Continue reading JURI 510 Talmudic Legal Essay

JURI 510 Talmudic Legal Essay

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JURI 510 Research Essay: Talmudic Legal Tradition Assignment For this assignment, we analyze the second major legal tradition that developed, the Talmudic legal tradition. The Talmud is the major source of this tradition and has been maintained for thousands of years. Often referred to as the Jewish legal tradition, this tradition has influenced countless other…

Continue reading JURI 510 Discussion Qatars Duality

JURI 510 Discussion Qatars Duality

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JURI 510 Discussion Thread: Qatar’s Duality – Islamic and Common Law Traditions Discussions are a collaborative learning experience. Therefore, the student is required to create a thread in response to the provided prompt for each discussion. The thread must be between 400–600 words, demonstrate course-related knowledge, integrate biblical principles, and include at least 1 scholarly…

Continue reading JURI 510 Discussion Hindu and Confucian

JURI 510 Discussion Hindu and Confucian

Price: $1.99

JURI 510 Discussion Thread: Hindu and Confucian Legal Traditions Discussions are a collaborative learning experience. Therefore, the student is required to create a thread in response to the provided prompt for each discussion. The thread must be between 400–600 words, demonstrate course-related knowledge, integrate biblical principles, and include at least 1 scholarly source in addition…

Continue reading JURI 510 Discussion Chthonic Legal Tradition

JURI 510 Discussion Chthonic Legal Tradition

Price: $1.99

JURI 510 Discussion Thread: The Chthonic Legal Tradition Discussions are a collaborative learning experience. Therefore, the student is required to create a thread in response to the provided prompt for each discussion. The thread must be between 400–600 words, demonstrate course-related knowledge, integrate biblical principles, and include at least 1 scholarly source in addition to/other…

Continue reading JURI 510 Discussion Civil Legal Tradition

JURI 510 Discussion Civil Legal Tradition

Price: $1.99

JURI 510 Discussion Thread: Civil Legal Tradition and Protecting Identities Discussions are a collaborative learning experience. Therefore, the student is required to create a thread in response to the provided prompt for each discussion. The thread must be between 400–600 words, demonstrate course-related knowledge, integrate biblical principles, and include at least 1 scholarly source in…

Continue reading JURI 510 Quiz Chthonic Law

JURI 510 Quiz Chthonic Law

Price: $3.99

JURI 510 Quiz 1 Chthonic Law and Legal Citation The most evident feature of a chthonic legal tradition is its: Tradition is a network because: The Chthonic tradition incorporates all of the following, except: In order to recognize another tradition, there are threshold requirements of knowledge and understanding. A tradition that is oral in character…

Continue reading JURI 510 Quiz Talmudic

JURI 510 Quiz Talmudic

Price: $3.99

JUR 510 Quiz 2 Talmudic and Civil Law Some economists, relying on survey information, claim that the civil law is inefficient compare to what type of law? Talmudic law is rooted in: The Talmudic tradition is defined by its sources, which are both divine and written and in no way dependent on what is called…

Continue reading JURI 510 Essay Civil

JURI 510 Essay Civil

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JURI 510 Civil and Islamic Legal Tradition Essay The student will write 5–6 page research essays in current Bluebook format that focuses on legal systems. Each research essay assignment must include at least 5 additional scholarly sources in addition to the course textbook and the Bible.

Continue reading JURI 510 Research Essays

JURI 510 Research Essays

Price: $4.99

*Includes 4 essays The student will write 5–6 page research essays in current Bluebook format that focuses on legal systems. Each research essay assignment must include at least 5 additional scholarly sources in addition to the course textbook and the Bible. Research essay assignments should be submitted in Word or PDF document format.

Continue reading JURI 510 Quiz 4

JURI 510 Quiz 4

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JURI 510 Quiz 4 Liberty University Set 1 There are three great Dharmasastras, which one of the following is not: Vedic law lived in close association with many traditions, especially chthonic traditions, never purporting to abrogate them, and the importance of local tradition is an ongoing theme in Hindu thought. In China, there is a…

Continue reading JURI 510 Quiz 3

JURI 510 Quiz 3

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JURI 510 Quiz 3 Liberty University Set 1 These two oldest schools of Islamic legal thought, which appear to have been taught prior to the canonization of the Sunna, remain attached to a wider range of techniques of legal reasoning. There are several sources of Shari’a. Which one of the following is not a source?…

Continue reading JURI 510 Quiz 2

JURI 510 Quiz 2

Price: $3.99

JURI 510 Quiz 2 Liberty University Set 1 The Torah is the most important single element in the bran-tub of Jewish legal tradition. Talmudic law is rooted in: In the absence of institutional barriers, civil law can go essentially where it wants to go, so the texts multiply. Resulting in not only civil codes, but…

Continue reading JURI 510 Quiz 1

JURI 510 Quiz 1

Price: $3.99

JURI 510 Quiz 1 Liberty University Set 1 The toleration of the pluralist ideal is an easy task. If tradition is information, then the tradition which attracts the most adherence will be the one whose information is the most persuasive. The most evident feature of a chthonic legal tradition is its: Tradition is a network…
