CEFS 601 Quiz: Family Systems and Structures; Gender, Culture, Ethnicity
- Behavior is best understood by examining its interactional context, according to:
- One goal of gender-sensitive family therapy is to:
- Today, working wives:
- Men’s studies draw attention to the socialization of men toward:
- Which group of family therapists is most apt to study family transitions?
- Closed systems tend to become disorganized and go into disorder. This is known as:
- A common impact of migration on families is/are:
- For most families, engagement with larger systems are
- The way a family organizes and maintains itself at any given time refers to its
- Which of the following is NOT an example of a sudden, disruptive and discontinuous life cycle change event in a family’s history?
- The leading advocates today of a multidimensional, multicultural view of the life cycle concept are:
- Hardy & Laszloffy have proposed a ____________ to help people trace their heritage
- The view that there are multiple versions of reality, or narratives, within a family comes from the:
- Most divorced persons:
- Reciprocal determinism refers to
- Which of the following is an example of a sudden, disruptive, and discontinuous life change?
- A general cultural sensitivity to families characterizes (best answer):
- Coontz views marriage as a
- Family stage markers are events in a family’s life that:
- Combrinck-Graham suggests that three generational family development frequently alternates between:
- When family therapists refer to first-order cybernetics, they are attending to:
- By marital quid pro quo, Jackson was referring to:
- Developmental tasks:
- The theory of social ecology, including four levels of influence, was proposed by
- Systems theory:
- In working with immigrant families, family therapists need to remain aware of:
- An idiosyncratic family pattern refers to:
- Family therapist Virginia Satir helped families
- “Objectivity per se does not exist; each member has his or her legitimate viewpoint regarding family reality.” This statement is likely to be made by an adherent of:
- Advocates of a new epistemology, such as Dell, view the therapist’s role as helping the family:
- An example of a vertical stressor is:
- A family member’s longest set of relationships are likely to be:
- Lesbian parents:
- The erosion of family structure among economically impoverished families often leads to:
- Families coping with an adolescent frequently must deal with:
- Cybernetics refers to a system’s method of:
- The _________ of subsystem boundaries is more important for effective familiy function than the composition of the family subsystems.
- Systems oriented clinicians are most interested in:
- In a joint legal custody arrangement, both parents:
- “A disturbed mother produces disturbed children.” This statement is offered by the authors as an example of:
- The major transition to be achieved before launching children involves:
- Minuchin, a structuralist, views symptomatic behavior in a family member as rooted in:
- If content is the language of linear causality, then _________________ is the language of circular causality:
- Classical theories (psychoanalysis) that focus on the individual probably emphasize:
- The family therapist who joins a family and engages in a dialogue rather than observing from outside is probably an advocate of:
- Each family system:
- As children grow up and leave home, the family’s developmental task involves:
- A family’s metarules refers to
- Life-cycle concepts should be seen within the context of issues such as:
- Feminists are critical of the cybernetic concept of circular causality in male-female relationships because of the implication of: