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TRMA 830 Trauma Case Study

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TRMA 830 Trauma Case Study Liberty *(3 Parts) Case study 1, 2, 3 are included The student will review three trauma case studies and develop a conceptualization paper, diagnosis, and short treatment plan on a civilian adult (part 1), military adult (part 2), and a child (part 3). While the case studies are not traditional…

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TRMA 830 Quiz 4

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TRMA 830 Quiz 4 Liberty University TRMA 830 Quiz 4 Diagnosis and Assessment A compelling line of research suggests that the two major arms of the stress response system are disrupted among individuals with PTSD; namely the ____________________ and the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical (HPA) axis. Another way in which PTSD might affect physical health outcomes is via…

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TRMA 830 Quiz 3

Price: $3.99

TRMA 830 Quiz 3 Liberty University TRMA 830 Quiz Assessing Trauma _______________ is the only technique that provides “proof positive” that the clinician has truly entered the trauma survivor’s world of perception. The technique of ____________ supports the client’s feelings and questioning, and provides and open door for a client to discuss and evaluate their…

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TRMA 830 Quiz 2

Price: $3.99

TRMA 830 Quiz 2 Liberty University TRMA 830 Quiz 2 Differing Aspects of Trauma A common method of avoiding extreme pain in traumatic circumstances is that of _______________________. When one has experienced a trauma that is violent, unspeakable, or horrific, it is natural to seek protection both from the ___________ of the current event and…

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TRMA 830 Quiz 1

Price: $3.99

TRMA 830 Quiz 1 Liberty University TRMA 830 Quiz Trauma Covers the Textbook material from Modules 1-2: Weeks 1-2. The ___________________ cluster of PTSD diagnostic symptoms reflects the manner in which traumatic memory functions. Trauma’s impact on the individual is ____________, which means that the effects on one part of the whole generate reciprocal effects…
