ETHC 101 Quiz 5 Liberty University
Set 1
- The Sorites Paradox involves what question:
- The fallacy of forgetful induction involves:
- The fallacy of conflation involves:
- According to the Biblical Ethics textbook, the crux of the abortion debate concerns the point at which
- A fetus is defined as:
- A zygote is defined as:
- According to the Biblical ethics textbook, when it comes to determining the personhood of the unborn the most clear-cut line of demarcation is:
- An ovum is defined as:
- According to the Biblical ethics textbook, pro-choice arguments offer many justifications for abortion, which one of the following is strongly debated in the Christian community:
- According to the Biblical Ethics textbook, which form of death is not sinful?
Set 2
- The eco-justice norm of “solidarity” emphasizes that:
- How does analogous induction work?
- “General revelation” is a theological term that refers to:
- Eisegesis
- How does induction work?
- The term “sustainable development” refers to:
- According to Christian Ethics, one aspect of the biblical understanding of stewardship is preservation of God’s creation. Another is:
- While discussing economic justice, Christian Ethics points out what fact about the distribution of wealth in the US?
- “Special revelation” is a theological term that refers to:
- The eco-justice norm of “sufficiency” emphasizes that:
Set 3
- Eisegesis
- According to the book Christian Ethics, one biblical principle that should be reflected in our views on business ethics is the principle that all humans are created in God’s image, because:
- The eco-justice norm of “sufficiency” emphasizes that:
- While discussing economic justice, Christian Ethics
points out what fact about the distribution of wealth in the US? - How does deduction work?
- How does analogous induction work?
- The term “sustainable development” refers to:
- The eco-justice norm of “sustainability” emphasizes that:
- Hermeneutics is:
- The goal of exegesis is to discover:
Set 4
- Hermeneutics is:
- According to the bookChristian Ethics, one biblical principle that should be reflected in our views on business ethics is the principle that all humans are created in God’s image, because:
- According toChristian Ethics, one aspect of the biblical understanding of stewardship is preservation of God’s creation. Another is:
- Eisegesis
- How does deduction work?
- The World Council of Churches has developed an “ethic of ecological justice” that contains four norms rooted in the Christian tradition that should guide our stewardship of nature. Which of the following are on that list?
- The eco-justice norm of “participation” emphasizes that:
- The eco-justice norm of “sustainability” emphasizes that:
- The goal of exegesis is to discover:
- The approach to hermeneutics advocated inMoral Reasoning was called: