COUC 601 Quiz: Psychodynamic, Transgenerational, and Experiential Models
Modules 3 — 4: Weeks 3 — 4.
- The largest organization of family therapists is the:
- According to Ackerman, family dysfunction reects
- A holding environment is a key element in:
- A trio of Freudian concepts remain of vital importance to any __________ model.
- Slovik and Grith consider the major value of the introduction of the one-way mirror in the 1950s was the ability to:
- One highlight of Framo’s approach is the ability to lead a couple through several treatment stages. From the list below, which is one of these stages?
- Which of the following is not considered by the authors to have set the stage for family therapy?
- Sullivan emphasized all but one of the following as emerging from early mother-child relationships. Which one does not belong?
- The focus of object relations theory is:
- The group therapy technique whereby a stage is utilized and the patient acts out significant life events in front of an audience is called:
- An empirically valid theory:
- A double-bind situation calls for:
- One criticism of the double-bind concept is its:
- A spouse who projects undesired aspects of oneself onto a partner and then fights these characteristics in that mate is engaging in
- The double-bind concept was first introduced to account for the development of:
- According to Ackerman, the therapist’s primary job is to…
- Pseudomutuality refers to:
- By “tickling the defenses” Ackerman:
- Feminists have faulted existing practices as:
- Defending against anxiety by externalizing unwanted parts of oneself onto others is called:
- For which of the following is interpretation of dreams and fantasies an essential part of the therapy?
- Relying heavily on learning theory at first, _________________ theory first came into prominence in the 1960s:
- In a marital schism situation, each partner:
- Kohut views narcissism as:
- Possible symptomatic patterns of fusion, according to Bowen, may be
- With his concept of self-differentiation, Bowen argues for
- According to Bowen, the basic building block in family’s emotional system is the
- By symbiosis, Bowen is referring to
- Bowen’s concept of societal regression extends his view to
- A high degree of family fusion may result in: (best answer please)
- Genograms help shed light on
- Bowen’s approach may be considered a bridge between what views?
- Bowen’s work with families tended to be
- According to Kerr, an emotional cutoff
- The “undifferentiated family ego mass” refers to
- Bowen referred to a family’s way of reducing stress and maintaining stability as its
- Regardless of the presenting problem. Family Systems Therapy is directed toward
- Nothing exists except in the now. This statement was likely made by a
- Experiential therapists are especially critical of rational thought in the way of
- Emotionally-Focused Couple Therapy
- Whitaker conceptualizes schizophrenia as
- According to Whitaker, the battle for initiative must
- The Family Life Chronology is essentially
- The attempt to guide clients into unlocking dysfunctional patterns stemming from their family of origin is called
- Satir suggests that people handle their communications with one another by playing one of five roles. Which of the following is not one of those roles?
- In Satir’s view, symptoms
- Common vocabulary terms used by experiential family therapists include all except one of the following. Which term does not t with the others?
- As a Gestalt therapist, Kempler stresses a position of…
- Probably Kempler’s outstanding therapeutic tactic is his insistence on
- Satir called her approach