EVAN 101 Quiz 4 Final

EVAN 101 Final Quiz

  1. According to Pace & Wheeler, because a divine calling is from God, submitting is always easy.
  2. According to Pace & Wheeler, a genuine calling may or may not result in change.
  3. According to Earley & Wheeler, there are some believers who are just not called to share their faith.
  4. Earley & Wheeler cite the fulllment of prophecy as proof of Jesus’ claims.
  5. According to Earley & Wheeler, sympathy and empathy are the same thing.
  6. According to Earley & Wheeler, Christians reject pluralism because because of the lack exposure to other views.
  7. According to Pace & Wheeler, God can use uncomfortable, inconvenient, and even awkward conversations to bring people to Himself, but He cannot use our silence.
  8. Salvation is tied to:
  9. According to Pace & Wheeler, suffering is never part of God’s will.
  10. According to Pace & Wheeler, even when Christians adopt service as an intentional lifestyle, it can still be dicult to initiate spiritual conversations.
  11. In the Bible, Jesus sent out disciples for the purpose of evangelism before the Great Commission.
  12. Despite Jesus’ example, His disciples did not carry on the practice of Servant Evangelism.
  13. According to Chapter 8, because the Gospel is a universal message cultural barriers do not need to be crossed.
  14. According to Pace & Wheeler, having a divine calling means a believer never has to struggle.
  15. According to Pace & Wheeler, believers should not adore God and admit sin in the same prayer.
  16. Thompson’s Concentric Circles of Concern model shows that the Gospel ows through relationships.
  17. According to Pace & Wheeler, it is clear from Paul’s prayer for the Colossians that we can know and understand God’s will for our lives.
  18. According to Earley & Wheeler, Old Testament stories such as creation and the fall cannot teach New Testament Christians about evangelism.
  19. According to Earley & Wheeler, not every Christian has a story to tell.
  20. Pace & Wheeler caution that if the need is too big, then do not try to meet it.
  21. Jesus did not always explain the meaning of a parable.
  22. Pace & Wheeler described Biblical disciple making as multiplication.
  23. According to Pace & Wheeler, Colossians 3:16 shows a connection between the Bible and worship.
  24. The 4 steps of True Salvation from the textbook are Curious, Convicted, Convinced, and
  25. Earley & Wheeler taught believe that the Holy Spirit can:
  26. Earley & Wheeler taught that a testimony should have:
  27. The Great Commission is Christ’s command to His followers to make disciples of all people.
  28. Servant Evangelism should have:
  29. According to Pace & Wheeler, using a prayer schedule destroys spontaneity.
  30. According to Pace & Wheeler, Servant Evangelism is never fun.
  31. According to Earley & Wheeler, True Conversion means:
  32. According to Pace & Wheeler, Incarnational Ministry means to be the hands and feet of Jesus here on earth.
  33. The empathy of Jesus is seen in:
  34. According to Pace & Wheeler all believers are commissioned to be:
  35. Because you will have trouble nding a specic technique or method, Pace and Wheeler recommend that you do not follow Jesus’ witnessing example with the woman at the well.
  36. Early & Wheeler use the story of Jesus washing the disciple’s feet as a picture of servant evangelism.
  37. According to Pace & Wheeler, while the Bible describes what God does, It does not express what God desires.
  38. Will McRaney shared that we cannot harvest where no seed has been planted.
  39. According to Earley & Wheeler, empathetic living is never forgetting how it feels to be lost.
  40. While servant evangelism can do practical chores, it cannot open doors to share the Gospel.
  41. Pace & Wheeler advise to read the Bible daily.
  42. In its nontechnical sense the term missionary is simply “a person with a mission.”
  43. God’s plan of salvation not only includes humans but also His entire creation.
  44. Early and Wheeler teach that if you have been saved then you also have been sent to tell others the Good News.
  45. According to Pace & Wheeler, the Christian calling is a calling to salvation and not a call to serve.
  46. Evangelism is:
  47. According to Earley & Wheeler, high-pressure evangelism can be well meaning.
  48. The book of 1 John has more than a dozen tests to offer assurance of salvation.
  49. Pace & Wheeler noted that with apps on phones memorizing the Bible is no longer really necessary.

Set 2

  1. According to Pace & Wheeler, sometimes God uses di!cult situations to teach us how to depend on Him through prayer.
  2. While we need the Holy Spirit today for evangelism, the disciples in the Bible rarely relied on the Holy Spirit when witnessing.
  3. According to Earley & Wheeler, Christians reject pluralism because because of the lack exposure to other views.
  4. Pace & Wheeler use the term “Incarnational” to describe living with people.
  5. Jesus Himself is an example of a person Who called for a response.
  6. Purify Yourself, Position Yourself, and Prepare Yourself are the three steps Pace & Wheeler give for living out God’s will.
  7. According to Earley & Wheeler, there are some believers who cannot evangelize because of their personality type.
  8. According to Earley & Wheeler, more than one element is involved in the harvest.
  9. Jesus did not always explain the meaning of a parable.
  10. Pace & Wheeler wrote that the church in America looks exactly like the early church in the book of Acts.
  11. The Holy Spirit is not really a Person like Jesus or God the Father.
  12. According to Earley & Wheeler, accepting and loving people is the same as condoning their sinful behavior.
  13. According to Pace & Wheeler, Psalm 37:4 teaches that God is obligated to grant our wishes.
  14. According to Pace & Wheeler, Servant Evangelism is never fun.
  15. The book of 1 John has more than a dozen tests to o”er assurance of salvation.
  16. God’s plan of salvation not only includes humans but also His entire creation.
  17. In order to save us Jesus became human like us.
  18. Earley & Wheeler admit that fear of rejection is a good reason not to ask for a response.
  19. According to Earley & Wheeler, the key to being e”ective in evangelism is simply to cooperate with what the Holy Spirit is already doing.
  20. According to 1 Peter 3:15 a believer should be ready to defend his or her faith.
  21. According to Pace & Wheeler, Colossians 3:16 shows a connection between the Bible and worship.
  22. According to Earley & Wheeler, it is not the amount of faith but the object of the faith that truly matters.
  23. According to Pace & Wheeler, while the Bible describes what God does, It does not express what God desires.
  24. Because most lost people are not used to praying, Early & Wheeler suggest o”ering to lead a person in a simple prayer for salvation.
  25. Early and Wheeler teach that if you have been saved then you also have been sent to tell others the Good News.
  26. Early & Wheeler advise that if being yourself doesn’t work in evangelism then pretend to be something else.
  27. According to Pace & Wheeler, a genuine calling is received from Christ.
  28. The Gospel message includes Christ’s:
  29. According to Pace & Wheeler, Incarnational Ministry means to be the hands and feet of Jesus here on earth.
  30. Apologetics is the practice of defending the Christian faith.
  31. Jesus is the best example of using gimmicks and tricks for evangelism.
  32. According to Pace & Wheeler, Incarnational Apologetics is important because the unsaved often need to see it to believe it.
  33. According to Earley & Wheeler, empathetic living is never forgetting how it feels to be lost.
  34. Early & Wheeler explain that the Gospel can change an individual, but It cannot change a society.
  35. Earley & Wheeler conclude that Christianity is no di”erent than any other religion.
  36. Servant Evangelism should have:
  37. According to Pace & Wheeler, John 4 is an example of Jesus doing personal evangelism.
  38. According to Pace & Wheeler, Servant Evangelism is the same as Random Acts of Kindness.
  39. The person who #rst said, “One sows and another reaps.” was:
  40. Pace & Wheeler noted that with apps on phones memorizing the Bible is no longer really necessary.
  41. Pace & Wheeler described Biblical disciple making as multiplication.
  42. In Chapter 2, Pace & Wheelers suggested a substitute for reading the Bible.
  43. Because you will have trouble #nding a speci#c technique or method, Pace and Wheeler recommend that you do not follow Jesus’ witnessing example with the woman at the well.
  44. Will McRaney shared that we cannot harvest where no seed has been planted.
  45. According to Earley & Wheeler, because of God’s sovereignty, it is not Biblical to pray for people to get saved.
  46. Earley & Wheeler advise always to be honest about the cost of becoming a disciple when witnessing.
  47. Kirk Cameron and Ray Comfort advocate reading the 10 Commandments in personal evangelism.
  48. According to Pace & Wheeler, 1 Peter 2:2 teaches that understanding the Bible leads to spiritual maturity.
  49. According to Earley & Wheeler, sharing your testimony is an easy way to build a bridge with others.
  50. According to Earley & Wheeler, the parable of the sower teaches to spread only a little seed because it may get wasted.

EVAN 101 Quiz Final Liberty University

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