EDUC 415 Quiz Planning

EDUC 415 Quiz: Planning and Using Assessments for Diagnostic Purposes

Covers the Textbook material from Module 1: Week 1.

  1. Which of the following measures is most likely to be used for RTI progress monitoring in an elementary mathematics class?
  2. One sound reason for keeping the length of an assessment procedure short is that the reliability of the students’ scores is increased.
  3. A strength of teacher-made tests is that they can assess
  4. In crafting a summative classroom assessment, it is appropriate to have the number of points for each task be proportional to the amount of time you spent on teaching each topic.
  5. One way to lower the reliability and validity of the results of questioning students during instruction is to supplement the results with test results.
  6. Which step in the assessment process is most often problematic?
  7. What is the purpose of a growth and learning progress portfolio?
  8. One major purpose of pre-assessment is
  9. One benet to using student predicting and graphing their own progress during the memorization of facts (math facts, spelling words, states and capitals, etc.) is that it aids metacognition in what otherwise can be a rote activity.
  10. The table below shows the results (fraction of items correct) of a diagnostic test for five primary school students.
  11. Which of the following diagnostic approaches uses a norm-referencing framework to interpret students’ needs?
  12. The table below shows the results (fraction of items correct) of a diagnostic test for five primary school students.
  13. A diagnostic test of deficits in mathematics could also be used to assign students’ grades in mathematics.
  14. The table below shows the results (fraction of items correct) of a diagnostic test for five primary school students.
  15. When formative assessment strategies are used effectively, what is improved?
  16. After the day’s lesson, a science teacher asked students to write on a 3×5 card one question they felt like they still needed to have answered in order to understand the water cycle. How might the teacher best use the information on the cards?
  17. Which of the following is an example of evaluative feedback?
  18. Which of the following approaches is most likely to help a first grader improve his sentencing skills?
  19. Which of the following comments is an example of descriptive feedback?
  20. Which of the following are useful tools for supporting peer feedback?
  21. Before your school purchases a computer-based instructional program, it is important to find out how it provides feedback on students’ work.
  22. At the beginning of the class period, students receive feedback on their first drafts of a graphic novel project. Which strategy is likely to be most effective for improvement?
  23. Which of the following is NOT a potential source of feedback for students?
  24. Which of the following comments is an example of self-referenced feedback?
  25. Which of the following is a recommended component of effective feedback?
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