Continue reading HLSC 510 Research Paper 2

HLSC 510 Research Paper 2

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HLSC 510 Research Paper 2 Liberty The student will complete a Research Paper which will provide an in-depth and detailed chronological history of terrorism as it pertains to the United States be it domestic or international be the activity on U.S. soil or abroad. The timeline will start with the founding of the country. You…

Continue reading HLSC 510 Research Paper 1

HLSC 510 Research Paper 1

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HLSC 510 Research Paper 1 Liberty The student will complete a Research Paper which will provide an in-depth and detailed chronological history of homeland security before it was considered homeland security. In other words, describe what used to be in place for homeland security from the founding of the country up to when it became…

Continue reading HLSC 510 Discussion 8

HLSC 510 Discussion 8

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HLSC 510 Discussion 8 Liberty University Topic: Do We Expect Too Much in Disaster Management/Homeland Security and Course Reflection Time? Based on your readings from the text and your own research, do you think the average citizen expects too much from the various levels of government when it comes to disaster management or terrorism related…

Continue reading HLSC 510 Discussion 6

HLSC 510 Discussion 6

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HLSC 510 Discussion 6 Liberty University Topic: The Science Informing the Policy and Politics of Disasters After having read the text and any additional research you choose, assess the role science plays or should play regarding informing (developing) policy and politics of disasters or terrorism-related matters. Be sure to include how science applies/relates during each…

Continue reading HLSC 510 Discussion 5

HLSC 510 Discussion 5

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HLSC 510 Discussion 5 Liberty University Topic: Dealing with Terrorism After having read the text and any additional research you choose, provide at least 1 detailed example for each phase of emergency management as it would apply to dealing with terrorism. Include the 4 original phases (mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery), and prevention. You may…

Continue reading HLSC 510 Discussion 4

HLSC 510 Discussion 4

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HLSC 510 Discussion 4 Liberty University Topic: All Hazards vs. Terrorism? After having read the text and any additional research you choose, explain what all hazards means. Assess how all hazards and terrorism relate or do not relate when viewed from an overall homeland security/emergency management perspective. Should 1 take precedence over the other when…

Continue reading HLSC 510 Discussion 3

HLSC 510 Discussion 3

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HLSC 510 Discussion 3 Liberty University Topic: After Action Analysis and Best Practices Involving Interagency Operations After having read the text and any additional research you choose, provide an example of either a significant event or incident of whatever nature you choose where the operation was handled in an excellent or poor manner. The event…

Continue reading HLSC 510 Discussion 2

HLSC 510 Discussion 2

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HLSC 510 Discussion 2 Liberty University Topic: Normative Political Theories and Disaster Management Regarding normative political theories (models) and disaster management, after having read the text andany additional research you choose, explain the political contributions of Jefferson, Hamilton, and Jackson. How do these theories apply or relate to disaster management? Which model do you most…

Continue reading HLSC 510 Discussion 1

HLSC 510 Discussion 1

Price: $2.99

HLSC 510 Discussion 1 Liberty University Which phase of emergency management do you find most important and why: mitigation, preparedness, response, or recovery? Where should the emergency manager and his or her staff be housed within local government and why there? It is often found in various places such as a stand-alone agency, part of…
