EDCO 740 Quiz 1

EDCO 740 Quiz 1 Liberty

EDCO 740 Quiz 1 Liberty University

EDCO 740 Quiz: 1 – Hart & Ksir Chapters 1-5

  1. When examining a graph regarding changes over the years in the percentage of high school seniors who say they have “used” marijuana, we find almost a clear inverse (mirror-image) relationship to
  2. One of the general principles of psychoactive drug use is that “the effect of any psychoactive drug is powerfully influenced by
  3. The use of a substance in a manner, amounts, or situations such that the drug causes problems or greatly increases the chances of problems occurring is called:
  4. One of the general principles of psychoactive drug use is that:
  5. One of the general principles of psychoactive drugs is that “every drug has ___________
  6. One finding is that adolescents who smoke cigarettes, drink heavily, and smoke marijuana are
  7. One personality variable that has been consistently associated with higher rates of substance dependence is
  8. Suppose a person is prescribed an opioid medication (similar to heroin) to treat a painful injury. But after her injury heals, she takes the drug primarily to feel euphoria. Based on this information alone, what term would you use to describe her drug use?
  9. Despite the limitations of survey questionnaires, they can be especially informative
  10. Which type of factor probably plays a bigger role in determining whether a person will try a drug in the first place, as opposed to determining which of those who try it will become dependent?
  11. According to recent DAWN Toxicity Data, which of these substances is near the top of the “emergency room visits” lists?
  12. An older (2009) DAWN mortality report found almost 10 times as many _________-related deaths as _________-related deaths.
  13. As views of substance dependence have changed based on scientific research, the real driving force behind repeated excessive drug use is now believed to be
  14. Acute drug effects are those that
  15. When repeated exposure to the same dose of a drug results in a lesser effect, this is called
  16. Which of the following drugs has been clearly linked to violent crime?
  17. Since the 1990s, HIV transmission rates among intravenous drug users in New York have been reduced from about 50% to about 10%. According to the text, which of these factors led to this decrease?
  18. DAWN stands for:
  19. The occurrence of a “withdrawal syndrome” is evidence of
  20. When using a substance makes normal activities, such as driving or swimming, become so disoriented and impaired, and increases danger to the individual and others, is called
  21. In the early 1800s, _____________ was the medical doctor’s most reliable and effective medicine that was used for a variety of conditions, but mainly for pain relief.
  22. An economic study of U.S. efforts to eradicate coca fields in South America indicated
  23. In the early 1900s in the U.S., drug reformers raised fears about the presence of opium and cocaine in many patent medicines and tonics being linked to:
  24. Compared to urine samples, hair samples
  25. Important changes to the regulation of drugs by the Food and Drug Administration occurred in 1938 and 1962, largely in response to
  26. Before a new drug is released to the market, the FDA requires
  27. In a challenge to the international ban on drug trafficking, _____________ became the first nation to completely legalize the sale and use of marijuana.
  28. According to the text, what drug issue is currently at the center of a conflict between state and federal laws?
  29. Substances with high abuse potential and no currently accepted medical use are listed in/as
  30. From the 1920s to the 1970s, about 1 out of 1,000 Americans was in prison at any point in time. Due largely to changes in drug laws and drug enforcement, by 2008, that rate has now
  31. Brain neurons have four morphologically defined regions. Which choice is NOT one of those regions?
  32. The process of maintaining our internal environment (temperature, blood pressure, etc.) within a certain range is called
  33. Parasympathetic and sympathetic refer to the two branches of the
  34. Natural chemicals in the brain that produce effects similar to those of morphine and other opium-derived drugs are called
  35. Which chemical pathway appears to be important both in some types of psychotic reactions and in the reinforcing/reward properties of various drugs?
  36. Weight control, aggression, food intake, impulsivity, and psychological depression have all been associated with
  37. Which brain-imaging technique provides real-time information about changes in brain blood flow?
  38. Which neurotransmitter resides at neuromuscular junctions in the somatic system, and acts on receptors that “excite” the muscles?
  39. Drugs can affect neurotransmitter systems in two main ways: either by altering the availability of the neurotransmitter in the synapse, or by
  40. Specialized structures that recognize and respond to specific chemical signals are called
  41. “Nonspecific effects” of taking a drug are those that do not depend on its chemical activity. They are sometimes referred to as
  42. Among the psychoactive drugs, alcohol can be classified as a(n)
  43. In some cases, repeated use of a drug leads to pharmacodynamic tolerance, which is based on
  44. The blood-brain barrier
  45. The “time course” of a drug’s action depends on
  46. Which of these is given its own classification category, due to its complex effects at different doses?
  47. Of the following routes of administration, which will produce the fastest onset of effects?
  48. The text uses an example of overlapping dose-response curves for slowed reaction time, ataxia (staggering), and coma to illustrate
  49. The group of psychoactive drugs called stimulants includes
  50. When the use of a drug interferes with normal behavior, such as driving a car, experienced users may learn to compensate and show less impairment than new users. This is an example of

Other sets

  1. One personality variable that has been consistently associated with higher rates of substance dependence is
  2. When examining a graph regarding changes over the years in the percentage of high school seniors who say they have “used” marijuana, we find almost a clear inverse (mirror-image) relationship to
  3. One finding is that adolescents who smoke cigarettes, drink heavily, and smoke marijuana are
  4. One of the general principles of psychoactive drug use is that:
  5. One of the general principles of psychoactive drug use is that “the effect of any psychoactive drug is powerfully influenced by
  6. Which type of factor probably plays a bigger role in determining whether a person will try a drug in the first place, as opposed to determining which of those who try it will become dependent?
  7. Despite the limitations of survey questionnaires, they can be especially informative
  8. Suppose a person is prescribed an opioid medication (similar to heroin) to treat a painful injury. But after her injury heals, she takes the drug primarily to feel euphoria. Based on this information alone, what term would you use to describe her drug use?
  9. The use of a substance in a manner, amounts, or situations such that the drug causes problems or greatly increases the chances of problems occurring is called:
  10. One of the general principles of psychoactive drugs is that “every drug has ___________
  11. When using a substance makes normal activities, such as driving or swimming, become so disoriented and impaired, and increases danger to the individual and others, is called
  12. Which of the following drugs has been clearly linked to violent crime?
  13. In determining whether using a drug causes people to become criminals, it is important to remember that
  14. When repeated exposure to the same dose of a drug results in a lesser effect, this is called
  15. Since the 1990s, HIV transmission rates among intravenous drug users in New York have been reduced from about 50% to about 10%. According to the text, which of these factors led to this decrease?
  16. According to recent DAWN Toxicity Data, which of these substances is near the top of the “emergency room visits” lists?
  17. DAWN stands for:
  18. Acute drug effects are those that
  19. The occurrence of a “withdrawal syndrome” is evidence of
  20. As views of substance dependence have changed based on scientific research, the real driving force behind repeated excessive drug use is now believed to be
  21. In a challenge to the international ban on drug trafficking, _____________ became the first nation to completely legalize the sale and use of marijuana.
  22. Compared to urine samples, hair samples
  23. Substances with high abuse potential and no currently accepted medical use are listed in/as
  24. From the 1920s to the 1970s, about 1 out of 1,000 Americans was in prison at any point in time. Due largely to changes in drug laws and drug enforcement, by 2008, that rate has now
  25. Important changes to the regulation of drugs by the Food and Drug Administration occurred in 1938 and 1962, largely in response to
  26. Before a new drug is released to the market, the FDA requires
  27. In the early 1900s in the U.S., drug reformers raised fears about the presence of opium and cocaine in many patent medicines and tonics being linked to:
  28. According to the text, what drug issue is currently at the center of a conflict between state and federal laws?
  29. In the early 1800s, _____________ was the medical doctor’s most reliable and effective medicine that was used for a variety of conditions, but mainly for pain relief.
  30. An economic study of U.S. efforts to eradicate coca fields in South America indicated
  31. Parasympathetic and sympathetic refer to the two branches of the
  32. Brain neurons have four morphologically defined regions. Which choice is NOT one of those regions?
  33. Weight control, aggression, food intake, impulsivity, and psychological depression have all been associated with
  34. Specialized structures that recognize and respond to specific chemical signals are called
  35. Drugs can affect neurotransmitter systems in two main ways: either by altering the availability of the neurotransmitter in the synapse, or by
  36. Which chemical pathway appears to be important both in some types of psychotic reactions and in the reinforcing/reward properties of various drugs?
  37. Which brain-imaging technique provides real-time information about changes in brain blood flow?
  38. Which neurotransmitter resides at neuromuscular junctions in the somatic system, and acts on receptors that “excite” the muscles?
  39. Natural chemicals in the brain that produce effects similar to those of morphine and other opium-derived drugs are called
  40. The process of maintaining our internal environment (temperature, blood pressure, etc.) within a certain range is called
  41. Which of these is given its own classification category, due to its complex effects at different doses?
  42. The group of psychoactive drugs called stimulants includes
  43. In some cases, repeated use of a drug leads to pharmacodynamic tolerance, which is based on
  44. The text uses an example of overlapping dose-response curves for slowed reaction time, ataxia (staggering), and coma to illustrate
  45. The blood-brain barrier
  46. “Nonspecific effects” of taking a drug are those that do not depend on its chemical activity. They are sometimes referred to as
  47. Among the psychoactive drugs, alcohol can be classified as a(n)
  48. When the use of a drug interferes with normal behavior, such as driving a car, experienced users may learn to compensate and show less impairment than new users. This is an example of
  49. Of the following routes of administration, which will produce the fastest onset of effects?

Set 2

  1. Which type of factor probably plays a bigger role in determining whether a person will trya drug in the first place, as opposed to determining which of those who try it will become dependent?
  2. One of the general principles of psychoactive drug use is that “the effect of any psychoactive drug is powerfully influenced by ___________________.”
  3. One of the general principles of psychoactive drug use is that:
  4. Suppose a person is prescribed an opioid medication (similar to heroin) to  treat a painful injury. But after her injury heals, she takes the drug primarily to feel euphoria. Based on this information alone, what term would you use to describe her drug use?
  5. One finding is that adolescents who smoke cigarettes, drink heavily, and smoke marijuana are ______________
  6. When examining a graph regarding changes over the years in the percentage of high school seniors who say they have “used” marijuana, we find almost a clear inverse (mirror-image) relationship to
  7. One of the general principles of psychoactive drugs is that “every drug has ___________
  8. Despite the limitations of survey questionnaires, they can be especially informative
  9. One personality variable that has been consistently associated with higher rates of substance dependence is
  10. The use of a substance in a manner, amounts, or situations such that the drug causes problems or greatly increases the chances of problems occurring is called:
  11. The occurrence of a “withdrawal syndrome” is evidence of
  12. When using a substance makes normal activities, such as driving or swimming, become so disoriented and impaired, and increases danger to the individual and others, is called
  13. As views of substance dependence have changed based on scientific research, the real driving force behind repeated excessive drug use is now believed to be
  14. Which of the following drugs has been clearly linked to violent crime?
  15. Since the 1990s, HIV transmission rates among intravenous drug users in New York have been reduced from about 50% to about 10%. According to the text, which of these factors led to this decrease?
  16. Acute drug effects are those that
  17. An older (2009) DAWN mortality report found almost 10 times as many _________-related deaths as _________-related deaths.
  18. According to recent DAWN Toxicity Data, which of these substances is near the top of the “emergency room visits” lists?
  19. When repeated exposure to the same dose of a drug results in a lesser effect, this is called
  20. In determining whether using a drug causespeople to become criminals, it is important to remember that
  21. Important changes to the regulation of drugs by the Food and Drug Administration occurred in 1938 and 1962, largely in response to
  22. In the early 1900s in the U.S., drug reformers raised fears about the presence of opium and cocaine in many patent medicines and tonics being linked to:
  23. In a challenge to the international ban on drug trafficking, _____________ became the first nation to completely legalize the sale and use of marijuana.
  24. Compared to urine samples, hair samples
  25. According to the text, what drug issue is currently at the center of a conflict between state and federal laws?
  26. Substances with high abuse potential and no currently accepted medical use are listed in/as
  27. From the 1920s to the 1970s, about 1 out of 1,000 Americans was in prison at any point in time. Due largely to changes in drug laws and drug enforcement, by 2008, that rate has now
  28. In the early 1800s, _____________ was the medical doctor’s most reliable and effective medicine that was used for a variety of conditions, but mainly for pain relief.
  29. An economic study of U.S. efforts to eradicate coca fields in South America indicated
  30. Before a new drug is released to the market, the FDA requires
  31. Parasympathetic and sympathetic refer to the two branches of the
  32. The process of maintaining our internal environment (temperature, blood pressure, etc.) within a certain range is called
  33. Which neurotransmitter resides at neuromuscular junctions in the somatic system, and acts on receptors that “excite” the muscles?
  34. Drugs can affect neurotransmitter systems in two main ways: either by altering the availability of the neurotransmitter in the synapse, or by
  35. Brain neurons have four morphologically defined regions.  Which choice is NOT one of those regions?
  36. Weight control, aggression, food intake, impulsivity, and psychological depression have all been associated with
  37. Natural chemicals in the brain that produce effects similar to those of morphine and other opium-derived drugs are called
  38. Which brain-imaging technique provides real-time information about changes in brain blood flow?
  39. Specialized structures that recognize and respond to specific chemical signals are called
  40. Which chemical pathway appears to be important both in some types of psychotic reactions and in the reinforcing/reward properties of various drugs?
  41. “Nonspecific effects” of taking a drug are those that do not depend on its chemical activity. They are sometimes referred to as
  42. When the use of a drug interferes with normal behavior, such as driving a car, experienced users may learn to compensate and show less impairment than new users. This is an example of
  43. Which of these is given its own classification category, due to its complex effects at different doses?
  44. The text uses an example of overlapping dose-response curves for slowed reaction time, ataxia (staggering), and coma to illustrate
  45. In some cases, repeated use of a drug leads to pharmacodynamic tolerance, which is based on
  46. Among the psychoactive drugs, alcohol can be classified as a(n)
  47. The blood-brain barrier
  48. Of the following routes of administration, which will produce the fastest onset of effects?
  49. Researchers, when seeking to measure toxicity of drugs in mice, try to find the difference between the therapeutic index and the lethal doses amount.  This difference is referred to as the
  50. The “time course” of a drug’s action depends on
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