THEO 104 Quiz 1

THEO 104 Quiz 1

THEO 104 Quiz Introduction to the Study of Theology and the Bible

Set 1

  1. The purpose of studying theology is not just to know more about God, but to learn to love God and love others in the process.
  2. Which of the following is not one of the four types of theology?
  3. Theology does not have a practical application to our lives.
  4. Theology is based upon individual opinions and hypotheses: There is no science to the study of theology.
  5. The Bible is the primary source of material for studying theology.
  6. General revelation by itself provides enough information for a person to be saved.
  7. elevates creation into god by claiming that the only reality is what can be perceived through the five senses.
  8. Jesus is .
  9. What passage of Scripture does the textbook use that describes both general and special revelation?
  10. According to John 14:6, Jesus is the only way to obtain salvation.
  11. The Old Testament is comprised of 39 books written primarily in Hebrew from approximately 1400 BC–400 BC.
  12. The Apocrypha is a group of 14 books recognized as part of the Hebrew Scriptures, but not the Roman Catholic Scriptures.
  13. There is evidence that the canon of the Old Testament was accepted just 100 years after the final book was written.
  14. In reference to Scripture, the term means the “standard” or the “measuring line.”
  15. Inerrancy means that the Bible does not contain any error.
  16. The theory that teaches that God dictated the words of Scripture much like a boss would dictate a letter to a secretary is known as .
  17. Which of the following is not one of the three implications that Millard Erickson considers concerning the inspiration and inerrancy of Scripture.
  18. The Bible affirms the both human authors and a divine author wrote the Bible.
  19. The writing of the Bible incorporates the personality of the human author.
  20. The Conceptual Inspiration Theory argues that only certain parts of the Bible are inspired.
  21. Textual criticism is a field of study that focuses on various aspects of manuscript evidence.
  22. is an example of a thought-for-thought translation of the Bible.
  23. One important consideration with regard to the authority of the Bible has to do with the working of the Holy Spirit.
  24. There are only a few copies of the scriptures that must be considered and compared to each other. Therefore, textual accuracy is not that difficult to determine.
  25. Illumination has to do with how the Holy Spirit assists readers in understanding how the Bible points to the person and work of Jesus.

Set 2

  1. Theology does not have a practical application to our lives.
  2. The study of theology is the study of the self-revelation of God.
  3. The purpose of studying theology is not just to know more about God, but to learn to love God and love others in the process.
  4. Biblical theology is the study of God from the use of reason and revelation of God from his world.
  5. The Bible is the primary source of material for studying theology.
  6. According to John 14:6, Jesus is the only way to obtain salvation.
  7. ___________ elevates creation into god by claiming that the only reality is what can be perceived through the five senses.
  8. _______ is the word that is used to indicate that God is knowable.
  9. Salvation does not require the belief that Jesus Christ is Lord, it only suggests it.
  10. What passage of Scripture does the textbook use that describes both general and special revelation?
  11. There is evidence that the canon of the Old Testament was accepted just 100 years after the final book was written.
  12. The Apocrypha is a group of 14 books recognized as part of the Hebrew Scriptures, but not the Roman Catholic Scriptures.
  13. Which of the following is not one of the “lost gospels”?
  14. The Old Testament Canon is more highly debated than the New Testament Canon.
  15. The New Testament is comprised of 39 books written primarily in Greek from approximately AD 45–AD 100.
  16. ________ is the theological term used for the combination of divine and human authorship of the Bible.
  17. The Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy is one of the most thorough treatments of the doctrine of inerrancy.
  18. God simply dictated the words of Scripture to the human authors without preserving the unique personalities of the authors.
  19. Which of the following is not one of the three implications that Millard Erickson considers concerning the inspiration and inerrancy of Scripture.
  20. The writing of the Bible incorporates the personality of the human author.
  21. The work of the Holy Spirit in the life of the individual believer regarding the interpretation and application of Scripture is known as ________.
  22. One important consideration with regard to the authority of the Bible has to do with the working of the Holy Spirit.
  23. Paraphrase versions of the Bible including the Living Bible are often not considered actual translations of the Bible.
  24. _______ is an example of a thought-for-thought translation of the Bible.
  25. There are only a few copies of the scriptures that must be considered and compared to each other. Therefore, textual accuracy is not that difficult to determine.

Set 3

  1. The word theology come from the words theos meaning ______ and logos, meaning ______.
  2. Theology does not have a practical application to our lives.
  3. Biblical theology is the study of God from the use of reason and revelation of God from his world.
  4. Orthodoxy is the study of right ________, where orthopraxy is the study of right ________.
  5. The purpose of studying theology is not just to know more about God, but to learn to love God and love others in the process.
  6. General revelation by itself provides enough information for a person to be saved.
  7. Jesus is __________.
  8. Salvation does not require the belief that Jesus Christ is Lord, it only suggests it.
  9. _______ is the word that is used to indicate that God is knowable.
  10. General Revelation, also known as Natural Revelation, is available to all and does not require a special event or special individual to receive that revelation.
  11. Which of the following is not one of the three main criteria used for determining the New Testament canon?
  12. Inerrancy means that the Bible does not contain any error.
  13. The New Testament is comprised of 39 books written primarily in Greek from approximately AD 45–AD 100.
  14. The Old Testament is comprised of 39 books written primarily in Hebrew from approximately 1400 BC–400 BC.
  15. The earliest council to recognize the canon of the New Testament was the Council of Carthage in 397.
  16. The writing of the Bible incorporates the personality of the human author.
  17. God simply dictated the words of Scripture to the human authors without preserving the unique personalities of the authors.
  18. ________ is the theological term used for the combination of divine and human authorship of the Bible.
  19. The Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy is one of the most thorough treatments of the doctrine of inerrancy.
  20. In The New Testament, the authors themselves never personally claim to have the help of the Holy Spirit.
  21. The work of the Holy Spirit in the life of the individual believer regarding the interpretation and application of Scripture is known as ________.
  22. There are only a few copies of the scriptures that must be considered and compared to each other. Therefore, textual accuracy is not that difficult to determine.
  23. The Bible itself has never really faced extreme persecution.
  24. _______ is an example of a thought-for-thought translation of the Bible.
  25. General revelation is not enough to bring someone to salvation.

Set 4

  1. Biblical theology is the study of God from the use of reason and revelation of God from his world.
  2. Orthodoxy is the study of right ________, where orthopraxy is the study of right
  3. Which of the following is not one of the four types of theology?
  4. There are ___ divisions of theology?
  5. The study of theology is essentially a study of what?
  6. Jesus is
  7. General revelation by itself provides enough information for a person to be saved.
  8. is (are) an example of general revelation.
  9. General revelation is the revelation of God to specific people at specific times.
  10. According to John 14:6, Jesus is the only way to obtain salvation.
  11. The Old Testament is comprised of 27 books written primarily in Hebrew from approximately 1400 BC–400 BC.
  12. The Bible is made up of a total of ________ books.
  13. The earliest council to recognize the canon of the New Testament was the Council of Carthage in 397.
  14. The New Testament is comprised of 39 books written primarily in Greek from approximately AD 45– AD 100.
  15. Which of the following is not one of the five main sections of the New Testament discussed in the textbook?
  16. The Bible affirms the both human authors and a divine author wrote the Bible.
  17. The Chicago Statement of Inerrancy is one of the most thorough treatments of the doctrine of inerrancy.
  18. is the theological term used for the combination of divine and human authorship of the Bible.
  19. Inerrancy is not used specifically of the Bible, but refers to the Bible as “with error.”
  20. Match the following with their definition.
  21. There are only a view copies of the scriptures that must be considered and compared to each other. Therefore, textual accuracy is not that difficult to determine.
  22. Textual criticism is a field of study that focuses on various aspects of manuscript evidence.
  23. Thought-for-thought translations of the Bible, also known as formal translations, often have issues with the word order due to the nature of the original language.
  24. The Bible itself has never really faced extreme persecution.
  25. Examples of word-for-word translations include:
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