Continue reading THEO 530 Research Paper

THEO 530 Research Paper

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THEO 530 Research Paper Liberty University 2 different research papers are attached The student will complete a Research Paper based on the previously completed Annotated Bibliography and Outline. This paper must be 3,600–4,500 words, excluding the cover page, table of contents, and bibliography. It must also contain at least 20 sources (excluding the Bible and…

Continue reading COUC 506 Journal Article 2

COUC 506 Journal Article 2

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COUC 506 Journal Article 2 Liberty Title: Self-Forgiveness: The Stepchild of Forgiveness Research The student will complete 2 reviews of articles from the list provided. Each review must be at least 3–5 double-spaced pages, excluding the title and reference pages (the reference page citing only the article being reviewed). The assignments will include a summary,…

Continue reading COUC 506 Journal Article 1

COUC 506 Journal Article 1

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COUC 506 Journal Article 1 Liberty Title: The Effects of Forgiveness Therapy on Depression, Anxiety, and Posttraumatic Stress for Women After Spousal Emotional Abuse The student will complete 2 reviews of articles from the list provided. Each review must be at least 3–5 double-spaced pages, excluding the title and reference pages (the reference page citing…

Continue reading COUC 506 4Mat Review

COUC 506 4Mat Review

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COUC 506 4Mat Review Liberty University  Both Entwistle and McMinn are attached here. The student will write 2 separate reviews for the Entwistle and McMinn textbooks. Each review must be double-spaced and adhere to the word counts provided for each of the 4 sections. Each review must also be completed in current APA format and…

Continue reading THEO 530 Final

THEO 530 Final

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THEO 530 Final Liberty University Comprehensive Final Set 1 Egalitarians teach that women in the New Testament functioned without limits in a leadership role as prophets. Erickson argues that the heart of the ministry of the church is A “sacrament” is considered by sacerdotal systems to be a “means of grace.” According to Erickson, Heaven…

Continue reading THEO 530 Quiz: Midterm

THEO 530 Quiz: Midterm

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THEO 530 Midterm Liberty University THEO 530 Quiz: Christ, Holy Spirit, and Salvation Midterm Module 1: Week 1 – Module 4: Week 4 Erickson’s teaching on the doctrine of salvation is best considered True or False: According to Erickson, the incarnation was more an addition of human attributes than a loss of divine attributes. According…

Continue reading COUC 506 Exam 4

COUC 506 Exam 4

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COUC 506 Exam 4 Liberty University When putting together your informed consent document for a client, what item should you include as part of that document? From the lecture, there were several reasons why someone will have a resistance to confession. Which answer below is NOT one of those reasons? McMinn (as reviewed in the…

Continue reading COUC 506 Exam 3

COUC 506 Exam 3

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COUC 506 Exam 3 Liberty University The lectures discussed using the METAMORPH grid by filling in the biblical references and spiritual formation columns. What is the purpose behind doing that? The lectures talk about the “level of risk” that different forms of prayer during counseling take. What is true from that discussion? In our Christian…

Continue reading COUC 506 Exam 2

COUC 506 Exam 2

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COUC 506 Exam 2 Liberty University If we take into account the Formation Field approach to spiritual formation in our counseling, what is true? According to the lecture, if someone were asked: “What is spirituality?”, how would they answer if they were coming from a post-modern point of view? From the lecture, when we define…

Continue reading COUC 506 Exam 1

COUC 506 Exam 1

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COUC 506 Exam 1 Liberty University In the discussion on worldview, the lecture contrasted the “modern” and the “post-modern” worldview. If one held the post-modern worldview, which would be true? In arguing for the value of integration, the lectures suggested the following: The lecture talked about levels of integration. What is an INCORRECT statement from…

Continue reading BIBL 110 Quiz 3

BIBL 110 Quiz 3

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BIBL 110 Quiz 3 Updated quizzes, check: BIBL 110 Quiz: Pauline Epistles BIBL 110 Quiz General Epistles BIBL 110 Quiz: Gospels and Acts The major emphasis of this epistle is a call to avoid false teachers. The author emphasizes that followers of Jesus must be careful not to sacrifice truth in the name of love.…

Continue reading BIBL 110 Quiz 2

BIBL 110 Quiz 2

Price: $3.99

BIBL 110 Quiz 2 Updated quizzes, check: BIBL 110 Quiz: Pauline Epistles BIBL 110 Quiz General Epistles BIBL 110 Quiz: Gospels and Acts Key Word Matching:1 Thessalonians-Philemon Sanctification Lawlessness Fight good works brother Key Verse Matching: 1 Thessalonians-Philemon “For they themselves report what kind of reception we had from you: how you turned to God…

Continue reading BIBL 110 Quiz 1

BIBL 110 Quiz 1

Price: $3.99

BIBL 110 Quiz 1 Updated quizzes, check: BIBL 110 Quiz: Pauline Epistles BIBL 110 Quiz General Epistles BIBL 110 Quiz: Gospels and Acts This book, presenting Jesus as the Savior of all humanity, is the longest book in the New Testament. This book was written to Greek-speaking Jews living outside of Israel. This gospel is…

Continue reading APOL 500 Discussion

APOL 500 Discussion

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APOL 500 Discussions Liberty Discussion 1 – Purpose of apologetics Discussion 2 – Topic: Apologetic Method Based on the various methods and strategies of apologetics described in the assigned reading, identify what you think is the best apologetic method and defend your view. Your thread must incorporate the following topics addressed from your assigned readings:…

Continue reading APOL 500 Exam 4

APOL 500 Exam 4

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APOL 500 Exam 4 Liberty University Set 1 Which of the following must be false if God does not exist? According to Groothuis, widespread disagreement about a particular moral question indicates that there is no objective moral truth about that question. Atheists, by definition, hold that there are no objective moral values. Based on Groothuis’s…

Continue reading APOL 500 Exam 3

APOL 500 Exam 3

Price: $3.99

APOL 500 Exam 3 Liberty University Set 1 The key reason parodies on the ontological argument which employ the use of semi-gods, devils, or islands typically fail is because each of these have properties of: Groothuis argues that not only does the ontological argument help establish the eternal existence of God, but it also leads…

Continue reading APOL 500 Exam 2

APOL 500 Exam 2

Price: $3.99

APOL 500 Exam 2 Liberty University Set 1 Based on his analysis and description of the laws of logic, Groothuis probably thinks that for Christian truth claims to be meaningful, the principle of noncontradiction must be universally applicable. According to Groothuis, what is the Christian apologist’s responsibility when it comes to addressing mysterious doctrines, such…

Continue reading APOL 500 Exam 1

APOL 500 Exam 1

Price: $3.99

APOL 500 Exam 1 Liberty University Set 1 If ‘success’ in apologetics, as Beilby argues, is ‘faithfulness to Jesus Christ,’ which of the following is an example of apologetic success? The Bible clearly describes a formal system of apologetics, along with a theory of apologetics. The word apologia is often translated ‘defense.’ However, Christian apologetics…

Continue reading SOWK 325 Quiz 7

SOWK 325 Quiz 7

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SOWK 325 Quiz 7 Liberty University Most of the legislation regarding protection for women, according to the video, began in the 1960s. Which of the following populations are individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence? Which of the following is NOT one of the states in the “rust belt”? Which of the…

Continue reading SOWK 325 Quiz 6

SOWK 325 Quiz 6

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SOWK 325 Quiz 6 Liberty University What is frequently used to determine the extent of social service needs? Legislation that involves children include the following EXCEPT: In Edwina’s outreach, the following goal(s) seem(s) to be evident: After-school care for older children who would otherwise be left alone in an empty house are also known as:…

Continue reading SOWK 325 Quiz 5

SOWK 325 Quiz 5

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SOWK 325 Quiz 5 Liberty University Medical costs continue to rise in the 1970’s, according to the modern healthcare video, due to which of the following reasons? The health care system stresses _______  not prevention. The Youtoons Get Ready for Obamacarevideo instructs us on the following: In the video with Linda, which of the following statements…

Continue reading SOWK 325 Quiz 4

SOWK 325 Quiz 4

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SOWK 325 Quiz 4 Liberty University Steve has been involved in urban ministry and promoting racial unity for approximately: No Walls is not just a group of individuals, but a group of churches that come together to promote racial unity and social justice. JC discussed that No Walls has a formal referral process if someone…

Continue reading SOWK 325 Quiz 3

SOWK 325 Quiz 3

Price: $2.99

SOWK 325 Quiz 3 Liberty University The two types of policy making approaches, according to the video PowerPoint, are residual and institutional. The two types of advocacy, according to the textbook include: Social justice, as explained by Tim Keller, is demonstrated by Luke 10, in the parable of the Good Samaritan after sending out the…

Continue reading SOWK 325 Quiz 2

SOWK 325 Quiz 2

Price: $2.99

SOWK 325 Quiz 2 Liberty University The Social Security Act includes provisions for ALL but: As discussed in the video, charity is a relevant term for Christians as it is a way we love other people. Social Welfare is affected by what? This party is the most far-spread institutional system of all the philosophies described…

Continue reading SOWK 325 Quiz 1

SOWK 325 Quiz 1

Price: $2.99

SOWK 325 Quiz 1 Liberty University The primary agent of socialization in American society is: The following entities work to improve the well-being of people in society: Which of the following is an example of social policy? In order to make a change you must first understand the: How many social functions and social institutions…

Continue reading HOMI 500 Midterm

HOMI 500 Midterm

Price: $4.99

HOMI 500 Midterm Liberty University Set 1 According to McDill, the Bible is essentially theological. When Analyzing the Text, the first step should be to start researching in the commentaries. The skill that McDill wants to develop by using the structural diagram is this:                recognizing and noting the relationship and function of various ideas in the text.…

Continue reading NBST 520 Research Project

NBST 520 Research Project

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NBST 520 Research Project Liberty University Students will write a paper on Michael Bird’s, Four Views on the Apostle Paul, not to exceed 15 pages in length, double spaced. In the paper the student will do five things: Introduce the book to the reader, identifying the contributors and assessing their perspectives and qualifications to write on…
