ENGL 103 Exam 2 Final

ENGL 103 Exam 2 Final Liberty University

Set 1

  1. An ethical resume and cover letter requires each of the following except
  2. Defining your presentation’s objectives includes determining what will make the presentation usable and persuasive and where you can obtain speech training.
  3. Proposals address problems, offer solutions, but should never discuss costs.
  4. Since you may send out many job application letters, it is best to use a well-written letter that you may send to all prospective employers.
  5. Which visual media are normally used in oral presentations?
  6. Which of the following is not cited as a job application document?
  7. Most oral presentations limit major points to
  8. Since executive summaries are for executives, they must contain more information than the rest of the report or proposal.
  9. Who would not be a good reference to list in your résumé?
  10. To help your listeners follow the structure of your presentation, do each of the following except
  11. Which of the following is not included in résumés?
  12. Which of the following is a form of oral delivery?
  13. Proposals may be either solicited (asked to be submitted) or unsolicited (submitted on your own initiative).
  14. Listener-centered oral presentations are equivalent to reader-centered written communications.
  15. The reward for an effective résumé and job application letter is hopefully
  16. When displaying slides during a presentation, do each of the following except
  17. Back matter includes which of the following?
  18. Tables of contents are constructed from chapter or section heads.
  19. Your job application letter should include each of the following except
  20. At work, team presentations are as common as team writing.
  21. A schedule chart is often included in proposals to show if a schedule is reasonable and sound.
  22. Despite its name, back matter is placed at the beginning of reports.
  23. Proposals and reports often have front matter that includes each of the following except
  24. To maintain a professional demeanor and appear better informed, speakers should seek to avoid eye contact with listeners.
  25. Which of the following is not a major element of a proposal?

Set 2

  1. Listener-centered oral presentations are equivalent to reader-centered written communications.
  2. Since visual design of résumés is so important, which of the following is recommended?
  3. Since you may send out many job application letters, it is best to use a well-written letter that you may send to all prospective employers.
  4. Proposals address problems, offer solutions, but should never discuss costs.
  5. Formal proposals or reports often include transmittal letters or memos.
  6. Despite its name, back matter is placed at the beginning of reports.
  7. When displaying slides during a presentation, do each of the following except
  8. To help your listeners follow the structure of your presentation, do each of the following except
  9. While oral presentations may help advance your career, they are rarely used in obtaining your first job.
  10. Back matter includes which of the following?
  11. The reward for an effective résumé and job application letter is hopefully
  12. Your professional portfolio may include work samples from courses, internships, co-ops, and volunteer projects.
  13. The title page of reports and proposals shows the title only.
  14. A schedule chart is often included in proposals to show if a schedule is reasonable and sound.
  15. While formal reports are written to employees in your own organization, proposals are written only to other organizations.
  16. Which of the following is notcited as a job application document?
  17. Since executive summaries are for executives, they must contain more information than the rest of the report or proposal.
  18. Proposals and reports often have front matter that includes each of the following except
  19. Most oral presentations limit major points to
  20. Which of the following is nota major element of a proposal?
  21. Proposals may be either solicited (asked to be submitted) or unsolicited (submitted on your own initiative).
  22. Defining your presentation’s objectives includes determining what will make the presentation usable and persuasive and where you can obtain speech training.
  23. To maintain a professional demeanor and appear better informed, speakers should seek to avoid eye contact with listeners.
  24. Who would notbe a good reference to list in your résumé?
  25. Which of the following is a form of oral delivery?

Set 3

  1. A schedule chart is often included in proposals to show if a schedule is reasonable and sound.
  2. To help your listeners follow the structure of your presentation, do each of the following except
  3. Since executive summaries are for executives, they must contain more information than the rest of the report or proposal.
  4. Tables of contents are constructed from chapter or section heads.
  5. Your professional portfolio may include work samples from courses, internships, co-ops, and volunteer projects.
  6. Your job application letter should include each of the following except
  7. Defining your presentation’s objectives includes determining what will make the presentation usable and persuasive and where you can obtain speech training.
  8. Which visual media are normally used in oral presentations?
  9. The reward for an effective résumé and job application letter is hopefully
  10. Which of the following is notincluded in résumés?
  11. While oral presentations may help advance your career, they are rarely used in obtaining your first job.
  12. Back matter includes which of the following?
  13. For most presentations, a conversational style works best.
  14. At work, team presentations are as common as team writing.
  15. Which of the following is notcited as a job application document?
  16. Proposals and reports often have front matter that includes each of the following except
  17. While formal reports are written to employees in your own organization, proposals are written only to other organizations.
  18. Since you may send out many job application letters, it is best to use a well-written letter that you may send to all prospective employers.
  19. An ethical resume and cover letter requires each of the following except
  20. Proposals address problems, offer solutions, but should never discuss costs.
  21. Listener-centered oral presentations are equivalent to reader-centered written communications.
  22. Since visual design of résumés is so important, which of the following is recommended?
  23. Proposals may be either solicited (askedto be submitted) or unsolicited (submitted on your own initiative).
  24. Which of the following is a form of oral delivery?
  25. The title page of reports and proposals shows the title only.
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