Continue reading THEO 104 Quiz 8

THEO 104 Quiz 8

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THEO 104 Quiz 8 Liberty University THEO 104 Quiz 8 Introduction to the Study of End Times The Christian’s ultimate hope is not in life after death, but in life after life after death. The Bible proposes a place commonly referred to as the “intermediate state.” The Christian has a two-step process after death. At…

Continue reading THEO 104 Quiz 7

THEO 104 Quiz 7

Price: $2.99

THEO 104 Quiz 7 Liberty University THEO 104 Quiz Introduction to the Study of the Church Who launched the protestant reformation in Germany? Johnathan Edwards and George Whitefield were key figures in the Second Great Awakening. Who was the leader of the Swiss church? Who challenged the teachings of John Calvin during the Modern Church…

Continue reading THEO 104 Quiz 6

THEO 104 Quiz 6

Price: $3.99

THEO 104 Quiz 6 Liberty University THEO 104 Quiz Introduction to the Study of Salvation Because of the sin of mankind, the human race is inherently in opposition to God. What makes grace so hard to grasp is not that it does not make sense intellectually, but that it does not make sense emotionally. In…

Continue reading THEO 104 Quiz 5

THEO 104 Quiz 5

Price: $2.99

THEO 104 Quiz 5 Liberty University THEO 104 Quiz 5 Introduction to the Study of Humanity and Sin The Christian idea of vocation (or calling) is born out of the conceptualization of humanity placed within the world. For example, in Genesis 2:15, Adam was given the responsibility of working in and watching over the sacred…

Continue reading THEO 104 Quiz 4

THEO 104 Quiz 4

Price: $2.99

THEO 104 Quiz 4 Liberty University THEO 104 Quiz 4: Introduction to the Study of the Holy Spirit The Athanasian Creed states that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit have the same qualities and they are The __________ Creed signifies the belief in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. What passage of Scripture…

Continue reading THEO 104 Quiz 3

THEO 104 Quiz 3

Price: $2.99

THEO 104 Quiz 3 Liberty University THEO 104 Quiz 3 Introduction to the Study of Jesus We know that Jesus is God because… Jesus’ miracles point to him being God. In the Old Testament, atoning sacrifices were permanent coverings of sin. Not all of the disciples believed that Jesus was God. Which apostle presents the…

Continue reading THEO 104 Quiz 2

THEO 104 Quiz 2

Price: $2.99

THEO 104 Quiz 2 Liberty University THEO 104 Quiz 2 Introduction to the Study of God The names and titles given to God in Scripture reveal what he is like. A person can know God better by studying the attributes ascribed to Him throughout Scripture. Holiness, justice, love, goodness, truth, and mercy are all examples…

Continue reading THEO 104 Quiz 1

THEO 104 Quiz 1

Price: $2.99

THEO 104 Quiz 1 THEO 104 Quiz Introduction to the Study of Theology and the Bible Set 1 The purpose of studying theology is not just to know more about God, but to learn to love God and love others in the process. Which of the following is not one of the four types of…
