Continue reading LIFC 302 Research Paper

LIFC 302 Research Paper

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LIFC 302 Research Paper Topic: Premarital Education For this paper, the student will choose a subject from the list provided and write a 5-6-page paper (not including the title page, abstract, or reference page) addressing the issue or question. This assignment must strictly adhere to current APA format. This assignment will enable the student to…

Continue reading LIFC 302 Quiz 4

LIFC 302 Quiz 4

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LIFC 302 Quiz 4 Liberty University Confiding your own stories of struggle is a sure-fire way to hinder the healing and growth of another person. Why do the authors say helping others in their marriages is enjoyable? What ultimately held Richard and Sharon together through counseling? Even healthy couples can be negatively effected by the…

Continue reading LIFC 302 Quiz 3

LIFC 302 Quiz 3

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LIFC 302 Quiz 3: Communication Skills and Family Relationships All of the following are examples of how Jesus used questions except: Other couples are not a helpful resource for marriage mentors. What is considered a key intuition indicator? People are usually oriented toward thoughts or feelings, instead of maintaining an equal balance of both. Marriage…

Continue reading LIFC 302 Quiz 2

LIFC 302 Quiz 2

Price: $3.99

LIFC 302 Quiz 2: Coaching Connection and Relationship Development The idea of a __________ is presented to couples to help them identify what they want different in their marriage and what they would like to work towards in mentoring. Which of the following is a task involved in building rapport? According to the authors, all…

Continue reading LIFC 302 Quiz 1

LIFC 302 Quiz 1

Price: $3.99

LIFC 302 Quiz 1: Marriage Coaching and Mentoring Liberty “Subtle selfishness is guaranteed to leave every married couple feeling more like roommates than soulmates.” How did marriage coaching affect Bob and Patrice’s relationship in the example from the book? For readers who are facing a crisis point in their marriage, what does the author provide?…
