PHSC 210 Quiz 6

PHSC 210 Quiz 6 Liberty University

PHSC 210 Quiz: Glaciers, Deserts, Oceans, and Coastlines

Module 6: Week 6

  1. The Ice Age was predominantly caused by a combination of volcanic aerosols, high precipitation rates and
  2. Most sand dunes are made up of the mineral
  3. Which coast of North America is characterized by the tidal pattern shown below?
  4. The types of glaciers that predominated during the ice age were
  5. Which current is found within the Gulf of Mexico?
  6. Which of the following is NOT a depositional feature of the shore?
  7. All of these features except _____ are typically produced by alpine glaciation
  8. Sea levels are predicted to rise between ____________ over the next 100 years.
  9. The Coconino Sandstone consists of
  10. A sinuous ridge of fairly well-sorted sand and gravel produced in a glacial setting is called a(n)
  11. The depth at which waves no longer affect water below the surface is called
  12. Small horseshoe-like sand dunes are referred to as
  13. An isolated mountain in a desert is usually referred to as a(n)
  14. The lowest point of a wave is called the
  15. Which type of hard stabilization structure is built perpendicular to the shoreline to sand movement along the shore?
  16. The furthest advance of the continental ice sheets during the Ice Age are marked by
  17. All of these features except _____ are typically produced by continental glaciation
  18. The largest collection of sand dunes in the western hemisphere can be found in the state of
  19. The Bay of Fundy is home to the largest tidal ranges on Earth.
  20. The greatest accumulation of dune sand in the western hemisphere is in Nebraska.
  21. Sand grains in the Coconino Sandstone are both well-rounded and well-sorted.
  22. Many features of the Coconino Sandstone suggest that it represents fossil desert sand dunes.
  23. A deposit of rock, sand and gravel formed at the terminus of the glacial ice is called the end moraine.
  24. Icebergs form when ocean water freezes and then is broken into large blocks.
  25. It would be expected that states surrounding the Great Lakes would have numerous kettle lakes, ground moraine and glacial erratics.

Set 1

  1. A coastline characterized by estuaries (such as the Chesapeake Bay) is termed:
  2. A national park in the United States famous for its many alpine glacial features is
  3. This book of the Bible contains more references to snow, cold and ice than any other is
  4. Which of the following is NOT TRUE of a wave as it approaches a shoreline?
  5. The furthest advance of the continental ice sheets during the Ice Age are marked by
  6. What would be expected along the edges of an alpine glacier?
  7. During the Ice Age
  8. This type of glacier now covers most of the land area of the island of Greenland
  9. A landform that resembles a flat-topped “table” in a desert setting is referred to as a(n)
  10. The types of glaciers that predominated during the ice age were
  11. All of these features except are typically produced by alpine glaciation
  12. Which of the following is NOT one of the factors that affects the size and speed of a wave?
  13. In the North Atlantic gyre, which current travels along the western coasts of Europe and Africa?
  14. The smallest difference in tidal range is seen during which phase of the tidal cycle?
  15. The term describing the large-scale, deep-ocean circulation of the world oceans is called:
  16. A sinuous ridge of fairly well-sorted sand and gravel produced in a glacial setting is called a(n)
  17. A lake formed when a block of glacial ice is left behind in ground moraine is called a(n)
  18. The Coconino Sandstone was likely deposited as
  19. A deposit of rock, sand and gravel formed at the terminus of the glacial ice is called the end moraine.
  20. Icebergs form when ocean water freezes and then is broken ito large blocks.
  21. Ice caps can produce valley glaciers.
  22. Large percentages of deserts are usually covered with sand dunes.
  23. Cross-beds in the Coconino Sandstone have an angle of about 30°.
  24. The Bay of Fundy is home to the largest tidal ranges on Earth.
  25. Ice sheets are the largest type of glacier.

Set 2

  1. Which of the following is NOT a depositional feature of the shore?
  2. During the Ice Age
  3. When thick accumulations of glacial ice melt along a coastline (like in Maine or Norway), relative sea level will _____ due to isostatic rebound of the land
  4. The Coconino Sandstone was likely deposited as
  5. This book of the Bible contains more references to snow, cold and ice than any other is
  6. Combined, glaciers and deserts cover approximately what percentage of the earth’s land surface?
  7. A landform that resembles a flat-topped “table” in a desert setting is referred to as a(n)
  8. The smallest difference in tidal range is seen during which phase of the tidal cycle?
  9. Most sand dunes are made up of the mineral
  10. In the North Atlantic gyre, which current travels along the western coasts of Europe and Africa?
  11. A wave with a wavelength of 10 meters breaks (creates surf) at what depth?
  12. The types of glaciers that predominated during the ice age were
  13. If you watch a rock embedded in the surface of a retreating valley glacier, over time the rock will
  14. A national park in the United States famous for its many alpine glacial features is
  15. What is the wave base for an open-ocean wave with a wavelength of 80 meters?
  16. All of these features except _____ are typically produced by alpine glaciation
  17. Which coast of North America is characterized by the tidal pattern shown below?
  18. This type of glacier now covers most of the land area of the island of Greenland
  19. The terminus moves upslope in a retreating glacier.
  20. Many barchan dunes can be found along the eastern shores of Lake Michigan.
  21. Wind blows parallel to the crests of longitudinal dunes.
  22. The angle of repose in sand is about 20°.
  23. Pediments are triangular-shaped features found at the bases of mountains in deserts.
  24. A sea stack is a shoreline depositional feature.
  25. Storm waves are not deep enough to mix sediment in the offshore region.
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