JURI 510 Quiz Hindu and Confucian Legal

JURI 510 Quiz 4 Hindu and Confucian Legal Traditions

  1. Being Hindu originally had more to do with belief, rather than territory like it is today.
  2. Vedic law lived in close association with many traditions, especially chthonic traditions, never purporting to abrogate them, and the importance of local tradition is an ongoing theme in Hindu thought.
  3. Buddhism emerged essentially in protest against the legal formalism of Hindu teaching.
  4. In a Confucian society motivated by a sense of loyalty to human relations there is no major impetus to change.
  5. The Confucian legal system is full of attorneys often litigating small details in many layers of Civil courts.
  6. The kings of India have always possessed some regulatory or legislative power.
  7. The Confucian tradition is a pluralist from of legal order, in which different forms of normativity co-exist and even constantly rub against one another, each being recognized by the other as necessary yet each busily pushing at the boundary which separates them.
  8. In China, there is a long tradition of fa playing a subordinate role to the li of the Confucians.
  9. The law of the Sastras is now legislation, meant to establish a single, common statutory standard for all Hindus.
  10. Dharma is:
  11. There are three great Dharmasastras, which one of the following is not:
  12. Since Confucianism is based on the idea of the innate goodness of human nature, it cannot be said to be opposed to the value of human life.
  13. One of the main reasons that fa is often lacking in credibility is because it has been used as an instrument of politics and public order.
  14. The Ch’in empire was to be one of li, and the notion of li was a key idea in its creation.
  15. Teaching the Vedas was the task of the _____________, who did it largely from __________.
  16. Li is a sovereign command.
  17. Match the following: Fa Li Confucian society Guanxi
  18. Match the following:
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