Continue reading LIFC 502 4MAT Review

LIFC 502 4MAT Review

Price: $2.99

The student is expected to complete a 4-MAT Review paper during the course of their study. The 4-MAT review system is a way of responding to reading material that requires the learner to interact with new ideas on several levels: summarizing the material, making a personal connection, reflecting on the new information presented, and applying…

Continue reading LIFC 502 Movie Review

LIFC 502 Movie Review

Price: $2.99

The student is expected to complete a movie review. This review requires the student to interact with the content of the movie in a way that allows for a better understanding of the life coaching process. The student will watch a film of their choice with a strong life coaching theme and then complete a…

Continue reading LIFC 502 Exam 3

LIFC 502 Exam 3

Price: $2.99

LIFC 502 Exam 3 Liberty University Human beings are creatures of habit that put themselves in trances all day long: Needs that are denied gain power underground: Standards are all of the following EXCEPT: A danger in a coach-client relationship is that some kind of parent-child relationship develops when challenging: Appreciative inquiry is a three-step…

Continue reading LIFC 502 Exam 2

LIFC 502 Exam 2

Price: $2.99

LIFC 502 Exam 2 Liberty University A danger for many coaches is that they lose their objectivity: Which one is not considered is a reinforcer: “Stepping into the future” is when a coach asks a client to step into their desired future and describe in detail what they see, how they feel, how their environmentappears, etc. How…

Continue reading LIFC 502 Exam 1

LIFC 502 Exam 1

Price: $2.99

LIFC 502 Exam 1 Liberty University Coaches ask for a binding commitment: When coaching conversations become stale: A first session should be: In Wilbur’s 4 Quadrants of Change, if a client is lethargic this can be addressed in: Good questions to ask when looking for a coaching supervisor would include any of the following EXCEPT:…
