SOWK 435 Midterm
SOWK 435 Quiz Midterm
- In the early 1980’s, service members could be treated for illegal drug use under which program?
- What is the purpose of SAPRO?
- True or False: The DoD has preferred that social workers have two years of postgraduate experience and/or a license to practice independent clinical social work before serving in the armed forces.
- During which operation were social workers first deployed to a combat zone?
- True or False: The National Committee for Mental Hygiene was one of the mayor organizations responsible for the establishment of a social work branch in the U.S. Army.
- It is hypothesized that __________may impact a veteran’s ability to successfully transition into the civilian world and may influence his or her ability to develop rapport in the therapeutic relationship (especially if the client’s identity clashes with that of the civilian therapist).
- Which of the following is typically the most salient difference between civilian culture and military culture?
- True or False: Military culture provides a purpose which is to support the mission through loyalty, obedience, and honor.
- The metaphor “fortress” describes which of the following?
- True or False: Achieving true cultural competence involves a practitioner’s ability to grasp the “broad worldviews of the cultural group” while examining the “individual expression of these views.”
- The traditional rationale(s) for maintaining women out of the active fighting units include(s) which of the following?
- True or False: Military academies do not admit women candidates due to their emotion-based characteristics.
- The shortage of women in top leadership positions in the military has been hypothesized to be due to which of the following?
- Self-control and stoicism are some of the stereotypical masculine qualities that women demonstrate in the military in order to mostly gain what?
- Which of the following statements is NOT true about PTSD?
- Which of the following statements is/are true about contemporary theories or models of PTSD?
- As defined in the DSV-IV-TR, PTSD typically develops following exposure to an occurrence that is threatening or is perceived to be threatening to the well- being of oneself or another person, where symptoms are grouped into which of the following clusters?
- PTSD was first formally recognized as a specific syndrome etiologically linked to traumatic events with veterans of:
- PTSD is unique among psychiatric diagnoses because of the great importance placed upon what?
- True or False: The two major strategies to treat PTSD in patients or clients are prolonged exposure therapy (PET) and trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapies, including cognitive processing therapy (CPT).
- Cognitive processing therapy (CPT) is a form of cognitive behavioral therapy that can be used by clinicians to treat PTSD. The primary goal of cognitive processing therapy is to:
- Oftentimes PTSD can be manifested in nightmares and the images are reexperienced when the individual is awake. These intrusive symptoms are characteristically very vivid and may contain which of the following?
- True or False: The increase of amygdalae activity in the brain is a hallmark of strong emotional responses and traumatic memory retrieval in PTSD patients.
- True or False: Imaginal exposure entails engaging mentally with the fear structure through repeatedly revisiting the traumatic event in a safe environment.
- Which of the following statements is/are true about VRE treatment?
- Which of the following statements is/are an advantage of virtual reality exposure (VRE) therapy?
- True or False: Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a chronic condition that occurs in a significant majority of persons who experience life-threatening traumatic events.
- Which of the following statements is NOT true about VRE treatment?
- Which of the following statements is/are true regarding gaba-aminobutyric acid?
- Which of the following statements is/are true about what clinical social workers should know about pharmacology when treating military service personnel or veterans?
- Which of the following SSRI antidepressants has/have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration for pharmacologic treatment of PTSD?
- Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding medications for PTSD?
- Which of the following statements is/are true about the history of U.S. military families?
- Which of the following statements is NOT true about the ABC-X model of military family stress?
- Which of the following statements is/are true about the history of U.S. military families?
- Prior to the enactment of the Education for All Handicapped Children Act (PL 94-142), which branch of service introduced the Children Have a Potential (CHAP) program to support families of children with disabilities?
- What occurred with the end of conscription and the advent of the all- volunteer military force?
- True or False: Today, across all service branches, more than half of personnel are married, and 40 percent have children.
- Which of the following statements is true about the predeployment stage in the cycle of deployment?
- Which of the following statements is true about the deployment stage in the cycle of deployment?
- Which of the following statements is/are true about the postdeployment (reintegration) stage in the cycle of deployment?
- In the Global War on Terror, National Guard and Reserve service members tend to experience the following during postdeployment:
- True or False: The term transmigrants refers to the concept of non-U.S. citizens serving in the U.S. military.
- In the Global War on Terror, National Guard and Reserve service members:
- True or False: Upon deployment, Reserve component (RC) service members leave families who may not have had any exposure to military culture.
- The concept “dual citizen” refers to which of the following?
- True or False: Thirty-five percent of active duty male soldiers and 58% of active duty female soldiers reported childhood abuses.
- True or False: Stigma no longer remains a negative force that prevents many at-risk service members and their partners from seeking and engaging in necessary social services.
- Which of the following statements are true regarding contemporary attachment theory?
- Military couples and families are challenged not only by the physical separation associated with deployment; they are also challenged by