RLGN 360 Quiz 1 Liberty University
Set 1
- The rationale should be brief.
- Which of the following is not suggested as a means of capturing life’s illustrations?
- The resources ____________ the rationale and make it interesting.
- Use the introduction to state your rationale clearly and leave your audience eager for more.
- The interrogative response is a prepositional phrase containing a ____________ word.
- One objective of the opening is to establish connection with the audience.
- Sometimes the attention-getter and the introduction are contained in the same phrase.
- Which of the following is not listed as a quality that makes for a good opening?
- __________ are the treasured currency of communication.
- Some concepts and words are easy to think and almost impossible to say.
- Which of the following is not a quality of a good conclusion?
- The rationale are more commonly known as the ___________ of the talk, and should lead the listener to the objective.
- The subject and central theme will represent what the speaker wants to ____________.
- The object pinpoints the _____________ of the talk.
- According to Davis, the credibility of your message or talk rests on the
- According to Davis, you must make the audience understand why you want to talk to them and make them believe that it is worth their time.
- Resources should make the audience want to
- The attention-getter is an important part of the opening because it lets you establish contact and take control.
- It is not necessary for the rationale to correspond with the key word.
- One kind of proposition that can be used in the construction of an objective sentence is a(n) ____________ proposition.
- The evaluation gives the speaker the opportunity to assess the talk’s effectiveness in reaching the ___________.
- The first guideline for choosing a subject is that the subject should meet a specific need of the audience or be of ____________to the audience.
- One kind of proposition that can be used in the construction of an objective sentence is a(n) _____________ proposition.
- The rationale should be parallel in grammatical form.
- An apology is an acceptable option for a good opening.
Set 2
- Which of the following is not an evaluative question listed by Ken Davis in Secretes of Dynamic Communication?
- The ______________ expresses the purpose of the message, not its actual content.
- Communication always takes into consideration the audience and the immediate environment.
- Enabling propositions are always interrogated with the word
- The first guideline for choosing a subject is that the subject should meet a specific need of the audience or be of ____________to the audience.
- It is not important to estimate how much time you will need to spend on each element in the outline.
- One kind of proposition that can be used in the construction of an objective sentence is a(n) ____________ proposition.
- The rationale should be brief.
- One objective of the opening is to establish connection with the audience.
- The evaluation gives the speaker the opportunity to assess the talk’s ___________ in reaching the objective.
- Which of the following is not listed as a quality that makes for a good opening?
- Occasionally an illustration may be so emotionally charged that it distracts from the focus.
- The subject must be within the bounds of your ____________.
- A resource should be considered an end unto itself.
- Practicing out loud will not help you identify areas where you may stumble. Thus, you ought to construct a full manuscript of your message.
- The purpose of the conclusion is to give opportunity for response or application.
- Persuasive propositions are always interrogated with the word
- Some concepts and words are easy to think and almost impossible to say.
- The SCORRE process serves as a scope to force the speaker to focus on a single objective.
- According to Davis, when a presentation is actually delivered it will take 10 to 20 percent longer than thought.
- Resources should make the audience want to
- According to Davis, you must make the audience understand why you want to talk to them and make them believe that it is worth their time.
- Action verbs serve as the key word in each objective statement.
- The first guideline for choosing a subject is that the subject should meet a specific _________ of the audience or be of interest to the audience.
- An apology is an acceptable option for a good opening.