Continue reading OBST 520 Jonah Paper

OBST 520 Jonah Paper

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OBST 520 Interpretive Commentary Jonah Liberty University The student will write a 2500 minimum word interpretive commentary on the Old Testament (OT) book of Jonah, in current Turabian format, that will include the following major components: 1) an introduction to the historical setting (approximately 200 – 300 words); 2) an exegetical outline of the book…

Continue reading OBST 520 Exam 4

OBST 520 Exam 4

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OBST 520 Exam 4 Liberty University Nahum prophesied against Israel over a period of 15 years. Nahum assumed the role of a spy as he waited for the judgment of Assyria. Nahum mocked Nineveh by telling them to multiply like rabbits. Habakkuk lamented that the wickedness of Judah was continuing unpunished. Habakkuk was perplexed that…

Continue reading OBST 520 Exam 3

OBST 520 Exam 3

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OBST 520 Exam 3 Liberty University Hosea prophesied in what century? Which children were certainly fathered by Hosea? Bethel was renamed Beth-aven which means: In the day of the Lord, judgment was for: Hosea prophesied judgment on which of the following nations: In prophetic literature, the sins of Israel included which of the following: The…

Continue reading OBST 520 Exam 2

OBST 520 Exam 2

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OBST 520 Exam 2 Liberty University When Isaiah had used the interjection of “ah” he was suggesting an image of: The faithful city of Zion was filled with: What nations were compared to flies and bees? Which of the following nations were prophesied against in Isaiah? Isaiah condemned Judah’s primary reliance on which nation? What…

Continue reading OBST 520 Exam 1

OBST 520 Exam 1

Price: $3.99

OBST 520 Exam 1 Liberty University The theological foundation on which the Psalms are built is that the Lord God of Israel is the universal sovereign who rules justly over the earth. Imprecatory Psalms were a simple expression of angry people towards their enemies. Psalms of trust are expressions of faith in the historical works…
