COSC 661 Quiz 1

COSC 661 Quiz 1 Liberty University

Quiz: Introduction to Comprehensive School Counseling Program

  1. Which of the following is key to evolving the public’s perceptions about school counseling and the value of CSCPs, and gaining stakeholder support for moving the profession forward?
  2. The __________ give structure to the day-to-day work of the school counselor.
  3. Which of the following is NOT one of the four components of the ASCA National Model?
  4. Which of the following is NOT one of the four themes of the ASCA National Model?
  5. Promoting college and career readiness, influencing the achievement of a shared goal, and assuming the responsibility for the creation of the annual agreements are examples of:
  6. Identifying and voicing needs, problems, and barriers at the micro- and macro-levels that directly influence student achievement and school success is an example of:
  7. The building of interdependent systems to achieve a common goal that cannot be achieved by each entity working alone describes:
  8. The foundation of the National Model includes the school counseling program’s:
  9. When analyzing data as part of developing program goals, it is critical that school counselors rely on which of the following types of data in order to expose groups?
  10. SMART goals define what types of goals?
  11. When we envision the appropriate time allotment of a school counselor, ideally, what percentage of time is dedicated to the delivery component, specifically, direct services with students and indirect services for students?
  12. Which of the following represents the heart of the ASCA National model and school counseling?
  13. Which element of the Management component provides school counselors and teams with the data needed to drive the program and ensure that all students are achieving and developing as articulated in the program beliefs, vision and mission statements, and program goals?
  14. Which tool within the Management component clarifies the roles, functions, expectations, and priorities of all activities in the CSCP?
  15. In which of the following areas of the Delivery component do counselors help students to define their academic, career, and personal goals and to make plans based on those goals?
  16. Within the Delivery component, which Indirect Service might involve supporting teachers with implementing the school counseling curriculum or addressing behavior issues in the classroom?
  17. The Accountability component responds to the question:
  18. Which Accountability element provides the data that “ensures programs are evaluated for effectiveness and informs decisions related to program improvement?”
  19. Within the Accountability component, self-analysis of the school counseling program relies on which of the following?
  20. Comprehensive school counseling programs that rely on the ASCA (2012) Program Assessment consistently are capable of evolving their school counseling programs to which of the following over time?
  21. Which of the following functions did The Education Trust (2009) elevate to the highest importance for successful school counseling (as defined by the National Center for Transforming School Counseling)?
  22. French and Raven’s (1959) typology of power refers to Reward Power as:
  23. The American Counseling Association’s Advocacy Competencies (Lewis, Arnold, House & Toporek, 2003) illustrated that advocacy is not only acting on behalf of others but includes:
  24. Goodman and West-Olatunji (2010) drew strong connections between the symptomology of trauma and the behaviors of students labeled as:
  25. Collaboration is a process that relies heavily on effective skills in:
  26. Which of the following is a likely strategy in response to the observation that schools and school counselors cannot function alone to meet the needs of all students?
  27. Which of the following is NOT one of Bryan and Henry’s (2012) seven steps necessary for collaborative problem solving?
  28. Which of the following types of leadership must today’s school counselors use to assess their programs to determine if student are learning in all three domains and to improve their services to all students?
  29. School counselor leadership, advocacy, and collaboration are important activities with which of the following partners/stakeholders?
  30. Which of the following is the single biggest problem with out-of-balance clerical and administrative work?
  31. Adelman and Taylor’ (2002) argue that meeting the needs of our most vulnerable youth involves which of the following?
  32. Understanding leadership invites the understanding of informal and formal power structures. Informal power structures refer to:
  33. Formal power structures refer to:
  34. Traditional leadership is the process of:
  35. According to Bolman and Deal (1997), structural leadership involves:
  36. The frame of leadership with which school counselor are often most comfortable and the most skilled is:
  37. Shields (2003) argued that transformative leaders take a(n):
  38. A model of leadership where one person takes initiative for engaging in the change process, and she or he recruits others with similar vision and dedication to work together toward shared goals is referred to as:
  39. Distributed leadership views leadership as:
  40. Leaders arise from:

Set 2

  1. Which of the following is key to evolving the public’s perceptions about school counseling and the value of CSCPs, and gaining stakeholder support for moving the profession forward?
  2. The __________ give structure to the day-to-day work of the school counselor.
  3. Which of the following is NOT one of the four components of the ASCA National Model?
  4. Which of the following is NOT one of the four themes of the ASCA National Model?
  5. Promoting college and career readiness, influencing the achievement of a shared goal, and assumingthe responsibilty for the creation of the annual agreements are examples of:
  6. Identifying and voicing needs, problems, and barriers at the micro- and macro-levels that directly influence studentachievement and school success is an example of:
  7. The building of interdependent systems to achieve a common goal that cannot be achieved by each entity working alone describes:
  8. The foundation of the National Model includes the school counseling program’s:
  9. When analyzing data as part of developing program goals, it is critical that school counselors relyon which of the following types of data in order to expose groups?
  10. SMART goals define what types of goals?
  11. When we envision the appropriate time allotment of a school counselor, ideally, what percentage of time is dedicated to the delivery component, specifically, direct services with students and indirect services for students?
  12. Which of the following represents the heart of the ASCA National model and school counseling?
  13. Which element of the Management component provides school counselors and teams with the data needed to drive the program and ensure that all students are achieving and developing as articulated in the program beliefs, vision and mission statements, and program goals?
  14. Which tool within the Management component clarifies the roles, functions, expectations, and priorities of all activities in the CSCP?
  15. In which of the following areas of the Delivery component do counselors help students to define their academic, career, and personal goals and to make plans based on those goals?
  16. Within the Delivery component, which Indirect Service might involve supporting teachers with implementing the school counseling curriculum or addressing behavior issues in the classroom?
  17. The Accountability component responds to the question:
  18. Which Accountability element provides the data that “ensures programs are evaluated for effectiveness and informs decisions related to program improvement?”
  19. Within the Accountability component, self-analysis of the school counseling program relies on which of the following?
  20. Comprehensive school counseling programs that rely on the ASCA (2012) Program Assessment consistently are capable of evolving their school counseling programs to which of the following over time?
  21. Which of the following functions did The Education Trust (2009) elevate to the highest importance for successful school counseling (as defined by the National Center for Transforming School Counseling)?
  22. French and Raven’s (1959) typology of power refers to Reward Power as:
  23. The AmericanCounseling Association’s Advocacy Competencies (Lewis, Arnold, House & Toporek, 2003) illustrated that advocacy is not only acting on behalf of others but includes:
  24. Goodman and West-Olatunji(2010) drew strong connections between the symptomology of trauma and the behaviors of students labeled as:
  25. Collaboration is a process that relies heavily on effective skills in:
  26. Which of the following is a likely strategy in response to the observation that schools and school counselors cannot function alone to meet the needs of all students?
  27. Which of the following is NOT one of Bryan and Henry’s (2012) seven steps necessary for collaborative problem solving?
  28. Which of the following types of leadership must today’s school counselors use to assess their programs to determineif student are learning in all three domains and to improve their services to all students?
  29. School counselor leadership, advocacy, and collaboration are important activities with which of the following partners/stakeholders?
  30. Which of the following is the single biggest problem with out-of-balance clericaland administrative work?
  31. Adelman and Taylor’ (2002) argue that meeting the needs of our most vulnerable youth involves which of the following?
  32. Understanding leadership invites the understanding of informal and formal power structures. Informal power structures refer to:
  33. Formal power structures refer to:
  34. Traditional leadership is the process of:
  35. According to Bolman and Deal (1997), structural leadership involves:
  36. The frame of leadership with which school counselor are often most comfortable and the most skilled is:
  37. Shields (2003) argued that transformative leaders take a(n):
  38. A model of leadership where one person takes initiative for engaging in the change process, and she or he recruits others with similar vision and dedication to work together toward shared goals is referred to as:
  39. Distributed leadershipviews leadership as:
  40. Leaders arise from:
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