his justice.
- Sabbath observance was common in the ancient Near East, but given new and special meaning in the Ten Commandments.
- Adam and Eve, when they took the fruit, moved from a position of being under God’s judgement to a position of
- The Gospel, in its fullness, including judgment, hell, repentance, and faith in Christ, is offensive to most people.
- The prohibition on graven images in scripture means there must be no art work of any kind in churches.
- Utilitarianism correctly emphasizes that we cannot separate ethical actions from their consequences.
- The goal of utilitarian ethics is
- All rule-based systems of ethics are inherently legalistic and must be avoided by serious Christians.
- John Stuart Mill, a later Utilitarian, has argued that
- The Social Contract idea, propounded by Locke and Mill, has been shown to be an effective foundation for morality and human value.
- “We are captains of our fate—we are masters of our own souls” is
- Idolatry in Israel could be compared to an act of treason, for it threatened the integrity of the nation as well as its destiny in the plan of God.
- The command in Scripture to “have no other gods” before the true God means that we should have no loves, no interests, loyalties or ambitions, other than serving God (no hobbies, no worldly interests at all).
- Evolutionary ethics holds that ethical norms have evolved to help us
- Evolutionary Ethics is sometimes connected to Utilitarianism.
- The biblical prohibition against oath taking means that one should never take an oath in court or swear allegiance to one’s nation.
- The initial affront of the gospel to our postmodern world is
- We live in changing times, when the moral and spiritual landscape is shifting around us. Therefore:
- Since evil is inherent in all human beings, it is unavoidable a part of any culture we create.
- The most hideous form of idolatry is
- Roman Catholic and Eastern orthodox churches have held that images of God, Jesus or the saints are quite legitimate as aids to worship. However
- The foundation for countering the worldly culture we live in every day is
- Two of the most famous men who developed Utilitarian Ethics were
- Write an essay of at least 150 words on “taking the name of the Lord in vain” discussing at least two ways Christians violate this command today. Consider, in your essay, the role of our identification with Christ—the fact that we belong to Him and represent Him—and how this affects the way we should speak in the world. Cite scripture on who we are in Christ, and on being “the body of Christ” as they relate to the matter of speech.