JURI 510 Quiz Talmudic

JUR 510 Quiz 2 Talmudic and Civil Law

  1. Some economists, relying on survey information, claim that the civil law is inefficient compare to what type of law?
  2. Talmudic law is rooted in:
  3. The Talmudic tradition is defined by its sources, which are both divine and written and in no way dependent on what is called elsewhere decisional law or case law or jurisprudence.
  4. Most of the history of civil law tradition is inextricably linked with that of chthonic legal tradition.
  5. The Talmud teaches that it must be universalized, salvation may not be achieved outside, and others must convert.
  6. The Torah is the most important single element in the bran-tub of Jewish legal tradition.
  7. Once rights exist, and everyone has them without regard to birth or origin or wealth, then there is also a notion of social equality.
  8. The Talmud is finished and complete.
  9. The consequences of the Judeo-Christian tradition, for law, were enormous. Not only, in the Christian version, was the human person the center of the world, as God’s delegate and because of the sharing in God’s power of reason, but this could itself be known because of human reason, with the aid of revelation, and human reason could be put to work to fulfil God’s instructions.
  10. The visible elements of what we know as the civil legal tradition include all of the following, except:
  11. Jewish law existed prior to Moses, but God’s revelation to Moses on Mount Sinai changed the existing law of Jewish people.
  12. In the civil law tradition, human beings are created in the image of God, and possess powers of reason which are a reflection of God’s, they may act in the world as delegates or lieutenants of God.
  13. The word Torah means more than just the Pentateuch, it also means:
  14. There are two consequences from rationality in law. The first is that human construction is possible; from no thing can be developed some thing. The second is:
  15. Today, the world of the Talmud contains great diversity of thought, probably more than ever before in its history.
  16. The Bet Din continues to function around the world, wherever there is a Jewish population. It is composed of:
  17. Civil law interprets constitutional guarantees of people as being of universal application; all people on the inside benefit from them.
  18. In the absence of institutional barriers, civil law can go essentially where it wants to go, so the texts multiply. Resulting in not only civil codes, but penal codes, commercial codes, urban codes, codes of taxation, etc.
  19. Roman law found its origins in advice given, by jurisconsults, with respect to particular cases or disputes.
  20. Based on the Talmudic tradition when performing obligations, one shows one’s love of God.
  21. Match the following: Type of Civil Code, The Perfect Author, The written opinions of those learned in the law, The process of interpretation, One of the earliest forms of Civil law
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