THEO 360 Exam 1

THEO 360 Exam 1 Liberty University

Set 1

  1. The biblical authors who followed Moses in the Old Testament, learned the interpretive perspective that Moses modeled for them.
  2. Systematic theology lies behind the confessions of faith that some denominations have drawn up at certain times in their histories.
  3. The biblical authors were inspired by the Holy Spirit which gave them a level of certainty about their interpretive conclusions that we cannot have about ours.
  4. Historical theology in not interested in the struggles that have taken place in the attempt to establish true theology.
  5. The following is a definition of which term? The process of getting out of a text what it actually says in its original setting.
  6. Studying the Bible is the best way to learn from the bible how to read the Bible as a Christian should.
  7. Biblical authors use interpretive perspective to interpret world history from creation to consummation.
  8. The meaning of the Bible is not settled purely on the basis of our understanding of its inspiration and authority.
  9. Which of the following is NOT one of the problems that Goldsworthy lists as that Christians meet when they read the Old Testament?
  10. The last stage of Exegetical Theology is biblical theology.
  11. Presuppositions assumptions are we make in order to hold some fact to be true.
  12. Theistic humanists believe that a god exists and can be known.
  13. One of the primary biblical aims of biblical theology is to understand and embrace the worldview of the biblical authors.
  14. We must begin biblical theology with Christ and not with the Old Testament.
  15. Pastoral Theology looks for principles which are to be drawn from our knowledge of God and which may be applied validly to various candidates for pastoral care.
  16. To do biblical theology is to think about the whole story of the Bible.
  17. Goldsworthy suggests that the differences in denominational beliefs are going to be solved by biblical theology.
  18. Biblical Theology examines the development of the biblical story from the Old Testament to the New Testament.
  19. Secular humanism assumes that we as human beings are in control of the whole process of gaining knowledge.
  20. Studying the Bible is not the best way to do biblical theology.
  21. Christian theism treats the matter of sin seriously.
  22. Doing theology correctly has nothing to do with being saved.
  23. If we can understand the world of the Bible from the perspective of biblical authors, we can learn a divinely inspired perspective.
  24. Biblical theology allows us to map out the ___________ of the Bible by looking at its message as a whole.
  25. Every Christian by definition knows God, thinks about God and makes statements about God.

Set 2

  1. The meaning of the Bible is not settled purely on the basis of our understanding of its inspiration and authority.
  2. Biblical theology allows us to map out the ___________ of the Bible by looking at its message as a whole.
  3. Christian theism treats the matter of sin seriously.
  4. Every Christian by definition knows God, thinks about God and makes statements about God.
  5. Secular humanism assumes that we as human beings are in control of the whole process of gaining knowledge.
  6. The biblical authors who followed Moses in the Old Testament, learned the interpretive perspective that Moses modeled for them.
  7. Systematic theology lies behind the confessions of faith that some denominations have drawn up at certain times in their histories.
  8. Historical theology in not interested in the struggles that have taken place in the attempt to establish true theology.
  9. We must begin biblical theology with Christ and not with the Old Testament.
  10. The following is a definition of which term? The framework of assumptions and presuppositions, associations and identifications, truths and symbols that are taken for granted as an author or speaker describes the world and the events that take place in it.
  11. Hamilton suggests that we do not need to think about literature as we think about interpreting the Bible.
  12. Theistic humanists believe that a god exists and can be known.
  13. The biblical authors were inspired by the Holy Spirit which gave them a level of certainty about their interpretive conclusions that we cannot have about ours.
  14. Pastoral Theology looks for principles which are to be drawn from our knowledge of God and which may be applied validly to various candidates for pastoral care.
  15. When Jesus saves us, our mind is being restored to its correct function of interpreting all things by God’s Word.
  16. The following is a definition of which term? The process of getting out of a text what it actually says in its original setting.
  17. To do biblical theology is to think about the whole story of the Bible.
  18. The last stage of Exegetical Theology is biblical theology.
  19. Biblical Theology examines the development of the biblical story from the Old Testament to the New Testament.
  20. If we can understand the world of the Bible from the perspective of biblical authors, we can learn a divinely inspired perspective.
  21. Which of the following is NOT one of the distinct operations of exegesis?
  22. Doing theology correctly has nothing to do with being saved.
  23. Which of the following is NOT one of the problems that Goldsworthy lists as that Christians meet when they read the Old Testament?
  24. Studying the Bible is not the best way to do biblical theology.
  25. Biblical authors use interpretive perspective to interpret world history from creation to consummation.

Set 3

  1. The biblical authors who followed Moses in the Old Testament, learned the interpretive perspective that Moses modeled for them.
  2. Systematic theology lies behind the confessions of faith that some denominations have drawn up at certain times in their histories.
  3. The biblical authors were inspired by the Holy Spirit which gave them a level of certainty about their interpretive conclusions that we cannot have about ours.
  4. Historical theology in not interested in the struggles that have taken place in the attempt to establish true theology.
  5. The following is a definition of which term? The process of getting out of a text what it actually says in its original setting.
  6. Studying the Bible is the best way to learn from the bible how to read the Bible as a Christian should.
  7. Biblical authors use interpretive perspective to interpret world history from creation to consummation.
  8. The meaning of the Bible is not settled purely on the basis of our understanding of its inspiration and authority.
  9. Which of the following is NOT one of the problems that Goldsworthy lists as that Christians meet when they read the Old Testament?
  10. The last stage of Exegetical Theology is biblical theology.
  11. Presuppositions assumptions are we make in order to hold some fact to be true.
  12. Theistic humanists believe that a god exists and can be known.
  13. One of the primary biblical aims of biblical theology is to understand and embrace the worldview of the biblical authors.
  14. We must begin biblical theology with Christ and not with the Old Testament.
  15. Pastoral Theology looks for principles which are to be drawn from our knowledge of God and which may be applied validly to various candidates for pastoral care.
  16. To do biblical theology is to think about the whole story of the Bible.
  17. Goldsworthy suggests that the differences in denominational beliefs are going to be solved by biblical theology.
  18. Biblical Theology examines the development of the biblical story from the Old Testament to the New Testament.
  19. Secular humanism assumes that we as human beings are in control of the whole process of gaining knowledge.
  20. Studying the Bible is not the best way to do biblical theology.
  21. Christian theism treats the matter of sin seriously.
  22. Doing theology correctly has nothing to do with being saved.
  23. If we can understand the world of the Bible from the perspective of biblical authors, we can learn a divinely inspired perspective.
  24. Biblical theology allows us to map out the ___________ of the Bible by looking at its message as a whole.
  25. Every Christian by definition knows God, thinks about God and makes statements about God.
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