Continue reading COUC 521 Quiz 8

COUC 521 Quiz 8

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COUC 521 Quiz 8 Liberty University Assessment administrators should be conscious of issues of confidentiality and security of individuals’ health information including assessment information as supported by: All of the following are included in the American Counseling Association’s ethical emphasis on assessment EXCEPT: The American Counseling Association’s Code of Ethics (2014) serves to: Lack of…

Continue reading COUC 521 Quiz 7

COUC 521 Quiz 7

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COUC 521 Quiz 7 Liberty University An enduring, generally stable personality characteristic that influences behavior is a: The following are generally true of selected response objective personality inventories EXCEPT: One of the major differences between the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2) and the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI-III) is that the MMPI-2 focuses mainly on…

Continue reading COUC 521 Quiz 6

COUC 521 Quiz 6

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COUC 521 Quiz 6 Liberty University Colleges and universities often use these tests to determine advance placement, credits and admission: All of the following are universal features of standardized tests EXCEPT: This individual achievement test is developed to measure achievement in individuals as young as two (2) years old: The Wide Range Achievement Test, Fourth…

Continue reading COUC 521 Quiz 5

COUC 521 Quiz 5

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COUC 521 Quiz 5 Liberty University Which of the following is not one of the five indexes on the WPPSI-IV? Spearman defined intelligence as comprised of According to Piaget’s theory, a 10-year-old child would be in the _____________ stage of cognitive development. According to Stern, a child with a mental age of 10 and a…

Continue reading COUC 521 Quiz 4

COUC 521 Quiz 4

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COUC 521 Quiz 4 Liberty University Orientation sessions given to individuals prior to testing provide information about: The best way for a counselor to familiarize himself/herself with a test is to: ______________ instruments may be used by practitioners who have a graduate degree in psychology, counseling, education, or related disciplines; or have completed specialized training…

Continue reading COUC 521 Quiz 3

COUC 521 Quiz 3

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COUC 521 Quiz 3 Liberty University Jose has developed a test that has poor reliability; he can seek to increase reliability by: A researcher wants to measure content-sampling error with a Likert scale test. Which of the following methods would be best? The test manual reports a reliability coefficient (r) of .92, which means: When…

Continue reading COUC 521 Quiz 2

COUC 521 Quiz 2

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COUC 521 Quiz 2 Liberty University COUC 521 Quiz 2 Statistical Concepts Sign In Covers the Textbook material from Module 2: Week 2. A researcher is looking for a specific study report, in which he/she knows the kurtosis value. He reads the following kurtosis values in various reports. Which one supports a mesokurtic distribution? The…

Continue reading COUC 521 Quiz 1

COUC 521 Quiz 1

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COUC 521 Quiz 1 Liberty University COUC 521 Quiz Assessment in Counseling Covers the Textbook material from Module 1: Week 1. Which of the following is NOT an advantage to using computer administered assessment instruments? Complaints about test use include all EXCEPT: is a quick process, usually involving a single procedure or instrument. Which of…
