CHPL 500 Quiz 1: Chaplain Historical Roots
- I did the required reading
- I watched the required videos
- Who was responsible for the Just War Theory, allowing Christians to serve ethically in the military?
- According to Mathisen, approximately when was the title “Chaplain” first attested?
- Who influenced Constantine to convert to Christianity?
- What is the date for the end of the First Crusade, in which chaplains served?
- What did Margrave Theoderic, the chaplain, do prior to battle against the Slavs in 982?
- The cappa of St. Martin illustrates the ideal to give to others when they are in need, an ideal shared by chaplains.
- According to Bergen, military chaplaincy has existed in recognizable form for more than ___ years.
- In which biblical battle did priests serve as chaplains by marching around the wall, bearing the presence of God?
- In 312 AD Roman Empire Constantine had a religious experience in battle that led him to Christianize the Empire and Army, and paved the way for Christian chaplains in future centuries.
- What major event occurred in 312AD, an event which ultimately led to the start of Christian chaplaincy?
- Pope Gregory IX authorized chaplains to
- According to Matisen, in the Roman Empire prior to 312AD, the Chief Priest was supremely responsible for
- According to Mathisen, clergy (pre-chaplain) of which pagan god best met the personal needs of soldiers during the Roman imperial period?
- Christians chaplains were first able to serve in the Roman Army due to what significant event?
- The first settlers in America brought chaplains with them to the Colonies
- Who was the patron saint of the Franks that cut his cappa to cover a homeless man?
- In August of 1138 during the famous Battle of the Standard, what did the bishops do?
- Based on the video, who was a precursor to the military chaplaincy, taking 300 men against a much greater number?
- The first major assault of the Fourth Crusade on July 5, 1203 in which chaplains served, was against who?
- Hugh Peter, one of the most active recruiters for the Irish Expedition was a(n) __________ in the 17th century.
- In the early Middle Ages, chaplains assisted social groups express their identity in which object?
- According to Dr. Keith in The Early Foundations of Chaplaincy 27BC-1600AD, Augustine argued that, theologically, Christians can serve in the military.
- According to Dr. Keith in The Early Foundations of Chaplaincy 27BC-1600AD, who found victory for the Lord amidst great odds, exemplifying the actions of a chaplain by carrying the sword of the Lord into battle?