PSYC 365 Quiz 1 Liberty University
- Which one of the following statements provides the most credible explanation for the fact that human beings seem to surpass all other animal species in their thinking and learning capacities?
- Theories are advantageous in several ways. Three of the following describe advantages of learning theories. Which one does not?
- Three of the following illustrate various ways that learning might be reflected in a person’s behavior. Which one of the following changes does not necessarily reflect learning?
- Which one of the following statements is most accurate regarding theories of learning?
- Human beings undoubtedly learn more during the course of a lifetime than any other species on earth. The major result of this capacity to learn is that:
- A principle of learning can best be characterized as:
- A theory of learning can best be characterized as:
- Which one of the following best describes mirror neurons?
- During the elementary and secondary school years, much of the brain’s development occurs in regions of the brain that are largely responsible for:
- Given what psychologists believe to be true about how information is typically stored in the brain, how is the concept dog probably represented in your brain?
- Given how the left and right hemispheres of the brain typically specialize, which one of the following activities would be most heavily dependent on the right hemisphere?
- Which one of the following best exemplifies experience-expectant plasticity?
- Which one of the following best describes the growth of neurons during the prenatal period?
- In which one of the following situations should we be most concerned about missing a critical period in a person’s development?
- As children grow older, many of their neurons begin to transmit messages more rapidly than they did in the early years of life, thanks to: