Continue reading JURI 610 Discussion

JURI 610 Discussion

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JURI 610 Discussion Boards *Includes 3 discussions Discussions are collaborative learning experiences. Therefore, the student is required to post a thread in response to the provided prompt for each Discussion. Each thread must be 400–500 words, demonstrate course-related knowledge, and be supported by 3 sources in current Bluebook format. In addition to the thread, the…

Continue reading JURI 610 Quiz Positivism

JURI 610 Quiz Positivism

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JURI 610 Quiz: Positivism, Natural Law, and Modern Legal Theories In chapter 19, Professor Bix states that the argument in feminist legal theory, critical race theory, and critical legal studies is that the law is unjust. Explain the basis for his position. From Finnis’ perspective, identify and briefly explain what the two differences are between…

Continue reading JURI 610 Quiz Justice

JURI 610 Quiz Justice

Price: $3.99

JURI 610 Quiz: Justice, Rights, Contracts, and Constitutional Law The chief normative significance of the Western history of justice, as discussed by Professor Berman, is which of the following: Which of the following best exemplifies what “natural law” theory refers to? Professor Berman stated that throughout the nineteenth and into the early twentieth century American…

Continue reading JURI 610 Research Paper

JURI 610 Research Paper

Price: $3.99

JURI 610 Research Paper Liberty University 3 Research Papers included Paper 1: Legal Positivism and Natural Law Legal Theories Paper 2: Justice and Rights Paper 3: Integrative Jurisprudence The student will write three 2,800–3,000-word research-based papers in current Bluebook format that focus on the following topics: natural law and positive law, modern perspectives on legal…

Continue reading JURI 610 Quiz 3

JURI 610 Quiz 3

Price: $3.99

JURI 610 Quiz 3 Liberty University JURI 610 Quiz: Positivism, Natural Law, and Modern Legal Theories JURI 610 Quiz: Justice, Rights, Contracts, and Constitutional Law JURI 610 Quiz: Justice, Rights, Contracts, and Constitutional Law JURI 610 Quiz: Christian Foundations of Law Explain the difference between the pre-Enlightenment and Enlightenment concept of law as discussed by…

Continue reading JURI 610 Quiz 2

JURI 610 Quiz 2

Price: $3.99

JURI 610 Quiz 2 Liberty University JURI 610 Quiz: Positivism, Natural Law, and Modern Legal Theories JURI 610 Quiz: Justice, Rights, Contracts, and Constitutional Law JURI 610 Quiz: Justice, Rights, Contracts, and Constitutional Law JURI 610 Quiz: Christian Foundations of Law Identify the five themes of postmodernism in law. Identify two of the main characteristics…

Continue reading JURI 610 Quiz 1

JURI 610 Quiz 1

Price: $3.99

JURI 610 Quiz 1 Liberty University JURI 610 Quiz: Positivism, Natural Law, and Modern Legal Theories JURI 610 Quiz: Justice, Rights, Contracts, and Constitutional Law JURI 610 Quiz: Justice, Rights, Contracts, and Constitutional Law JURI 610 Quiz: Christian Foundations of Law Professor Bix asserts that as practices in a society change any labels that had…
