PSYC 101 Quiz 2 The Biology of Behavior

PSYC 101 Quiz 2: The Biology of Behavior

  1. Hormone-producing sex glands are called _____.
  2. are drugs that speed up bodily functions, whereas _____ are drugs that slow down bodily functions.
  3. Neurons can carry impulses at speeds of nearly ___ per hour.
  4. glands are situated at the top of the kidneys, involved in releasing hormones at times of stress.
  5. system of is composed of glands secreting hormones whose functioning affects things such as growth, maturation, behavior, and emotion.
  6. Awareness of one’s personal identity is ______.
  7. A neurotransmitter, the bulk of which is found in the gut, where it regulates intestinal activity.
  8. Random brain activity is also called _____.
  9. _______ is defined as the ability to change.
  10. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a disorder marked by excessive general activity for a child’s age, attention problems, high impulsivity, and low frustration tolerance. This may be linked to _____ levels.
  11. Evolution is defined (in the text) as _____.
  12. A neurotransmitter linked with arousal, memory, and learning.
  13. The _____ system is the electrical and chemical communication system within our bodies.
  14. The stage of sleep is which does most dreaming occurs.
  15. A central nervous system disease characterized by tremors, slow movement, and other symptoms; associated with low dopamine levels in the brain.
  16. Finish the quote by Albert Einstein, “Science without religion is lame, ______.
  17. Serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, and acetylcholine are examples of _____.
  18. plays a key role in the functioning of neurons associated with pleasure and reinforcement.
  19. are chemicals that have a pronounced effect on growth, maturation, behavior, and emotions and that are produced by endocrine glands and secreted directly into the bloodstream.
  20. Psychology deals with how we perceive and understand the _____ and _____ is fundamental to the psychological study of perception.
  21. The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis maintains_______
  22. The ______ regulates physiological functions such as respiration, heart rate, temperature, and digestion and includes the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems.
  23. One neuron can communicate with another neuron by sending little chemical messengers called
  24. Norepinephrine _____ blood pressure and triggers the release of ____ from energy stores.
  25. A small endocrine gland found as a protrusion off the hypothalamus.
  26. A totally secular view of origins simultaneously subsumes a view of _____.
  27. Which of the following are physical stimuli?
  28. Nerves are made up of bundles of ____.
  29. A chemical substance that has the ability to alter perception, mood, behavior, and/or physiological function.
  30. Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter involved in the largely unconscious functioning of the ______ nervous system, concerned with functions such as ____ and respiration rates.
  31. is a term used to describe the mechanism-of-action of drugs and their corresponding effects.
  32. A state of being characterized by the compulsive desire to have a substance, such as a drug, in order to feel “normal” and postpone the effects of withdrawal.
  33. Somatic system is part of the peripheral nervous system concerned with _____ and
  34. The Sympathetic nervous system, part of the autonomic nervous system, instigates the physiological responses that accompany _____ behavior.
  35. ____ are the building blocks of the brain and are divided into __ categories.
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