OTCL 505 Midterm

OTCL 505 Midterm Liberty

OTCL 505 Quiz: Mid-Term

Covers the Learn material from Module 1: Week 1 – Module 4: Week 4.

  1. Hieroglyphics have become synonymous with Egypt, even in today’s popular culture.
  2. The Hebrew Alphabet is read right-to-left, bottom-to-top.
  3. The Hireq is pronounced like the “i” in “hit.”
  4. God chose to reveal himself and to create his people Israel through the Greek language.
  5. In our vocabulary words, a Shewa can sometimes be silent and sometimes be vocal.
  6. The first writing communication that we know of is from Greece and dates to the fourth millennium BC.
  7. Archaeologists in the early 1900s discovered the remains of an ancient Egyptian temple dedicated to the goddess Hades at Serabit el-Khadem.
  8. Hebrew is the language of the Scriptures used by Jesus and the apostles.
  9. A Hebrew vowel is pronounced before the consonant that is with it.
  10. This letter is an Aleph and is silent.
  11. Seals were widely used throughout the Iron Age.
  12. The Pathach is a short horizontal line (like a path) underneath a consonant.
  13. The Hebrew Alphabet originally consisted of only consonants.
  14. This letter is called Sin.
  15. The Hebrew letter Samek has a nal form.
  16. To mark the attributes of gender and number of nouns, Hebrew uses what element?
  17. Which of the following is the inscription that reveals farming information and details?
  18. Which of the following special marks indicates the end of a verse?
  19. Acrophonic =
  20. Which of the following has the sound of F as in “x?”
  21. What are the two writing systems in the ANE which transitioned from the pictographic to acrophonic forms of writing?
  22. Which of the following is a feminine plural?
  23. Which of the following does not have a different final form?
  24. Pictographic =
  25. Which of the following statements is true about reading Hebrew words?

Other sets

  1. A Hebrew vowel is pronounced before the consonant that is with it.
  2. The Hireq is pronounced like the “i” in “hit.”
  3. Archaeologists in the early 1900s discovered the remains of an ancient Egyptian temple dedicated to the goddess Hades at Serabit el-Khadem.
  4. The letter Jis called Sin.
  5. Hebrew is the language of the Scriptures used by Jesus and the apostles.
  6. The first writing communication that we know of is from Greece and dates to the fourth millennium BC.
  7. Hieroglyphics have become synonymous with Egypt, even in today’s popular culture.
  8. The Hebrew alphabet is read right-to-left, bottom-to-top.
  9. A Shewa can sometimes be silent and sometimes be vocal.
  10. The Pathach is a short horizontal line (like a path) underneath a consonant.
  11. The Hebrew alphabet originally consisted of only consonants.
  12. The Hebrew letter Samek (s)has a final form.
  13. God chose to reveal himself and to create his people Israel through the Greek language.
  14. The goddess Hathor is the Egyptian mistress of turquois.
  15. The letter Tis a Tav and is pronounced as a “g” like in “goat.”
  16. Which of the following best describes the Dagesh Forte?
  17. Which of the following is the typical word order for a simple Hebrew sentence?
  18. Which of the following does not have a different final form?
  19. Pictographic =
  20. Which of the following special marks indicates the end of a verse?
  21. To mark the attributes of gender and number of nouns, Hebrew uses what element?
  22. The letters bgd kpthave come to be known as what?
  23. Which of the following is the inscription that reveals farming details?
  24. The accented syllable of a word is called?
  25. Which of the following is pronounced as the “ch” sound in “chemistry?”
  26. Define the following vocabulary:
  27. Define the following vocabulary:
  28. Define the following vocabulary:
  29. Define the following vocabulary:
    ~wOy(note the Final Mem is the last consonant)
  30. Define the following vocabulary:
    lKo or lwOK(note the Holem Vav and the full spelling)
  31. Define the following vocabulary:
  32. Define the following vocabulary:
  33. Define the following vocabulary:
  34. Define the following vocabulary:
    yKi(note the vowel is a Hireq Yod)
  35. Define the following vocabulary:
  36. Define the following vocabulary:
  37. Define the following vocabulary:
  38. Define the following vocabulary:
  39. Define the following vocabulary:
  40. Define the following vocabulary:
  41. Define the following vocabulary:
  42. Define the following vocabulary:
  43. Define the following vocabulary:
  44. Define the following vocabulary:
    l[;(the Ayin is silent)
  45. Define the following vocabulary:
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