EDUC 648 Quiz 2

EDUC 648 Quiz 2 Liberty University

EDUC 648 Quiz Adequacy, Equity, and School Funding

Covers the Learn material from Module 2: Week 2.

  1. Select the following factor that would not be appropriate to include in the determination of the weighted pupil process or formula:
  2. Which of the following is not a significant type of weighting?
  3. Which of the following would likely be a result of full state funding for education?
  4. Which of the following is NOT included in one of the three methods of state participation possible for financing and operating public schools?
  5. Which of the following is not a method through which states pay for special education programs?
  6. The factor of sparsity has long been a consideration in educational finance formulas. The per- pupil allocation of funds for school districts in large cities, however, is a relatively new phenomenon. Which of the following is a factor contributing to finance problems of school districts in large cities?
  7. The “foundation program,” or “district power equalization,” approach for financing and operating public schools is where state funds are added to local, public and city funds to produce a varying level of support based on district.
  8. Overall, 48 states reported providing assistance for special education students through per pupil allocations or weights.
  9. It is likely that full state funding would lead to the extended use of sales and income taxes, with less emphasis on the property tax.
  10. Cost differentials, or weighting factors, are perhaps the most difficult, time consuming and least efficient measures of the amount of additional resources and services needed to provide all students with reasonably equal educational programs.
  11. It is safe to assume that the use of weightings in school finance formulas is increasing.
  12. Low-income is often used as a proxy for low achievement and/or being at risk of dropping out of school
  13. The sparsity factor is the need to provide additional funds to help finance small, often rural, school districts.
  14. Tax burden can be expressed as the relationship between an individual’s income and taxes paid in percentage terms. Which of the following does NOT reflect the rank of the overall tax burden by state for state-local taxes?
  15. Taxes are a function of three variables. Which of the following is NOT one of the relevant variables?
  16. There are certain basic principles and theories of taxation that are generally accepted as appropriate characteristics of a viable tax system at any level of government. Which of the following is NOT included as one of those characteristics?
  17. Which of the following is NOT included in three variables used in the determination of taxes?
  18. The personal property tax, with all its objectionable features, remains the backbone of the local school finance structure.
  19. A single tax, regardless of its basic strengths or utility, can never be fair for all citizens of a taxing unit.
  20. Homestead exemptions are designed to lessen regressive features of the property tax.


Set 1

  1. Tax burden can be expressed as the relationship between an individual’s income and taxes paid in percentage terms. Which of the following does NOT reflect the rank of the overall tax burden by state for state-local taxes?
  2. Taxes are a function of three variables. Which of the following is NOT one of the relevant variables?
  3. Cost differentials, or weighting factors, are perhaps the most difficult, time consuming and least efficient measures of the amount of additional resources and services needed to provide all students with reasonably equal educational programs.
  4. Lotteries have become popular in some states as a significant source of revenue for schools; in many states, lotteries generate more than 50% of total revenues.
  5. District Power Equalization provides a poor school district with the power to obtain as much revenue per student as more wealthy districts making the same local tax effort.
  6. Which of the following is NOT included in one of the three methods of state participation possible for financing and operating public schools?
  7. Select the following factor that would not be appropriate to include in the determination of the weighted pupil process or formula:
  8. The personal property tax, with all its objectionable features, remains the backbone of the local school finance structure.
  9. Which of the following would likely be a result of full state funding for education?
  10. Homestead exemptions are designed to lessen regressive features of the property tax.
  11. The “foundation program,” or “district power equalization,” approach for financing and operating public schools is where state funds are added to local, public and city funds to produce a varying level of support based on district.
  12. There are certain basic principles and theories of taxation that are generally accepted as appropriate characteristics of a viable tax system at any level of government. Which of the following is NOT included as one of those characteristics?
  13. Which of the following is NOT included in three variables used in the determination of taxes?
  14. The sparsity factor is the need to provide additional funds to help finance small, often rural, school districts.
  15. Overall, 48 states reported providing assistance for special education students through per pupil allocations or weights.
  16. The factor of sparsity has long been a consideration in educational finance formulas. The per-pupil allocation of funds for school districts in large cities, however, is a relatively new phenomenon. Which of the following is a factor contributing to finance problems of school districts in large cities?
  17. A single tax, regardless of its basic strengths or utility, can never be fair for all citizens of a taxing unit.
  18. Which of the following is not a significant type of weighting?
  19. It is likely that full state funding would lead to the extended use of sales and income taxes, with less emphasis on the property tax.
  20. It is safe to assume that the use of weightings in school finance formulas is increasing.

Set 2

  1. It is safe to assume that the use of weightings in school finance formulas is increasing.
  2. A plan to protect certain classes of individuals from excessive property tax burden is referred to as a “sumptuary tax” break.
  3. Which of the following is NOT included in three variables used in the determination of taxes?
  4. The factor of sparsity has long been a consideration in educational finance formulas.  The per-pupil allocation of funds for school districts in large cities, however, is a relatively new phenomenon.  Which of the following would be a factor in contributing to finance problems of school districts in large cities?
  5. Taxes should involve at best, the defensible characteristic of being progressive, at worst, they should be proportional.
  6. The “foundation program”, or “district power equalization”, approach for financing and operating public schools is where state funds are supplemented with federal funds to produce a state-guaranteed level of school support.
  7. The personal property tax with all its objectionable features remains the backbone of the local school finance structure.
  8. By definition, District Power Equalization means that each local district mill levy should produce the same number of dollars of total school revenue per mill per (weighted) student in every district.
  9. Which of the following would likely be a result of full state funding for education?
  10. Some aspects of the school’s program will be more expensive than others.  These programs include vocational education, compensatory education, and education for students with a physical or mental disability.  If one accepts the premise that all students should be able to develop their maximum potential, one must accept the corollary that these pupils or their programs must receive a weighting in the school finance plan.
  11. Which of the following is NOT included in one of the three methods of state participation possible for financing and operating public schools?
  12. Identify which of the following may be a consequence of increases in state support for funding education.
  13. For taxes to be predictable the revenues from tax sources should be elastic.
  14. Select the following factor that would not be appropriate to include in the determination of the weighted pupil process or formula:
  15. Lotteries have become popular in some states as a source of revenue for schools. Since lotteries generate a large percentage of total state allocations, school administrators need to be concerned about relying on this source because of the uncertainty of receipts.
  16. Which of the following statements is an accurate statement regarding the fairness of taxation?
  17. Using weighting factors tends to put the extra costs incurred in providing maximum quality education for pupils with special or more than average needs where they belong — on the state.
  18. The question as to whether elementary schools should use a weighting factor similar to secondary schools is being raised more than ever before.  Which of the following would support the use of similar weighting factors for elementary and secondary schools?
  19. Select the following factor that would be appropriate to include in the determination of the weighted pupil process or formula:
  20. It is likely that full state funding would lead to the extended use of sales and income taxes, with less emphasis on the property tax.
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