Continue reading INFO 305 Quiz 5

INFO 305 Quiz 5

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INFO 305 Quiz 5 Liberty University Which redundant EHR application is critical to avoid disrupting nurses’ care of patients during downtime? A large medical center that specializes in high-risk pregnancies is implementing an entire suite of clinical applications such as CPOE, barcode medication administration (BCMA), nursing documentation, data acquisition system to collect clinical data from…

Continue reading INFO 305 Quiz 4

INFO 305 Quiz 4

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INFO 305 Quiz 4 Liberty University Which two hurdles does the STAR Model address in employing evidence-based practice? Which of the following would be regulated by the FDA? Which definition most accurately describes privacy? Which statement is not part of the Ten Commandments of CDS? A healthcare provider forgets to update a patient’s medications. Which…

Continue reading INFO 305 Quiz 3

INFO 305 Quiz 3

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INFO 305 Quiz 3 Liberty University You are asked to perform a heuristic evaluation of the new orders management module of your inpatient system. You discover that the flow of the orders is different than the way providers are taught in school. This is an example of: You want to make sure you consider crucial…

Continue reading INFO 305 Quiz 2

INFO 305 Quiz 2

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INFO 305 Quiz 2 Liberty University For healthcare infrastructures with many communicating systems, an interface engine is helpful because: Which is a significant challenge to technical infrastructures in healthcare environments? Which statement describes a repository with central storage of a longitudinal record? In a social network analysis, each node is usually a(n): Which two hurdles…

Continue reading INFO 305 Quiz 1

INFO 305 Quiz 1

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INFO 305 Quiz 1 Liberty University What is the primary difference between an open and closed system? Knowing when and how to use knowledge is referred to as: Health informatics is both a ___________ as well as a(n) ____________. The chapter makes the argument for increased automation for such things as managing supplies, because studies…
