Continue reading GOVT 215 Quiz Categorical

GOVT 215 Quiz Categorical

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GOVT 215 Quiz: Categorical and Disjunctive Syllogisms Choose the best answer to fill in the blank. The pattern of argument that commits the _____________ is one that argues what something is from a premise about what something is not. Choose the best answer to fill in the blank. If the minor term is distributed in…

Continue reading GOVT 215 Quiz Hypothetical

GOVT 215 Quiz Hypothetical

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GOVT 215 Quiz Hypothetical and Categorical Syllogisms Module 3: Week 3. The middle term of a categorical syllogism is the term that appears in both the major and minor premise. A hypothetical syllogism is valid where the categorical premise affirms the truth of the antecedent term of the hypothetical premise and the conclusion denies the…

Continue reading GOVT 215 Quiz Introduction

GOVT 215 Quiz Introduction

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GOVT 215 Quiz: Introduction to Fallacies Module 2: Week 2 Choose the best answer to fill in the blanks. ______________ ________________: reasoning from particular instances to general principles. Choose the best answer to fill in the blanks. _____________ ________________ is the process of reasoning from a general statement to a particular one. Many lawyers are…

Continue reading GOVT 215 Discussion 2

GOVT 215 Discussion 2

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GOVT 215 Discussion 2 Liberty University Address how and in what ways students of logic and legal reasoning should glorify God with their minds. For your replies, give a scriptural example of someone who did not use his/her mind to bring glory to God. In each reply, explain how the example you selected relates to…

Continue reading GOVT 215 Discussion 1

GOVT 215 Discussion 1

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GOVT 215 Discussion 1 Liberty University In what ways do you expect logic and legal reasoning to equip you in your future studies as a law student or legal professional? Include personal and historical examples in addition to examples from the textbook. For your replies, provide constructive thoughts and move the conversation forward. In each…
