OBST 520 Exam 4 Liberty University
- Nahum prophesied against Israel over a period of 15 years.
- Nahum assumed the role of a spy as he waited for the judgment of Assyria.
- Nahum mocked Nineveh by telling them to multiply like rabbits.
- Habakkuk lamented that the wickedness of Judah was continuing unpunished.
- Habakkuk was perplexed that God would judge the nation by the Babylonians/Chaldeans.
- Habakkuk understood that the Lord is a just ruler and protector of His people.
- God answered the objection of Habakkuk by assuring him of divine justice.
- Habakkuk was comforted by the knowledge that the Lord would march out of the North to defeat the enemies.
- Habakkuk remained pessimistic throughout the prophetic oracle.
- Zephaniah was probably a descendent of King Hezekiah.
- God’s judgment would fall on all the nations that surrounded Judah.
- The judgment of Jerusalem brought purification to the people.
- Haggai was a postexilic prophet.
- Haggai rebuke the people for misplaced priorities.
- In Haggai, the people were guilty of practicing idolatry in the rebuilt Temple.
- The people were blessed by the Lord after they began to rebuild the Temple.
- Haggai prophesied of a glorious King that would restore the nation.
- In Zechariah, the seven eyes represented the omniscience of the Holy Spirit.
- Malachi is the last book of the Hebrew canon.
- Malachi prophesied the coming of Elijlah.
- In the book of Haggai, the people initially were guilty of neglecting the rebuilding of the Temple.
- The people learned that serving the Lord paid off in life.
- The coming of Elijah will divide families according to generational lines.
- The major prophets are more important than the minor prophets.
- Nahum presented the Lord God as a:
- Nahum assured Judah that they would be delivered from the:
- Malachi presented God as a:
- In Nahum, Nineveh is compared to what great city?
- The prophetic style of Habakkuk is characterized by:
- Habakkuk complained that the Lord made him look at:
- Habakkuk 2:4 is quoted in:
- Zephaniah announced judgments on which of the following nations:
- The oppressive city in Zephaniah 3 is:
- Zechariah was a contemporary of:
- The man among the myrtle trees was:
- The night visions of Zechariah were given to Zechariah:
- In Zechariah, the accuser of Joshua was:
- In Zechariah, the seven lamps represent:
- The crown that Zechariah placed on the head of Joshua was:
- Zechariah’s visions of the flying scroll and woman in a basket emphasized:
- In Haggai, the Lord punished the people by:
- In Haggai, what was the exact date that the Lord promised to begin the blessings on the nation again?
- The name Malachi means:
- In Malachi, the Lord denounced:
- Edom felt secure because:
- Jonah prophesied during which century?
- The Lord commanded and commissioned Jonah how many times?
- Jonah’s disobedient spirit is evidenced by:
- The pagan sailors sought to save themselves by:
- Jonah fled from the Lord because:
- The Ninevites could not tell their right hand from their left because:
- In Jonah chapter 4, the 120,000 people probably referred to:
- Obadiah prophesied against the northern kingdom of Israel.
- Edomites were condemned because they did not help their cousins.
- Obadiah saw no hope for the nation of Israel.
- The sailors prayed to the Lord God while Jonah refused to pray to help them.
- The sailors eagerly threw Jonah into the sea to save themselves.
- Jonah was angry that the Lord would be willing to forgive his enemies.
- After Nineveh repented, Jonah resigned himself to accepting the outcome.
- God used the destruction of the plant to provide encouragement to Jonah.