RLGN 210 Quiz 1

RLGN 210 Quiz 1 Gospel Foundations

  1. Keller discourages reading the Bible in light of “intercanonical themes,” which, he says, impose a foreign interpretive framework over the text, and reduce its authenticity.
  2. According to the Kingdom theme in Scripture, Christ’s liberating rule has already fully arrived on earth, beginning at the Incarnation.
  3. How does Keller respond to the popular saying, “Preach the gospel; use words if necessary?”
  4. How does Keller describe the relationship between gospel belief and good works?
  5. The Covenant theme in Scripture raises and answers questions like: how can God be both faithful to His law and faithful to those who break His law?
  6. What does Keller identify as the root of all human problems, which the gospel claims to set right?
  7. How does the Systematic-Theological Method (STM) present scripture?
  8. Because the canon is closed, the gospel has no versatility to address the particular hopes, fears, and idols of every culture and person, but rather speaks to only one particular context.
  9. How do the different biblical themes that Keller identifies relate to each other?
  10. Keller describes how the gospel points to Jesus Christ as the One Who will “put things right” again. What are the three ways or stages by which Christ accomplishes this?
  11. The synchronic approach to the Bible reads the text along its narrative arc, or redemptive history.
  12. There is no ultimate reason why the diachronic and synchronic approaches should contradict one another, and using both approaches helps do justice to the fact that the Bible is both unmistakably divine, and providentially human
  13. John and the Synoptic writers reveal complementary aspects of the gospel stressing both the individual and corporate dimensions of our salvation.
  14. Which illustration does Keller use to describe our need for the gospel?
  15. Keller identifies two “terrible consequences” of sin. What are these?
  16. All human problems are ultimately symptoms, and our separation from God is the cause.
  17. How does Keller answer the question: “Are covenant blessings of God conditional or unconditional?”
  18. What are the two equal and opposite enemies of the gospel that Keller identifies?
  19. According to Keller, the Covenant Fulfillment theme in Scripture shows us what?
  20. The gospel is not everything we believe, do, or say, but it should inform everything we believe, do, or say.

RLGN 210 Quiz 1 Liberty University

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