CJUS 620 Quiz 3

CJUS 620 Quiz 3 Liberty University

CJUS 620 Quiz: Police and Forensic Psychology, Cont.

  1. Tjaden and Thoennes (2000) found what about gay and lesbian domestic violence?
  2. Rape trauma syndrome may include all of the following symptoms EXCEPT:
  3. Which of the following would be considered a negative visual hallucination?
  4. One of the best methods for getting a highly emotional person to de-escalate is what?
  5. Each of the following is an indication that the person in crisis is about to become violent toward themselves or others EXCEPT:
  6. Which team, during the event of an active shooter, is responsible for cutting off escape routes and preventing innocent people from entering the shooter’s eld of fire?
  7. The manner in which the hostage-taker desires to end the crisis peacefully is called the what?
  8. Any occurrence that has the capacity to set off panic-driven behavior once a crowd has gathered is called a what?
  9. All the following are true about hostage-taker demands EXCEPT:
  10. Which team, during the event of an active shooter, is responsible for rescuing the wounded?
  11. Discuss the differences between the narcissistic abuser and the avoidant abuser in terms of their demeanor toward their victims.


  1. Which of the following would be considered a negative visual hallucination?
  2. Each of the following is an effective de-escalation technique EXCEPT:
  3. The “Memphis Model” refers to what area of police intervention?
  4. Battered spouse syndrome typically includes all the following symptoms EXCEPT:
  5. Which of the following is characterized by a pervasive pattern of grandiosity, a need for admiration, and a lack of empathy?
  6. Which motivating factor that leads to mass panic is caused by a fear-eliciting event that intensifies when those affected perceive a lack of control by the police?
  7. When hostages are impacted by this dynamic, they begin to experience positive and supportive feelings toward their captors:
  8. The L.A. Riots of 1992 was which type of mass panic?
  9. The manner in which the hostage-taker desires to end the crisis peacefully is called the what?
  10. Current methods used by law enforcement to respond to an active shooter were developed by which department?
  11. Discuss the differences between the narcissistic abuser and the avoidant abuser in terms of their demeanor toward their victims.
  12. Discuss the roles of the “Schelling incident” and “deindividuation” in the development of a mass panic.

Other sets

  1. The “Memphis Model” refers to what area of police intervention?
  2. Which of the following delusion types is a belief that the world is ending?
  3. During which phase in the Cycle of Violence will the victim attempt to calm the abuser by being supportive and loving?
  4. Which of the following discouraged a duel arrest where there was evidence of physical altercation by both parties in a domestic violence case?
  5. With of the following describes the appropriate response to a case of sexual assault?
  6. Which hostage-taker suffers from the delusional belief that they are in some type of danger?
  7. The manner in which the hostage-taker desires to end the crisis peacefully is called the what?
  8. Which team, during the event of an active shooter, is responsible for rescuing the wounded?
  9. All the following are true about hostage-taker demands EXCEPT:
  10. Which team, during the event of an active shooter, is responsible for cutting off escape routes and preventing innocent people from entering the shooter’s field of fire?
  11. Discuss the differences between a “victim-centered” response and an “offender-centered” response to a case of sexual assault.
  12. Discuss the roles of the “Schelling incident” and “deindividuation” in the development of a mass panic.
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