Continue reading CHPL 645 Theology of Personal Resilience

CHPL 645 Theology of Personal Resilience

Price: $2.99

CHPL 645 Theology of Personal Resilience Liberty In a typewritten, double-spaced Turabian style paper, following the given format of 5-6 pages, students will detail their “Theology of Personal Resiliency.” This research should include the following sections: The Reality of Tribulation, The Necessity for Resilience, Biblical Foundations for Resilience, Biblical Role Models of Resilient Leaders and…

Continue reading CHPL 645 Resiliency Reflection

CHPL 645 Resiliency Reflection

Price: $2.99

CHPL 645 Resiliency Reflection Liberty In a typewritten, double-spaced Turabian style paper, following the given format of 5-6 pages, students will detail their understanding of resiliency through the hermeneutical lens for 1 Timothy 4:6-11. The paper should include the sections of description and prescription. Description engages the hermeneutical/exegesis of passage; prescription engages the personal implementation/application…

Continue reading CHPL 645 Book Review 3

CHPL 645 Book Review 3

Price: $2.99

CHPL 645 Book Review 3 Liberty University Book: Mel Lawrenz. Spiritual Influence: The Hidden Power Behind Leadership. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan. 2012. 219 pp. Instructions: The student will select three of the textbooks and complete a book review for each. These reviews will be 900 words in length. Current Turabian format must be used. (Outcomes:…

Continue reading CHPL 645 Book Review 2

CHPL 645 Book Review 2

Price: $2.99

CHPL 645 Book Review 2 Liberty University Book: Burns, Bob; Tasha D. Chapman; and Donald C. Guthrie. Resilient Ministry: What Pastors Told Us About Surviving and Thriving. Downers Grove: IVP, 2013. Instructions: The student will select three of the textbooks and complete a book review for each. These reviews will be 900 words in length.…

Continue reading CHPL 645 Book Review 1

CHPL 645 Book Review 1

Price: $2.99

CHPL 645 Book Review 1 Liberty University Book: Fernando, Ajith. Jesus Driven Ministry. Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books, 2002   Instructions: The student will select three of the textbooks and complete a book review for each. These reviews will be 900 words in length. Current Turabian format must be used. (Outcomes: A, B, C, D, E).

Continue reading CHPL 645 Discussion 4

CHPL 645 Discussion 4

Price: $2.99

CHPL 645 Discussion 4 Liberty University Question: Church history provides innumerable accounts of the faithful persevering and rebounding from the most difficult of situations. Share an account of such resiliency and provide an example of how you implemented your theology of resiliency in direct ministry to someone. Instructions: Discussion boards are collaborative learning experiences. There…

Continue reading CHPL 645 Discussion 3

CHPL 645 Discussion 3

Price: $2.99

CHPL 645 Discussion 3 Liberty University Question: The Bible is replete with examples of godly, Christian suffering. Share an account of such biblical suffering and provide an example of how you implemented your theology of suffering in direct ministry with someone who sought out your assistance. Instructions: Discussion boards are collaborative learning experiences. There will…

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CHPL 645 Discussion 2

Price: $2.99

CHPL 645 Discussion 2 Liberty University Question: As practitioners of theology, chaplains must ensure personal wellness for maximum availability and effectiveness. Explain and defend your position as holding a tripartite view of humanity or a bipartite view of humanity. Also, how do you scripturally nourish the “parts” of life? Instructions: Discussion boards are collaborative learning…

Continue reading CHPL 645 Discussion 1

CHPL 645 Discussion 1

Price: $2.99

CHPL 645 Discussion 1 Liberty University Question: The word “ministry” always implies serving others. Ideas such as availability, listening, helping, initiatives and programs come to mind. It is essential that Christians do so in a Gospel-centric manner. Provide an example of a recent personal ministry opportunity, clearly identifying the Gospel-centric elements. Instructions: Discussion boards are…
