- PREPARE/ENRICH is based on
- When assessing a couple with PREPARE/ENRICH, it is essential to review background information for similarities and differences and note any potential issues.
- According to PREPARE/ENRICH the feedback process is intended to help couples understand and accept one another’s personality style, maximizing their ability to work together as a team.
- The Workbook for Couples In the PREPARE/ENRICH training contains 24 Feedback exercises which covers 12-14 relationship categories. You are expected to cover all the exercises with each couple?
- The items and scales in PREPARE/ENRICH have been tested resulting in high validity and reliability results.
- According to PREPARE/ENRICH, an Idealistic Distortion measures the extent to which a person distorts their relationship in a positive direction.
- Deal in discussing Yellow, Red, and Green Lights suggested that motivation and relationship influences:
- Once a PREPARE/ENRICH assessment is completed for a couple, the Facilitator Report is given to them to keep.
- SCOPE in the PREPARE/ENRICH assessment stands for:
- Deal suggests that God uses fearful places in life to grow and to mature us.
- Which of the following is not a mistake for repeated failed marriages, according to Deal?
- Some of the yellow and red lights mentioned by Deal are:
- If an individual indicated a concern about abuse, and it may relate to abuse by or from the partner, the discussion on this topic should be conducted as a couple.
- There are five dimensions based on the Five-Factor Model of Personality called:
- According to PREPARE/ENRICH assessing Partner Style and Habits means:
- PREPARE/ENRICH goals for training facilitators are to:
- The absence of serious yellow and red lights mentioned in Deal’s book:
- Based on past research with couples PREPARE/ENRICH categorizes couple’s relationships into one of five common relations patterns, these are:
- Both high and low scores in SCOPE can be interpreted in a positive
- There are various PREPARE/ENRICH workbooks for couples which address the following topics: Parenting, Standard, Parenting with biblical references, Catholic, Standard with biblical references and Mormonism:
- SCOPE is also known as THE BIG FIVE THEORY of Personality
- According to Deal, when a former spouse is deceased, a widow may fear the pain of another loss, but may also blindly assume a new marriage will be just as good as the previous one.
- There are ways that the PREPARE/ENRICH assessment should not be used, which of the following are true:
- Some of the goals for couples who complete the PREPARE/ENRICH assessment are:
- Which of the following would typically require a referral to a licensed professional if you are not a licensed professional counselor/therapist?
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