Continue reading EDUC 415 Quiz Problem Solving

EDUC 415 Quiz Problem Solving

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EDUC 415 Quiz: Problem Solving and Critical Thinking Covers the Textbook material from Module 3: Week 3. A possible way to directly assess the ability to ask and answer challenging questions is by observing a student during his/her presentation and during someone else’s presentation. Students should be assessed by requiring them to reproduce what was…

Continue reading EDUC 415 Quiz Planning

EDUC 415 Quiz Planning

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EDUC 415 Quiz: Planning and Using Assessments for Diagnostic Purposes Covers the Textbook material from Module 1: Week 1. Which of the following measures is most likely to be used for RTI progress monitoring in an elementary mathematics class? One sound reason for keeping the length of an assessment procedure short is that the reliability…

Continue reading EDLC 606 Quiz Final

EDLC 606 Quiz Final

Price: $3.99

EDLC 606 Quiz Comprehensive Final Increased use of portfolio and performance assessment techniques in the schools has been suggested to: The major distinction between testing and assessment is that assessment is a process that is: Under NCLB, “adequate yearly progress” for a school is measured by the success of which group? In high-stakes testing, alignment…

Continue reading CLED 845 Team Dynamics Paper

CLED 845 Team Dynamics Paper

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CLED 845 Team Dynamics in Ministry Paper Assignment The student will write a 4,000–5,000-word research-based paper in current APA format that focuses on the biblical and theological understanding and practice of team leadership within various ministry environments. The paper must include at least 20 literature citations within the paper (the student must additionally cite at…

Continue reading EDUC 740 Ethical Analysis Paper

EDUC 740 Ethical Analysis Paper

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EDUC 740 Ethical Analysis Paper The candidate will make observations of ethical decision-making practices or situations in his/her workplace, recording those observations with specific days and times. Observations must take place over a period of 1 week. After the 1-week period, the candidate will write a 5–6 page paper summarizing and analyzing the various ethical…

Continue reading EDUC 210 Case Study Brittany and Marco

EDUC 210 Case Study Brittany and Marco

Price: $2.99

EDUC 210 Case Study: Brittany and Marco Assignment Instructions OVERVIEW This Case Study: Brittany and Marco Assignment is to recognize issues that arise in early childhood classrooms and use available scholarly sources to understand and react in a positive manner that will positively benefit the students. Scenario: Brittany and Marco are three-year-old students in a…

Continue reading EDUC 210 Case Study Latonya

EDUC 210 Case Study Latonya

Price: $2.99

EDUC 210 Case Study: LATONYA ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW This assignment is to recognize issues that arise in early childhood classrooms and use available scholarly sources to understand and react in a positive manner that will positively benefit the children. INSTRUCTIONS Scenario : LaTonya is a five-year-old in her last year of preschool before going to…

Continue reading EDUC 210 Case Study Trevor

EDUC 210 Case Study Trevor

Price: $2.99

EDUC 210 Case Study: Trevor Assignment Instructions: This Case Study: Trevor Assignment is to recognize issues that arise in early childhood classrooms and use available scholarly sources to understand and react in a positive manner that will positively benefit the children. INSTRUCTIONSScenario:Trevor is a four-year-old male in a privately owned daycare. There are 15 students…

Continue reading AVIA 505 Research Paper

AVIA 505 Research Paper

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AVIA 505 Research Paper Assignment The student will write a paper regarding an aspect of aviation leadership, ethics, or risk management or a combination of some of these topics. The paper should address the impact of current technologies and safety methods on aviation or the student may elect to focus on new technologies and future…

Continue reading AVIA 314 Quiz Marketing

AVIA 314 Quiz Marketing

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AVIA 314 Quiz: Marketing Covers the Learn material from Module 1: Week 1 and Module 2: Week 2. What does the “hub-and-spoke” system describe? In short, what did the Airline Deregulation Act do for the airline industry? What is the underlying issue in revenue diversion? Flight operations are conducted under what three parts to the…

Continue reading AVIA 314 Quiz Human Resources

AVIA 314 Quiz Human Resources

Price: $2.99

AVIA 314 Quiz: Human Resources Covers the Learn material from Module 1: Week 1 — Module 4: Week 4. What aviation group is represented by GAMA? Provide the name of the government subsidy that ensured small community services. An aviation specialist suggests that this is the “single biggest development in general aviation since World War…

Continue reading EDUC 210 Quiz Guidance Essentials

EDUC 210 Quiz Guidance Essentials

Price: $1.99

EDUC 210 Quiz: Guidance Essentials Covers the Textbook material from Module 7: Week 7. Environmental factors that influence children’s behavior include which of the following? Positive environmental factors that influence children’s behavior include When a child is consistently late for snacks, the most appropriate guidance technique is to Which trait was not used by Thomas…

Continue reading EDUC 210 Quiz History

EDUC 210 Quiz History

Price: $1.99

EDUC 210 Quiz: History and Current Issues Covers the Textbook material from Module 1: Week 1. Rudolf Steiner was One-third of all victims of abuse are children younger than Four aspects of a sense of professionalism are Margaret McMillan Which statement is true? Kindergarten is the stage for a clash between developmental play and academic…

Continue reading EDUC 656 Literacy Glossary Assignment

EDUC 656 Literacy Glossary Assignment

Price: $2.99

EDUC 656 Literacy Glossary Assignment The candidate will develop a personal glossary where they will record important or unfamiliar terms, topics, pedagogies, and strategies they would like to explore. This purpose of this assignment is to involve the candidate in identifying and understanding important content area literacy terms, evidence-based instructional practices, as well as, to serve…

Continue reading EDUC 656 Learning Strategies Portfolio

EDUC 656 Learning Strategies Portfolio

Price: $4.99

EDUC 656 Learning Strategies Portfolio Assignments *Includes 6 Learning Strategies Teacher candidates will use the readings and material included in the course to locate and match a learning strategy with a chosen content area reading for each mini lesson. Candidates will determine and identify the strategy and provide an explanation for its potential use in…
