Continue reading CJUS 320 Quiz 1

CJUS 320 Quiz 1

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CJUS 320 Quiz 1 Liberty University Which early colonial bail system enabled rich offenders to pay a fee and be released? Which correctional era advocated an environment that emphasized reformation, education, and vocational programs, and focused offenders’ attention on the future? What is the hands-off doctrine? What is defined as a legislative authorization to provide…

Continue reading CJUS 320 Mini Paper 2

CJUS 320 Mini Paper 2

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CJUS 320 Mini Paper 2 Liberty University This paper is on “The Cost of Justice.” Briefly research expenditures on corrections at the state and federal level and perform a cost/benefit analysis of the modern American conception of justice. Hint: You should consider the prompt for this paper: “The Cost of Justice.” The idea of justice…

Continue reading CJUS 320 Mini Paper 1

CJUS 320 Mini Paper 1

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CJUS 320 Mini Paper 1 Liberty University Instructions: The purpose of this assignment is for you to demonstrate your ability to apply a working knowledge of the theories, terminology, concepts, and strategies covered in this course to write an informed paper to explain your personal preference regarding punishment philosophy. You may consider concepts such as…

Continue reading EDUC 521 Quiz 7

EDUC 521 Quiz 7

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EDUC 521 Quiz 7 Liberty University What evidence exists for a genetic cause of ADHD? Which of the following is NOT true of individuals with ADHD as they move beyond secondary school? The Daily Report Card is an example of an intervention designed to What class of medication is most often prescribed to children with…

Continue reading EDUC 521 Quiz 6

EDUC 521 Quiz 6

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EDUC 521 Quiz 6 Liberty University A mnemonic is a type of The ability to think about our own thinking and to monitor its effectiveness is called Which of the following is NOT an example of a language-based disorder? Six-year-old Jackie has been classified as dyslexic. She is likely to have difficulties with Intervention strategies…

Continue reading EDUC 521 Quiz 5

EDUC 521 Quiz 5

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EDUC 521 Quiz 5 Liberty University The Pivotal Response Model at the University of California at Santa Barbara Children with Asperger’s syndrome An intensive, long-term intervention that systematically addresses the core symptoms of ASD is The first person to describe a group of children in 1943 who did not relate to others, had difficulties in…

Continue reading EDUC 521 Quiz 4

EDUC 521 Quiz 4

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EDUC 521 Quiz 4 Liberty University How is language development for children with IDD different from same age peers? An approach to intervention based on behavior science principles and meant to replace punitive measures for behavior control is Although _________ original work was with children with intellectual and developmental disabilities, it is now widely applied…

Continue reading EDUC 521 Quiz 3

EDUC 521 Quiz 3

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EDUC 521 Quiz 3 Liberty University Child Find Which section of IDEA 2004 includes children from birth to age 2 with developmental delays and/or disabilities? In general, speech and communication problems can be In the Kauai Longitudinal Study, Werner and Smith found that early child-rearing environments and strategies Children who qualify for services under IDEA…

Continue reading EDUC 521 Quiz 2

EDUC 521 Quiz 2

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EDUC 521 Quiz 2 Liberty University The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act provided one-time funds for which of the following special education areas? Supporters of _______________ call for the elimination of special education services outside the regular classroom. One of the innovations produced by the Education for All Handicapped Children Act (PL 94-142) is the…

Continue reading EDUC 521 Quiz 1

EDUC 521 Quiz 1

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EDUC 521 Quiz 1 Liberty University The increasing interest in the family as a focus for intervention is based on which of the following assumptions? The following factors influence how well a family adapts to the presence of a child with disabilities: Using tiers to deliver different intensity of instruction and intervention is an example…

Continue reading GLST 500 Quiz 3

GLST 500 Quiz 3

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GLST 500 Quiz 3 Liberty University According to Moreau, Americans tend to build friendships For Hiebert, the excluded middle refers to Members of polychronic cultures tend to hold rigidly to schedules According to Kwast, a worldview answers the most basic question Members of individualist cultures tend to value According to Hesselgrave, the three culture model…

Continue reading GLST 500 Quiz 2

GLST 500 Quiz 2

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GLST 500 Quiz 2 Liberty University Cyril and Methodius translated Scripture into Augustine of Canterbury led a band of missionary monks to According to Cornelius, David George, Hector Peters and Lott Carey were At the 1974, Lausanne Congress, Ralph Winter raised the issue of Nestorian missionaries arrived in China by AD 635 Hudson Taylor founded…

Continue reading GLST 500 Quiz 1

GLST 500 Quiz 1

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GLST 500 Quiz 1 Liberty University According to Exodus 12:38, participants in the Exodus were only Hebrews The Hebrew word shalom addresses The agent that empowers Christians and the church for mission is The academic formal study of mission is called The divine drama of mission in the Old Testament includes A crucial facet of…

Continue reading GOVT 345 Quiz 5

GOVT 345 Quiz 5

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GOVT 345 Quiz 5 Liberty University GOVT 345 Quiz 5 Historical and Anthropological Jurisprudence The colonial imposition of law onto the original native system is a good example of legal pluralism. Critics of Savigny nevertheless agree with his assessment of legislation. The legislature is the perfect place to unite multiple voices. Malinowski said primitive societies…

Continue reading GOVT 345 Quiz 4

GOVT 345 Quiz 4

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GOVT 345 Quiz 4 Liberty University GOVT 345 Quiz 4: Legal Realism, Law and Social Theory One function of the law, according to Llewellyn, is to ensure that universal principles of justice are followed. To Durkheim, the more mature a society the more collective. For Marx, law is an expression of the economic foundation of…

Continue reading GOVT 345 Quiz 3

GOVT 345 Quiz 3

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GOVT 345 Quiz 3 Liberty University GOVT 345 Quiz 3: Legal Positivism Raz is a soft positivist willing to incorporate moral considerations so long as they are part of the posited body of laws. Dworkin’s ideas touch not only the discipline of law but reach morality, rights, economics, politics, and even literary theory. Logical positivism…

Continue reading GOVT 345 Quiz 2

GOVT 345 Quiz 2

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GOVT 345 Quiz 2 Liberty University GOVT 345 Quiz 2 Natural Law The Hebrew natural law tradition dates back to the Middle Ages. The American founders wholeheartedly adopted Locke’s three basic natural rights—life, liberty, and property. There is no rational argument for the existence of a Hebrew natural law tradition. Revelation is clearly the only…

Continue reading GOVT 345 Quiz 1

GOVT 345 Quiz 1

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GOVT 345 Quiz 1 Liberty University GOVT 345 Quiz 1: Philosophy of Law Natural law theory disregards any law not written down. Substantive law determines the appropriate penalty. Noah Webster, the “Founding Father of American Education”, believed the study of jurisprudence to be just below theology in importance. Philosophy literally means “the art of speculation”.…

Continue reading GOVT 345 Future of American Jurisprudence

GOVT 345 Future of American Jurisprudence

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GOVT 345 The Future of American Jurisprudence Paper In this 4-5 page paper, written in current Turabian format, you are to: Briefly review the basic premises of the major schools of jurisprudence—biblical/natural, legal positivism, legal realism, and critical legal theory; Assess the state of the current American legal landscape; and Predict, using sound logic, the…

Continue reading GOVT 345 OW Holmes Paper

GOVT 345 OW Holmes Paper

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GOVT 345 O. W. Holmes, Jr Paper Read and evaluate the Harvard Law Review article entitled The Path of the Law by Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. More specifically, you are to: Identify, to the extent discernible, Holmes’s ontology, epistemology, axiology, and teleology; Demonstrate which, if any, of Llewellyn’s 9-Point Manifesto of Legal Realism, are present…

Continue reading GOVT 345 Bastiat’s The Law Paper

GOVT 345 Bastiat’s The Law Paper

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GOVT 345 Bastiat’s The Law Paper Read and evaluate Bastiat’s The Law. More specifically, you are to: Identify, to the extent discernible, Bastiat’s ontology, epistemology, axiology, and teleology; Judge his use of political language. Does Bastiat define terms such as authority, power, liberty, equality, and justice biblically? Express and defend your general agreement/disagreement with the…

Continue reading GOVT 346 Client Matter Project: Persuasive Brief to Court – Final

GOVT 346 Client Matter Project: Persuasive Brief to Court – Final

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GOVT 346 Client Matter Project: Persuasive Brief to Court – Final To:       Junior Attorney From:  Senior Attorney RE:      Jeffrey Bing Matter As we are getting ready for the Jeffrey Bing trial, prepare a Persuasive Brief to Court – Final on the jury instruction issue. The Persuasive Brief should be entitled “Defendant’s Motion for Self-Defense Jury…

Continue reading GOVT 346 Client Matter Project: Legal Memorandum – Final

GOVT 346 Client Matter Project: Legal Memorandum – Final

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GOVT 346 Client Matter Project: Legal Memorandum – Final Client Matter Project: Legal Memorandum – Final Instructions To:       Junior Attorney From:  Senior Attorney RE:      Jeffrey Bing Matter Prepare a Legal Memorandum on the Jeffrey Bing Matter. Use the “Senior Attorney Memorandum” to guide you. No other discovery will be conducted at this point. Our paralegal…

Continue reading GOVT 346 Case Brief

GOVT 346 Case Brief

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GOVT 346 Case Brief Liberty University Thoroughly read the provided judicial opinion and prepare a 1–2-page Case Brief. The Case Brief must be written in current Bluebook format. The following sections must be included in the Case Brief: Caption, Facts (Evidentiary and Procedural), Issue(s), Holding(s), Rule of Law, Rationale, and Judgment. The information to be…

Continue reading GOVT 346 Discussion 3

GOVT 346 Discussion 3

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GOVT 346 Discussion 3 Liberty University Thread: Address how and in what ways legal research and writing should glorify God. Support your answer with the following: 1 scriptural example with proper citation and at least 1 citation from the textbook or another scholarly resource.

Continue reading GOVT 346 Discussion 2

GOVT 346 Discussion 2

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GOVT 346 Discussion 2 Liberty University Thread: According to the Model Rules of Professional Conduct, a lawyer/advocate “zealously asserts the client’s position under the rules of the adversary system” (Preamble § 2). Explain how a lawyer/advocate can zealously represent the client using fact-centered arguments in legal writing. Include either an example from history found in an…

Continue reading GOVT 346 Discussion 1

GOVT 346 Discussion 1

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GOVT 346 Discussion 1 Liberty University Thread: In what ways do you expect legal writing and research to equip you in your future studies as a law student or legal professional? Support your answer with a citation from the textbook or another scholarly source. Include personal and/or historical examples in addition to thoughtful analysis.

Continue reading EDCE 505 Quiz 5

EDCE 505 Quiz 5

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EDCE 505 Quiz 5 Liberty University Set 1 Which of these solution-focused therapy techniques involves asking clients to describe times in their lives when they were able to solve their problem or when their problem was less severe? ​Family systems therapy can be used when working with individual clients. Which of the following is false…

Continue reading EDCE 505 Quiz 4

EDCE 505 Quiz 4

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EDCE 505 Quiz 4 Liberty University Set 1 The core of choice theory/reality therapy consists of: Like cognitive therapy, strengths-based CBT is empirically based.​ According to feminist therapists, an intrapsychic orientation tends to result in blaming the victim.​ ​ Which of the following REBT techniques helps a client become increasingly proficient at minimizing irrational thinking and…
