Continue reading HOMI 500 Quiz: Finishing

HOMI 500 Quiz: Finishing

Price: $3.99

Quiz: Finishing the Sermon Abstract ideas are easily understood by most people according to McDill? McDill argues that more visuals in the sermon the better given the culture of the USA. The best way to appeal to the imagination is through the use of visual media in a sermon. Most preaching is in the indicative…

Continue reading HOMI 500 Quiz: Foundations

HOMI 500 Quiz: Foundations

Price: $3.99

Quiz: Foundations for Writing the Sermon The goal of using the structural diagram and immediate observations is to gain as much information about the Text as you can? A predicate is a grammatical term that expresses the being or action of the subject. The skill that McDill wants to develop by using the structural diagram…

Continue reading HOMI 500 Midterm

HOMI 500 Midterm

Price: $4.99

HOMI 500 Midterm Liberty University Set 1 According to McDill, the Bible is essentially theological. When Analyzing the Text, the first step should be to start researching in the commentaries. The skill that McDill wants to develop by using the structural diagram is this:                recognizing and noting the relationship and function of various ideas in the text.…

Continue reading HOMI 500 Final Exam

HOMI 500 Final Exam

Price: $3.99

HOMI 500 Final Exam Liberty University Set 1 You will appeal to the intellect of your hearer with illustration. The most effective delivery style for this generation can be called conversational. The sermon by definition is an aural presentation. Preaching in the indicative mood is preaching the reality of the living God and it fosters…
