Continue reading PSYC 575 Research Paper

PSYC 575 Research Paper

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PSYC 575 Research Paper Assignment Research Paper: Outline and Reference Page Assignment The student will submit an outline and reference page of at least 5 references in current APA format that supports the research paper. Research Paper: Final Submission Assignment The student will write a 12–14-page research paper in current APA format discussing and evaluating…

Continue reading ENGL 341 Quiz 1,2

ENGL 341 Quiz 1,2

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ENGL 341 Quiz: Huck Finn Chapters 1 — 31 Covers the Textbook material from Module 1: Week 1. Jim and Huck “whooped” across the river because The purpose of Tom Sawyer’s gang is to What does Pap specifically forbid Huck from doing anymore? What best describes the king and the duke? At the prayer meeting,…

Continue reading CSTU 220 Quiz Economics

CSTU 220 Quiz Economics

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CSTU 220 Quiz: Economics and Entrepreneurship Covers the Learn material from Module 8: Week 8. Approximately what percentage of the black vote went to George W. Bush in the 2000 presidential election? Who was the first black female billionaire in the history of the United States? In both the 1984 and 1988 presidential elections, approximately…

Continue reading CJUS 649 Discussion Threads 1-4

CJUS 649 Discussion Threads 1-4

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CJUS 649 Discussion 1 Discuss the Terrance Williams Case. Explain the link between victimization and offending, and the consequences he suffered because of his victimization. CJUS 649 Discussion 2 Explain the various types of Homicide Victimization and the socio-demographic characteristics of the victim and the offender CJUS 649 Discussion 3 Define Child and Elder Maltreatment…

Continue reading CJUS 649 Victim Blaming Paper

CJUS 649 Victim Blaming Paper

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CJUS 649 Position Paper Victim Blaming Victimology is an important contribution to the criminal justice discipline; however, it is not without controversy. As you will learn, victimology is the scientific study of the psychological effects of crime and the relationship between victims and offenders. Consequently, some may consider including the relationship between victims and offenders…

Continue reading CJUS 649 Victim Rights Paper

CJUS 649 Victim Rights Paper

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CJUS 649 Position Paper Victim Rights Advocates and activities have fought for years to ensure victims are afforded rights, as not having their rights protected can be a form of victimization. Consequently, rights have been afforded to victims through legislation, and in 32 states, through victim rights amendments to the state constitution. As you have…

Continue reading CJUS 649 Victim Offender Position Paper

CJUS 649 Victim Offender Position Paper

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CJUS 649 Position Paper Victim Offender Overlap Assignment Advocates and activities have fought for years to ensure victims are afforded rights, as not having their rights protected can be a form of victimization. Consequently, rights have been afforded to victims through legislation, and in 32 states, through victim rights amendments to the state constitution. As…

Continue reading CJUS 645 Quiz 2

CJUS 645 Quiz 2

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CJUS 645 Quiz 2 Which of the following is not a primary goal of FGC? What is affective empathy? Which of the following is the moderator’s responsibility? What are FGC referrals not based on? Family group conferencing originated in _____. When is a case eligible for participation in family group conferencing? What is constructive shaming?…

Continue reading CJUS 645 Quiz 1

CJUS 645 Quiz 1

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CJUS 645 Quiz 1 Restorative justice is not implemented by _____. The goal of law is to _____. When was the rise of modern-day restorative justice? All of the following individuals touch on restorative justice except: Restorative justice focuses on _____. Restorative justice can be seen as a(n) _____. What is interdependency? Which of the…

Continue reading CJUS 645 Justice Program Policy Paper

CJUS 645 Justice Program Policy Paper

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CJUS 645 Justice Program/Policy Analysis Assignment The student will write a 10-12 page research-based paper in current APA format that focuses on theories associated with restorative justice. The paper must include at least 2 references in addition to the course textbooks and the Bible. OVERVIEW How criminal justice organizations respond to crime through programming and…

Continue reading CJUS 645 Developing Restorative Justice Paper

CJUS 645 Developing Restorative Justice Paper

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CJUS 645 Developing Restorative Justice Intervention Assignment Instructions There are five core restorative justice interventions (practices): victim-offender mediation, family group conferencing, victim impact panels, peacemaking circles, and reparative boards. Each of these interventions represents the ideals of restorative justice in different ways. In that respect, not all of these interventions would be suitable for addressing…

Continue reading EDUC 658 Professional Organizations Research

EDUC 658 Professional Organizations Research

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EDUC 658 Professional Organizations Research The candidate will research at least eight student affairs professional organizations for higher education and provide a summary of their member benefits that will be placed in a document for future reference and professional development. The student will summarize their findings with professional goals in a 300-400-word summary in current…

Continue reading EDUC 360 Quiz 1,2,3

EDUC 360 Quiz 1,2,3

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EDUC 360 Quiz Faith, Freedom, and Public Schools Module 1 What did the Supreme Court say in the case of Abington School District v. Schempp? What did the Federal Court determine in the case of Florey v. Sioux Falls School District? What did the Supreme Court say in the case of Lynch v. Donnelly? From…

Continue reading EDUC 415 Quiz Evaluating Results

EDUC 415 Quiz Evaluating Results

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EDUC 415 Quiz: Evaluating Results Covers the Textbook material from Module 6: Week 6. Classroom teachers can use derived scores to describe their students’ performance when they want to A school principal wants to compare her school building’s sixth grade students’ average standardized test scores in each subject area with those of other school buildings.…
