HIWD 555 Quiz 7 Liberty University
- Which port provided the most supplies to the allied effort in 1944?
- Which country was most committed to an Allied offensive in Italy?
- Why is General von Choltitz significant?
- Who commanded the main allied landing forces on Sicily?
- Which statement best describes French resistance at the beginning of Operation Torch?
- Who does R.A.C. Parker credit more than anyone else for the success of Operation Torch?
- What was the objective of Operation Shingle?
- A.C. believes that General Mark Clark should be praised for his seizure of Rome.
- Germany’s generals and Hitler agreed that the best defensive tactic was to retreat to allow for strategic flexibility.
- How did Rommel want to defeat the allied invasion of France?
- What was Operation Cobra?
- According to R.A.C. Parker, Americans forces won the Battle of the Bulge because they moved faster than the Germans.
- Where did the Germans have the most success against the allied landings at Normandy?
- Which Allied operation failed in its attempt to seize a route over the Rhine River in September 1944?
- What did Hitler hope to achieve when his forces initiated the Battle of the Bulge?
- How many American casualties were there in the Battle of the Bulge?
- Which of the following historians and scholars has not written extensively about the Battle of the Bulge?
- What happened between 1 and 5 am at night in the Warsaw Ghetto?
- How many Jews lived per room in the apartments in the Warsaw Ghetto?
- Who visited Warsaw in September 1941 and photographed the conditions in the ghetto?