ETHC 101 Quiz 4

ETHC 101 Quiz 4 Liberty University

Set 1

  1. According to the Talking About Ethics textbook, orthodox Christianity sees homosexuality as one form of rebellion against God’s created order.
  2. According to the Talking About Ethics textbook, a mismatch between a person’s biological sex and their sense of their own gender is called:
  3. According to the textbooks, since Jesus didn’t say anything directly about homosexuality, then he must have permitted it.
  4. According to the Moral Choices textbook, affirmative action programs were meant to address:
  5. According to the Moral Choices textbook, the Black Lives Matter organization was also an advocate for the cause of:
  6. According to the Talking About Ethics textbook, what are Paul’s reason in Romans 1:24-32 why homosexuality is immoral?
  7. According to the Moral Choices textbook, “Most denominations consider New Testament teaching on women to be an archaic holdover from a patriarchal first century culture.”
  8. According to the Talking About Ethics textbooks, the terms sex and gender refer to the same thing.
  9. According to the Talking About Ethics textbook, what is NOT true about progressive Christianity:
  10. According to the Moral Choices textbook, God’s covenant with Abraham, referenced in Genesis 12:3, was specifically initiated to bless:

Set 2

  1. What is the range of success of homosexual-to-heterosexual conversion therapy according to the studies reported on by psychologist Tim Stafford?
  2. Some defenders of homosexuality have argued that Jesus must have been either favorable or neutral toward homosexuality since the Bible doesn’t record him objecting to it. According to the Biblical Ethics textbook, what logical fallacy does this argument commit?
  3. According to the Biblical Ethics textbook, what is wrong when proponents of gay marriage use the analogy of interracial marriage?
  4. According to the Biblical Ethics textbook, self-labels such as “my sexual preference is” or “this is my orientation” can do what?
  5. Advocates of traditional marriage are accused of making a “slippery slope” argument against gay marriage? According to the Biblical Ethics textbook, the “slippery slope” in this case has merit because:
  6. What group does Anthony Falzerano, who was once homosexual but then became a heterosexual, got married, and had two children, identify as one of the greatest threats to the gay movement?
  7. For those who reject the authority of the Bible, what other source of authority can Christians appeal to when considering the issue of gay marriage?
  8. Which of the following does our reading affirm as true?
  9. According to the Biblical Ethics textbook, proponents of gay marriage will point out that infertile couples do not fit the traditional view of marriage but are nevertheless allowed to marry. What is wrong with this objection?
  10. Which of the following is an important New Testament passage on the topic of homosexuality that was discussed for more than two pages in this week’s reading?

Set 3

  1. The animals discussed in the reading as potentially threatened by oil drilling in the Arctic are:
  2. Which of the following thinkers is specifically mentioned in Moral Reasoning as having influenced the thinking of the Founding Fathers of the United States of America?
  3. What book on social ethics did Thomas Hobbes author?
  4. Aside from Jesus, who was mentioned in Moral Reasoningas perhaps the most influential thinker in the history of Western intellectual tradition?
  5. Divine Nature Theory is the view that:
  6. Christian Ethics considers which of the following to be an important virtue or character trait that is relevant to the position one takes on drilling for oil in the Arctic:
  7. Social Contract theory proposes that:
  8. Which of the following is sometimes called the Practical Imperative?
  9. A synonym for Duty Ethics is:
  10. Which of the following is the most common formulation of the Categorical Imperative?

Set 4

  1. A hypothetical imperative:
  2. What book on social ethics did Thomas Hobbes author?
  3. Christian Ethicsargues that, from the Christian perspective, nature is:
  4. Christian Ethicsconsiders which of the following to be an important virtue or character trait that is relevant to the position one takes on drilling for oil in the Arctic:
  5. Aside from Jesus, who was mentioned in Moral Reasoning
    as perhaps the most influential thinker in the history of Western intellectual tradition?
  6. Which philosopher is famous for proposing the moral principle known as the Categorical Imperative?
  7. In light of Jesus’ teaching that Christians ought to love their “neighbors” as much as they love themselves, when we recognize our own need of clean water, what should we do?
  8. Divine Nature Theory is the view that:
  9. Modified Divine Command Theory is another name for which of the following theories:
  10. Social Contract theory proposes that:

Set 5

  1. In light of Jesus’ teaching that Christians ought to love their “neighbors” as much as they love themselves, when we recognize our own need of clean water, what should we do?
  2. Christian Ethicsconsiders which of the following to be an important virtue or character trait that is relevant to the position one takes on drilling for oil in the Arctic:
  3. Aside from Jesus, who was mentioned inMoral Reasoning
    as perhaps the most influential thinker in the history of Western intellectual tradition?
  4. Which of the following is the most common formulation of the Categorical Imperative?
  5. An a posteriori principle:
  6. Christian Ethicsargues that, from the Christian perspective, nature is:
  7. A synonym for Duty Ethics is:
  8. Divine Command Theory holds that:
  9. Which philosopher is famous for proposing the moral principle known as the Categorical Imperative?
  10. Which of the following is sometimes called the Practical Imperative?
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