Continue reading CSIS 340 Midterm

CSIS 340 Midterm

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Which of the following is not a type of security control? determining _____ is a promise not to disclose to any third party information covered by the agreement. A _____ is a term that refers to a network that limits what and how computers are able to talk to each other. Which of the following…

Continue reading CSIS 340 Quiz 4

CSIS 340 Quiz 4

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In policies regarding the ______________________of data, it must be guaranteed that the data that exits the private network is secured and monitored; the data should also be encrypted while in transit. At Stanford University, data is labeled according to a classification scheme that identifies information in the following way: prohibited, restricted, confidential, and unrestricted. Which…

Continue reading CSIS 340 Quiz 3

CSIS 340 Quiz 3

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Which of the following control standards in the system/application domain maintains control of both managing errors and ensuring against potentially damaging code? It is important that LAN guidelines transfer technical knowledge and experience by guiding an individual through core principles and varied ways of considering risks. Which of the following guidelines documents offers instructions on…

Continue reading CSIS 340 Quiz 2

CSIS 340 Quiz 2

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In an LAN domain, a_______________ is similar to a hub but can filter traffic, a ______________ connects LANs, or a LAN and a WAN, and a ______________ is a software or hardware device that filters traffic in and out of a LAN. A key component to IT security component is authorization, which is especially important in large…

Continue reading CSIS 340 Quiz 1

CSIS 340 Quiz 1

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When writing a ____________________ one could state how often a supplier will provide a service or how quickly a firm will respond. For managed services, this document often covers system availability and acceptable performance measures. As employees find new ways to improve a system or process, it is important to have a way to capture…

Continue reading CSIS 312 Final

CSIS 312 Final

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When no access modifier is specified for a method or variable, the method or variable: Which superclass members are inherited by all subclasses of that superclass? Overriding a method differs from overloading a method because: BigDecimal gives you control over how values are rounded. By default: Which of the following statements is true? The default…

Continue reading CSIS 312 Quiz 5

CSIS 312 Quiz 5

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Which of the following statements is true? After a fractal’s pattern is applied several times, the shape of the fractal will generally become ________. When a recursive method is called to solve a problem, the method actually is capable of solving only the simplest case(s), or        . The recursion step should: Each time a fractal’s pattern is…

Continue reading CSIS 312 Quiz 4

CSIS 312 Quiz 4

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Collections method sort that accepts a List as an argument. It sorts the List elements, which must implement the __________ interface. Which of these is not an example of a “real-life” collection? Which statement is false? The classes and interfaces which comprise the collections framework are members of package ________. Which statement is false? A…

Continue reading CSIS 312 Quiz 3

CSIS 312 Quiz 3

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For String c = “hello world”; The Java statements int i = c.indexOf(‘o’); int j = c.lastIndexOf(‘l’); will result in: String objects are immutable. This means they ________. Which of the following creates the string of the numbers from 1 to 1000 most efficiently? The String method substring returns ________. Which of the following are…

Continue reading CSIS 312 Quiz 2

CSIS 312 Quiz 2

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Classes and methods are declared final for all but the following reasons: For which of the following would polymorphism not provide a clean solution? A(n)______________class cannot be instantiated. Declaring a method final means: Which of the following statements is false? It is a UML convention to denote the name of an abstract class in ________.…

Continue reading CSIS 312 Quiz 1

CSIS 312 Quiz 1

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When overriding a superclass method and calling the superclass version from the subclass method, failure to prefix the superclass method name with the keyword super and a dot (.) in the superclass method call causes ________. Superclass methods with this level of access cannot be called from subclasses. Using public set methods helps provide data…

Continue reading HLSC 510 Discussion 8

HLSC 510 Discussion 8

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HLSC 510 Discussion 8 Liberty University Topic: Do We Expect Too Much in Disaster Management/Homeland Security and Course Reflection Time? Based on your readings from the text and your own research, do you think the average citizen expects too much from the various levels of government when it comes to disaster management or terrorism related…

Continue reading HLSC 510 Discussion 6

HLSC 510 Discussion 6

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HLSC 510 Discussion 6 Liberty University Topic: The Science Informing the Policy and Politics of Disasters After having read the text and any additional research you choose, assess the role science plays or should play regarding informing (developing) policy and politics of disasters or terrorism-related matters. Be sure to include how science applies/relates during each…

Continue reading HLSC 510 Discussion 5

HLSC 510 Discussion 5

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HLSC 510 Discussion 5 Liberty University Topic: Dealing with Terrorism After having read the text and any additional research you choose, provide at least 1 detailed example for each phase of emergency management as it would apply to dealing with terrorism. Include the 4 original phases (mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery), and prevention. You may…

Continue reading HLSC 510 Discussion 4

HLSC 510 Discussion 4

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HLSC 510 Discussion 4 Liberty University Topic: All Hazards vs. Terrorism? After having read the text and any additional research you choose, explain what all hazards means. Assess how all hazards and terrorism relate or do not relate when viewed from an overall homeland security/emergency management perspective. Should 1 take precedence over the other when…

Continue reading HLSC 510 Discussion 3

HLSC 510 Discussion 3

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HLSC 510 Discussion 3 Liberty University Topic: After Action Analysis and Best Practices Involving Interagency Operations After having read the text and any additional research you choose, provide an example of either a significant event or incident of whatever nature you choose where the operation was handled in an excellent or poor manner. The event…

Continue reading HLSC 510 Discussion 2

HLSC 510 Discussion 2

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HLSC 510 Discussion 2 Liberty University Topic: Normative Political Theories and Disaster Management Regarding normative political theories (models) and disaster management, after having read the text andany additional research you choose, explain the political contributions of Jefferson, Hamilton, and Jackson. How do these theories apply or relate to disaster management? Which model do you most…

Continue reading HLSC 510 Discussion 1

HLSC 510 Discussion 1

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HLSC 510 Discussion 1 Liberty University Which phase of emergency management do you find most important and why: mitigation, preparedness, response, or recovery? Where should the emergency manager and his or her staff be housed within local government and why there? It is often found in various places such as a stand-alone agency, part of…

Continue reading AVIA 242 Quiz 2

AVIA 242 Quiz 2

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AVIA 242 Quiz 2 Liberty University The Garmin G1000 audio panel has a built-in voice recorder (that records the past several radio transmissions) by pushing the “Play” button multiple times? The CDI Full-Scale deflection in a Garmin G1000 is the following (For both WAAS and Non-WAAS GPS’s): The Garmin G1000 will show a white annunciator on the PFD prior to…

Continue reading AVIA 242 Quiz 1

AVIA 242 Quiz 1

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AVIA 242 Quiz 1 Liberty University Where will you find your fuel gauges on the Garmin G1000? How many Com Radios does the Garmin G1000 have in a Cessna 172? When turning the radio, which channel is active? How do you flip-flop your standby radio freq from standby to active? Can you listen and transmit on Com1…

Continue reading ENGL 201 Test 3 / Quiz 3

ENGL 201 Test 3 / Quiz 3

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ENGL 201 Test 3 Liberty University ENGL 201 Quiz: The American Renaissance/Romantic Period William Cullen Bryant’s “To A Waterfowl” celebrates God’s divine providence. Exaltation of reason over feeling is one of the characteristic of Romanticism. Only published 7 poems when s/he was alive We passed the School, where Children strove At Recess – in the…

Continue reading ENGL 201 Test 2 / Quiz 2

ENGL 201 Test 2 / Quiz 2

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ENGL 201 Test 2 Liberty University ENGL 201 Quiz: The Age of Reason/Revolutionary Period This author, in keeping with the seriousness of the themes of the “Declaration,” used a dignified, formal language belonging to the written rather than the commonly spoken language of the people. Treatise on religion was intended to be what he called…

Continue reading ENGL 201 Test 1

ENGL 201 Test 1

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ENGL 201 Test 1 Liberty University Set 1 Captain John Smith’s motives for writing included religious reasons, such as evangelism Literature of the Colonial Period may be defined as a literary record of the period from the founding of Jamestown to the Age of Reason or Revolution. In his works, Captain John Smith showcases the…

Continue reading ENGL 201 Pre Test 3

ENGL 201 Pre Test 3

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ENGL 201 Pre Test 3 Liberty University Set 1 The Romantic writers had great interest in Antiquarianism and Primitivism Washington Irving authored The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, “The Melville Revival” occurred during the 1620’s and 1630’s. Characters in this poem include Death and Immortality Another name for the age of Romanticism is the American…

Continue reading ENGL 201 Pre Test 2

ENGL 201 Pre Test 2

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ENGL 201 Pre Test 2 Liberty University Set 1 In his Autobiography, Thomas Jefferson expounds 13 virtues of his self-improvement course as a way to moral Isaac Newton championed the scientific method as a necessary part of everyone’s elementary and high school Thomas Jefferson describes the quest for emancipation in his “Notes on the State…

Continue reading ENGL 201 Pre Test 1

ENGL 201 Pre Test 1

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ENGL 201 Pre Test 1 Liberty University Set 1 John Winthrop authored Meditation 38 This author alludes to “many hundreds” of variable travel “relations.” Authored “The Flesh and the Spirit” Is a pastoralist, or his writing may be described as idyllic or “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” uses the Ministerial Three His…

Continue reading COUC 521 Quiz 8

COUC 521 Quiz 8

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COUC 521 Quiz 8 Liberty University Assessment administrators should be conscious of issues of confidentiality and security of individuals’ health information including assessment information as supported by: All of the following are included in the American Counseling Association’s ethical emphasis on assessment EXCEPT: The American Counseling Association’s Code of Ethics (2014) serves to: Lack of…

Continue reading COUC 521 Quiz 7

COUC 521 Quiz 7

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COUC 521 Quiz 7 Liberty University An enduring, generally stable personality characteristic that influences behavior is a: The following are generally true of selected response objective personality inventories EXCEPT: One of the major differences between the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2) and the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI-III) is that the MMPI-2 focuses mainly on…

Continue reading COUC 521 Quiz 6

COUC 521 Quiz 6

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COUC 521 Quiz 6 Liberty University Colleges and universities often use these tests to determine advance placement, credits and admission: All of the following are universal features of standardized tests EXCEPT: This individual achievement test is developed to measure achievement in individuals as young as two (2) years old: The Wide Range Achievement Test, Fourth…
