JURI 520 Quiz Liberty University
- Which of the following was not true of the Articles of Confederation?
- Why did the Federalists oppose adding a Bill of Rights to the United States Constitution?
- Who is the sovereign under the American system of government?
- Which of the following support the conclusion that a covenant framework necessary to administer law among men?
- Which of the following is not a benefit of originalism cited by David Forte in “A Note on the Originalist Perspective”?
- Which of the following are the primary Biblical limits upon government?
- Which of the following provisions of the United States Constitution support the theory that the Declaration of Independence was America’s charter?
- According to Edwin Meese III in the foreword of the Forte & Spaulding textbook, which of the following are fundamental principles found in the United States Constitution?
- Which of the following are “auxiliary precautions” in the American system that protect against tyranny?
- Which of the following is not a purpose mentioned in the Preamble?
- Which of the following are not sources relied upon by originalists to interpret the Constitution?
- The Preamble to United States Constitution reveals the key difference between that document and the Articles of Confederation. What is that difference?
- Which of the following is not a Biblical principle of covenants?
- Which of the following is not a consequence of the principle that man can only rule through covenant?
- Briefly explain the primary reason why all governments must govern under the rule of law?