RLGN 210 Quiz 3

RLGN 210 Quiz 3 The Work of the Gospel

Covers the Learn material from Module 3: Week 3.

  1. The main way to avoid moralistic preaching is to be sure that you always preach Jesus as the ultimate point and message of every text.
  2. One way that the gospel becomes applied to people’s hearts in a church is through the most basic and informal means possible— what the older writers simply called “conversation.”
  3. Keller believes that law obedience is the result of…
  4. Keller argues that a rediscovery of the gospel is necessary because the gospel emphasis on grace could be lost in several ways. What are these ways?
  5. How does Keller feel about the role of innovation or creativity relative to gospel renewal?
  6. Keller recommends fostering gospel renewal dynamics by injecting an experiential element into a church’s small group ministry or even to form several groups just dedicated to it.
  7. Some parts of the Bible are “better” for gospel preaching than others.
  8. How does Keller perceive the relationship between human effort and revival?
  9. Keller identifies “extraordinary prayer” as an instrumental cause of revival. How does he describe extraordinary prayer?
  10. According to Keller, in every instance in Scripture, which class of people connects more readily to Jesus?
  11. Keller states that “there are, in the end, only two questions to ask as we read the Bible.” What are these questions?
  12. Those who approach religion moralistically do good deeds not for God’s sake or for goodness’ sake, but for their own sake. Their behavior is being changed by the power of their own self- interest, and can never be acceptable to God.
  13. Without the power of the Spirit, our hearts don’t really believe in God’s delight or grace, so they operate in their default mode. But the truths of the gospel, brought home by the Spirit, slowly but surely help us grasp in a new way how safe and secure, how loved, and how accepted we are in Christ.
  14. In this chapter, Keller references a particular preacher, whose methodology of preaching two times a day, in the morning and the evening, was very influential to him. Who was this famous preacher?
  15. Moralistic behavior change bends a person into a different pattern through fear of consequences rather than melting a person into a new shape.
  16. What does Keller believe is the ultimate source of revival?
  17. The gospel frees us from having to do the right thing, by providing us with Christ’s righteousness instead. We are therefore free to live any kind of life we wish, and are confident that God will accept us anyway.
  18. Behavioral compliance to rules without heart change will be superficial and fleeting. The purpose of preaching, pastoring, counseling, instructing, and discipling is, therefore, to show people these practical implications of faith in the gospel.
  19. Keller indicates that there are actually two ways of rejecting God. What are these two ways?
  20. When Christians realize they did not save themselves but were rescued from spiritual poverty, it naturally changers their attitude toward people who are in economic and physical poverty, leading them to be less inclined to help the poor, since the poor should rely on God instead of money.

RLGN 210 Quiz 3 Liberty University


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