HOMI 500 Midterm

HOMI 500 Midterm Liberty University

Set 1

  1. According to McDill, the Bible is essentially theological.
  2. When Analyzing the Text, the first step should be to start researching in the commentaries.
  3. The skill that McDill wants to develop by using the structural diagram is this:                recognizing and noting the relationship and function of various ideas in the text.
  4. A predicate is a grammatical term that expresses the being or action of the subject.
  5. Research Questions are composed of which of the following types of questions?
  6. A quality division statement will be a complete statement in the past tense that reflects the Biblical writers qualification of the Text Idea.
  7. Which one is not part of the Classic Method in moving from Text to Sermon?
  8. Which one is not an investigative question?
  9. McDill states that the preacher should not state the four sentences in his Introduction as that would seem awkward to the audience.
  10. The goal of using the structural diagram and immediate observations is to gain as much information about the Text as you can?
  11. The approach that McDill uses is the deductive approach?
  12. Sermon Division statements are stand alone universal principles.
  13. The Text Idea and the Sermon Idea are the same thing.
  14. Fill in the blank:
    To test the validity of ____________ see whether it will stand alone as a timeless and universal statement of theological truth.
  15. A purpose statement has as its goal an effect or change that the preacher is looking for his listeners to make. Which one(s) are desired changes according to McDill?
  16. Meaning and significance, as related to interpreting the Text, are synonymous.
  17. Preachers are interpreters of the Text, who translate the meaning for their audience.
  18. The Text Idea should be a complete present tense sentence that is made up of the subject/modifier and removes the historical context from the sentence.
  19. To test the validity of the sermon idea you see whether it will stand alone as a timeless and universal statement of theological truth.
  20. The best way to interpret Scripture is with the best commentaries.
  21. Sermons are essentially persuasive speech.
  22. Not only does interpretation aim for discovering meaning, but it also aims to go            beyond meaning to significance.
  23. Before preaching a sermon, the preacher should have written a purpose statement of his sermon.
  24. The Bible was written to______________
  25. Which one is not a factor in developing your powers of observation:
  26. Name the kinds of authority for a sermon that are based on the extent to which it reflects the subject and purpose of the Text.
  27. The Text Idea and the Sermon Idea are both to be written as complete present tense sentences.
  28. Predicates have a direct connection to the sermon division statements.
  29. Match the following: What the writer said, Based on subject/modifier, A historical statement, A theological Concept, What the preacher is saying, Based on subject/modifier, A timeless truth, A theological concept
  30. Match the following: Transitional Sentence, Propositional Statement, Interrogative Sentence, Key Word, Application, Core of the Sermon Idea, Division Statements, Bridging Sentences
  31. Match the following: subject, modifier, predicate
  32. Match the following: Subject, Modifier, Text Idea, Sermon Idea

Set 2

  1. Meaning and significance, as related to interpreting the Text, are synonymous.
  2. The skill that McDill wants to develop by using the structural diagram is this:                recognizing and noting the relationship and function of various ideas in the text.
  3. According to McDill, the Bible is essentially theological.
  4. A purpose statement has as its goal an effect or change that the preacher is looking for his listeners to make. Which one(s) are desired changes according to McDill?
  5. Before preaching a sermon, the preacher should have written a purpose statement of his sermon.
  6. McDill states that the preacher should not state the four sentences in his Introduction as that would seem awkward to the audience.
  7. The Text Idea and the Sermon Idea are both to be written as complete present tense sentences.
  8. To test the validity of the sermon idea you see whether it will stand alone as a timeless and universal statement of theological truth.
  9. The Text Idea and the Sermon Idea are the same thing.
  10. Not only does interpretation aim for discovering meaning, but it also aims to go            beyond meaning to significance.
  11. A quality division statement will be a complete statement in the past tense that reflects the Biblical writers qualification of the Text Idea.
  12. A benefit of the structural diagram is that the main ideas in the text will stand out the most support from secondary ideas.
  13. The approach that McDill uses is the deductive approach?
  14. Fill in the blank:
    To test the validity of ____________ see whether it will stand alone as a timeless and universal statement of theological truth.
  15. The Bible was written to______________
  16. The goal of using the structural diagram and immediate observations is to gain as much information about the Text as you can?
  17. The best way to interpret Scripture is with the best commentaries.
  18. When Analyzing the Text, the first step should be to start researching in the commentaries.
  19. Sermon Division statements are stand alone universal principles.
  20. Research Questions are composed of which of the following types of questions?
  21. Predicates have a direct connection to the sermon division statements.
  22. Which one is not part of the Classic Method in moving from Text to Sermon?
  23. Sermons are essentially persuasive speech.
  24. Preachers are interpreters of the Text, who translate the meaning for their audience.
  25. Which one is not a factor in developing your powers of observation:
  26. Which one is not an investigative question?
  27. A predicate is a grammatical term that expresses the being or action of the subject.
  28. Name the kinds of authority for a sermon that are based on the extent to which it reflects the subject and purpose of the Text.
  29. Match the following
  30. Match the following:
  31. Match the following
  32. Match the following:
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