THEO 104 Quiz Introduction to the Study of Humanity and Sin
- Though we often think about what we want to be when we grow up, we are not nearly as reflective on who we are now.
- From what passage of Scripture do humans ascribe their meaning and purpose in life?
- The Christian idea of vocation (or calling) is born out of the conceptualization of humanity placed within the world. For example, in Genesis 2:15, Adam was given the responsibility of working in and watching over the sacred space God had given him.
- Even though vocations are instituted by God, they are not a relevant platform through which to love others and serve God.
- Unlike the rest of the creation account, human creation was not a divine act.
- What passage of Scripture discusses the creation of man in the image of God?
- What is the goal for humanity in Christian teaching concerning the image of God?
- The image of God was lost at the fall.
- The concept of the image of God in humanity is a theme that stretches across the entire Old Testament only.
- Which of the following is(are) aspects of being made in the image of God?
- Which of the following do Christian theologians believe to be true about humanity’s makeup?
- The most popular word for sin in the Bible is the word, hamartia, which means to “offend God.”
- Which of the following is NOT a reason why humans possess an immaterial aspect?
- The Christian is to accept reductionism and focus strongly on the soul, not the body.
- Though many people downplay the existence of a soul, the arts, which appeal to areas of life greater than biological impulses, are important parts to every culture.
- The New Testament does not arm that the Genesis account of the fall has lasting consequences.
- From birth, mankind has a sin condition that can only be resolved through the grace of God.
- Which passage in the New Testament arms that the sin of Adam has affected all mankind?
- The Bible gives a narrative explaining the beauty and dignity of humanity, but does not address the struggle and ugliness that is all too much a part of the human experience.
- According to Romans 6:1-14, human beings are born as slaves to sin.
- Sin is anything that removes God from his proper place in our lives.
- Which form of sin was specifically common in the Old Testament period?
- Some people have claimed that sin is just a Christian teaching to repress an individual’s expression of what they feel is right to do.
- Which of the following constitutes sin?
- What is temptation?