CJUS 630 Test 2

CJUS 630 Test 2 Liberty University

CJUS 630 Quiz 2

  1. Which incident in 1997 redefined police tactics for containing and de-escalating high-risk confrontations?
  2. If an officer attempts to gain the compliance of a suspect by overtly suggesting the use of physical force or a weapon against them in response to continued noncompliance, this is an example of the ________ level of the force continuum.
  3. During a tactical entry, “triangulation” refers to ________.
  4. Which of the following is a finding of the Geller and Scott study on the role of race in the use of force by the police?
  5. Discuss the various tactical options used by a tactical team primarily for hostage rescues and barricaded armed suspects.
  6. Discuss the Duluth model of police response to domestic violence.
  7. According to White and Gondolph’s theory (2000), which of the following personality characteristics correlates with the narcissistic personality?
  8. Which of the following is NOT true about elder suicide?
  9. The Supreme Court case of Tennessee v. Garner brought an end to ________.
  10. The process of continuous analysis based on all information available at an active shooter event is called ________ analysis.
  11. Using the “surround and call out” tactical option, team members surround a location and ________.
  12. The Minneapolis Project of the 1980s studied ________.
  13. Which of the following is NOT a situational type of force measure employed by the police?
  14. During the tension-building phase of an abusive relationship, the abused partner will do all of the following EXCEPT
  15. Which type of suicide is usually dangerous for those who respond because of the person’s rage?
  16. In a ________ entry, the movement is slow and methodical once an entry point is breached.
  17. Each of the following is a symptom of battered spouse syndrome except
  18. Rational-thinking mode and experiential-thinking mode are two types of ________.
  19. The theory that suggests abused women stay in their relationships for a variety of reasons, including finances, children, and societal and cultural norms, is referred to as the
  20. Each of the following is true about teen suicide EXCEPT that ________.
  21. In a domestic violence situation, when does the “cycle of violence” begin?
  22. The process by which we interpret and understand stimuli in our sensory field is referred to as ________.
  23. What is the level of force in which an officer attempts to gain control of a suspect without causing disabling injury?
  24. Which of the following theories argues that women remain in abusive relationships because they simply have too much invested to let go of them?
  25. According to Durkheim, which type of anomie occurs only in men?

Other sets

  1. Discuss the “cognitive modes” that may impact an officer’s use of force.
  2. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a tactical situation?
  3. About what percentage of Americans end their life by suicide?
  4. Each of the following is true about teen suicide EXCEPT that .
  5. An armed person moving through a building, shooting people with unrestricted access to potential victims, is a(n) .
  6. Discuss the seven tenets of the active shooter response protocol.
  7. In a entry, the movement is slow and methodical once an entry point is breached.
  8. Which of the following is NOT a situational type of force measure employed by the police?
  9. Domestic violence the children who are forced to witness and experience it.
  10. Cases like the shooting at Columbine High School in 1999 brought many changes to police tactics. Identify one of the changes from the options below.
  11. Which of the following statements is NOT critical of Durkheim’s theory?
  12. Which type of suicide involves the deterioration of a person’s self-identity?
  13. Each of the following is a symptom of battered spouse syndrome except
  14. Which personality disorder is characterized by a pervasive pattern of grandiosity?
  15. Discuss White and Gondolph’s model showing the relationship between domestic abuse and personality disorder.
  16. The behavioral dynamic seen in almost all cases of spousal abuse over a period is better known as .
  17. The theory that suggests that a woman who was abused by her own parents is at risk of staying with an abusive spouse is called the
  18. In America there are approximately how many suicides each day?
  19. According to Freud, the component of personality that keeps opposing forces in balance is known as the .
  20. Which incident in 1997 redefined police tactics for containing and de-escalating high-risk confrontations?
  21. The concept of S.W.A.T. was first developed by the in the 1960s and 1970s in response to civil unrest.
  22. The Minneapolis Project of the 1980s studied .
  23. Which of the following statements is NOT characteristic of suicide by cop?
  24. In a tactical entry, the team members enter the premises during the .
  25. Which of the following would NOT help prevent suicides in prisons and jails?

Set 1

  1. The highest rate of suicide in America has been found in which of the following groups?
  2. According to White and Gondolph’s theory (2000), which of the following personality characteristics correlates with the narcissistic personality?
  3. Which of the following is NOT a situational type of force measure employed by the police?
  4. Which of the following is NOT true about elder suicide?
  5. Discuss the various tactical options used by a tactical team primarily for hostage rescues and barricaded armed suspects.
  6. In America there are approximately how many suicides each day?
  7. Discuss the differences between adult and elder suicide.
  8. Which of the following would NOT help prevent suicides in prisons and jails?
  9. When a police officer determines in a split second that it is not necessary to shoot, but then does so because the other officers present are shooting, his brain may have signaled a ________.
  10. Cases like the shooting at Columbine High School in 1999 brought many changes to police tactics. Identify one of the changes from the options below.
  11. The process by which a person threatening suicide is committed against their will for a psychiatric evaluation is known as ________.
  12. According to Durkheim, too much social integration is correlated with which type of suicide?
  13. The process of continuous analysis based on all information available at an active shooter event is called ________ analysis.
  14. Once the doorway is fully breached, which of the following tactics of the tactical team would clearly refer to “slicing the pie”?
  15. Which incident in 1997 redefined police tactics for containing and de-escalating high-risk confrontations?
  16. Discuss the various types of suicide as proposed by Durkheim.
  17. The abuser who typically has not been abused as a child, and who limits his or her aggression to conflict within the home, fits the ________ typology.
  18. About what percentage of Americans end their life by suicide?
  19. Striking a suspect in the head with a police baton would be considered ________.
  20. Which of the following statements is NOT critical of Durkheim’s theory?
  21. According to Emile Durkheim’s theory, suicide is the result of an imbalance between two forces: social integration and ________.
  22. Domestic violence ________ the children who are forced to witness and experience it.
  23. Discuss the force continuum, including the events required for each level to be employed.
  24. Which abuser type lives in fear of losing their spouse?
  25. When a tactical team breaks through an opening in a building and then maintains their position without entering, this tactical option is known as ________.
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